40: ive reached 40 omfg im having an existential crisis rn help

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I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing idk just prepare for a plotless chapter k bye

Frank's POV

I'm frozen.

I feel Gerard's fingers wrap around my hand and squeeze it softly, but I can't bring myself to squeeze it back.

I am left to just sit there and watch as Vic reaches for his belt, and for a small object hidden within it as he steps even closer to where we sit, with a look that closely resembles that of a lion about to jump on its prey. It's a look of pure rage, and in that very moment I realize I've never been before anything more dangerous than him.

How did the nice, selfless person who once regretted kidnapping me and snuck peanut butter to my cell  ever become this angry, blood-crazed killer?

I gulp.

The worst part of it all is I actually know what happened. The blood on my hands washed away all traces of innocence and compassion from him. He's been dehumanized and I am to take the blame for it.

I focus on him, on his movements, and I realize he's moving slow. Way too slow, actually. Not that he's lost agility or anything, but he knows we have nowhere to go. We can't escape. He's in control and he knows it, so he's gonna take his time on the ride. And enjoy it.

He raises his arms, fingers curled around a huge knife which he holds with both hands.

"Goodnight, Frankie" he says and smiles.

The knife begins to descend towards my forehead, but with the blade pointing towards the ceiling.

I wonder why he'd do that...

And as the blunt end of the weapon crashes against my skull, I hear the high-pitched scream of Gerard just millimetres away.

The world goes black, and I can't help but swallow the feeling that I've been here way too many times before.


"Wake up, sweetheart" a voice says almost at the same time I feel a bucket of ice cold water splash my face.

I open my eyes to find Vic grinning and staring down at me.

"Thank god you woke up, Frank. I was beginning to get worried that I'd hit your head too hard" he says calmly.

I begin to form a sort of dazed response, but my lips won't move to pronounce it.

They've gagged me.


I try to move my feet and hands, but I can't either. They've also tied them up, as I suspected. I take a look around, with the little mobility i still have. I'm still in the interrogation room, more precisely tied shirtless to the table in the middle of the room. No, actually I'm not tied this time, but cuffed. And I don't even have Hello Kitty to help me out this time.

My eyes scout the room again.

But where is Gerard?

"Oh. I think you're probably wondering  what we did to your friend, am I right?" Vic says, showing absolutely no trace of compassion or... sanity in his expression.

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