39: this shit is almost at 40 chapters what am i doing w my life

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I fell asleep twice while writing this crapter
In other news nobody seemed to complain about the lack of quote
On last crapter so I'll just keep writing random shit and roll with it ok

Gerard's POV

"Frankie you're here!" I say, trying to give him an encouraging smile through the slightly open door.

When he sees me, his face shifts into an expression of pure relief. I watch him mutter something to the officer outside before running to me and sitting on my lap. I pull him into a hug.

I hear the room's door close loudly, and in my arms Frankie jerks up a bit, obviously tense and overwhelmed by the sound.

"It's okay, Frankie, I'm alright" I whisper to him, ruffling his hair, but he doesn't seem to listen. He's too busy staring wide eyed at the two officers who I've been talking to for hours.

"Frankie, are you okay?" I ask him in a soft voice.

He just nods slowly, but I'm not convinced.

"Hey, there Frankie" the taller officer says, somehow filling that last word with sarcasm and a hint of... Hate?

My shitcop pulls out of the hug and gulps.

"Mike" he says, his voice bitter.

"Long time no see, how have you been doing, Frank?" He asks casually.

I look at both of them in confusion. "You two know each other?"

The other officer steps closer and smiles in a way that gets on my nerves.

"Oh we more than know each other, right Frank?" He says, now pacing in a circle around our chair. "You could say we've gone through a lot together"

Frank clenches his jaw nervously. "How... How did you two become officers?"

"You could say we killed our way in the biz, right brother?" He says, addressing the other. "What we're the names of those two...? Ben and Terry? I don't know. Total jerks if you ask me, we really were doing that incompetent old man you met earlier a favour by killing them" he says shrugging it off like it's no big deal.

Any trace of colour has now drained from Frankie's face, and he's shaking.

"Aren't you gonna say anything, Frank?" The cop speaks again. "So rude! Maybe you'll reconsider if we get familiar with your... What was it? Crapcop?"

"DON'T TOUCH HIM, VIC" Frankie speaks, all of a sudden filled with rage.

And right then, something clicks in my head. "Wait, Vic Fuentes?" I ask, cautious.

The cop looks at me curiously. "That would be me. Why?"

"My... My friend Tony used to talk about you all the time" I say, trying to figure out how he fits in all this.

Frank shoots me a look of surprise.

"Oh, so you knew Turtle" he says, raising his eyebrows. "Then you surely know who killed him as well"

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