2: Teenagers

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Keep looking down on me,
I am more than you'll ever be
Cut me deep but I won't bleed

Frank's POV

"Now where were we?" Phillip asks theatrically. "Oh! Right." He says, preparing his fist. Santiago takes my arms and pins them to my back, bending them to the point I hear a loud crack.
"Did you miss us, Frankie?" He whispers in my ear as Phillip's fist collides with my stomach and takes the breath out of me. I bend forward in pain, but refuse to scream for them. They would like that, wouldn't they?

"Hey Frankie! I asked you a question. Don't you have manners?" He says in a calm voice, frowning. I manage to breathe again just before he asks his pal:
"We could teach him some manners, couldn't we?" He turns to Santiago, who agrees with a huge grin. "You could use some discipline, Frankie"

"Yeah you need discipline" echoes Santiago, followed by a stupid laughter.

Phillip looks at him, annoyed and places his index finger to his lips, making him shut up.

"Let me do the talking, alright?" He states. Then, he turns back to face me and I close my eyes as I can almost feel his knee rising to hit my crotch.

"STOP IT!" I hear a voice call authoritatively from somewhere at my right. It can't be.

I open my eyes.

The knee never hits.

And there he is, standing as tall as he can. Trying hard not to let his gaze drift off from his opponents, although I know they scare the living shit out of him.

There he is. Stupid, reckless, stubborn and brave Gerard. He stands there in the rain, soaking his freshly changed clothes by doing so, and I can't help but admire the way his white locks of hair stick to his forehead.

He's come to save me.

"Well look who this is, Santiago!" He acknowledges Gerard. "It's the fag's boyfriend! Now we can have a party. shall we?" He adds with a disgusting note of enthusiasm, and I can see how much he is enjoying this.

Phillip pushes Gerard against the wall, next to me and I start to feel dizzy. Why did he have to come? I don't want him to see me like this, let alone see him go through it as well. I usually get him to stay away while it happens.

Santiago lets go of my arms and I shake them, trying to get blood to flow through them. As I do this, I feel a sudden, agonizing pain in my shins, where Santiago just kicked me.

I fall to the ground and my vision blurrs a little. My cheek is leaning on the wet concrete as I feel someone stepping on me.
The last I hear are Phillip's insane laughters and Gerard's high-pitched scream. Is that my name he's yelling? I think weakly.

Then the world goes black.


"Fraaank" I hear.

My eyelids feel heavy and I'm tired so I choose to ignore the sound.

"Frank" calls an annoying voice, finally pulling me out of my sleep.

I open my eyes, or at least I think I do because everything's still pitch-black around me.

Where am I?

"Fraaaaaaa-" he starts again, but I cut him off.

"What's the matter Gerard?" I ask in an almost morning voice. I try to stretch and for the first time in a long while I notice my numb limbs. I can't even feel them.
I try to stretch my neck instead, but my head hits a cool, smooth wall. The wall- presumably made of metal- makes a loud pang when hit.

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