6: Vampires will never hurt you

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I'll never let them. I'll never let them.

I'll never let them hurt you, not tonight.

Gerard's POV

I look impatiently at the clock, willing the seconds to tick by faster.

I can't stand the thought of being away from Frankie, since without him I have no other friends. I mean, there's Mikey but he's my brother, so how miserable would I have to be to count him as a friend? I'm not far from that, though.

I sigh as the teacher stares at me and raises her funny-looking eyebrows at me. I ignore her, expecting her to look away. She doesn't.

You stupid, she's talking to you! I realize in surprise. I didn't hear her question, though. I'll have to improvise. I look at the board and see the halfway solved equation.

I stand up and take a deep breath.

"You need to use the general formula and replace the variables, so b becomes positive and then you add or substract the square root of square b minus four times a by c and divide the whole thing by 2a" I quickly say, hoping that I actually answered her question.

She looks pleased with my answer, so she moves on to torture another clueless student. I sit down and go back to staring at the clock, and decide I'm too bored to do nothing at all.

I pull out a random notebook and begin doodling around the borders.

I have a weird style of drawing, my characters always look like they have zombie eyes or something. Nobody understands my art, so I'm done showing it to people. I know I suck at it, but I really enjoy drawing. I love how the pen just kind of drifts along with my thoughts. I love how the paper lets me let it all out.

In my short 18 years of life, I've learnt that paper doesn't judge. Unlike people, paper doesn't tell you how much you suck or that you are pathetic. And more importantly, paper doesn't tell you to kill yourself.

I stare down at the notebook, and a pair of zombie eyes stare back at me, and I realize what I've drawn.

The figure has a chubby, round face and mid-length black hair enmarking its white eyes. The mouth is small and the lips are curved upward slightly.

Frankie, I recognize the character. How funny is it that I've drawn him without noticing? I look at my work again and decide it's definitely Frank when I see the lip ring.

The bell finally rings and I hurriedly grab the notebook and pencil and shove them in my backpack.

I race to the door and am barely able to avoid the human stampede that floods the hallway after me.

I go to our usual between-class spot and wait for Frankie. After five minutes, the hallway is empty and I still see no sign of him.

Where could he be? I wonder, pacing the school. He must've entered the classroom early.

Upon this realization, plus the acceptance of the fact that I'm too late to go to chemistry, I decide to skip the hour and go smoke to the nearby park.

This nearby park, you see, is my private place with Frankie. We never really learnt its name (it was something like Washington or Lincoln park, but I'm not really sure), but we dubbed it the Sushi, don't ask me why.

Anyway, I head to the park, and more specifically to the fountain with the sculpture of a peeing man. I always sit there with Frankie when we're skipping school. It's our pissing man statue, so I'm not that surprised to see him sitting there, a cigarette on his hand.

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