23: Momma Simone and her Five Year Old

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We'll be together again
All just a dream in the end
We'll be together again

Gerard's POV

"Thank you, Simone" I say to her with a sad smile as she gets off the motorcycle and turns to her house. She looks just as exhausted as I feel.

She turns to me, also smiling without meaning it.

"You're very welcome" she says.

Simone continues to stand there in silence for a while, looking like she's about to say something all the time, but hesitating every time.

"What is it?" I ask her.

She plays with a smashed up can on the sidewalk with her foot, before staring straight into my eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just..." She looks away, pursing her pink lips.

I just raise my eyebrows at her.

"I don't know, I'm just sorry I couldn't help you find him, Gerard." She says, but I sense there's more to it, something she's leaving out.

The lamplight shining a light on both of us flickers and dims a little, distracting me for a sec, so I don't notice when Simone comes closer to me.

"How long has he been gone?" She asks, not looking at my eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask her back.

She looks confused, but she takes out her phone.

"It's two in the morning, why?" she says.

I gulp.

"Then thirty days now" I answer, and she nods.

"And you keep looking for him" she says in a low voice.

"Why would I not, I mean he's my Frankie" I say protectively.

She smiles that sad smile again.

"You must love him very much, then" she says and it hits me hard. I probably do.

I turn to face her and look her in the eyes with determination. "Yeah, I do"

Tears well up in her eyes. I wonder why.

"Well I think that's beautiful" she says, but then she turns her backing me and does a movement that looks suspiciously like wiping her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her, getting off the motorbike as well. I walk around it and stand in front of her.

She looks at me and smiles even wider than before, but everything about her right now tells me how much effort that smile is taking her.

I wrap my arms around her and hug her tight. She puts her face against my shoulder, her shoulders moving slightly as she sobs.

"If this is about you not helping me find him, it's okay. You see, I haven't found him either so for now you're statistically a better Franksearcher than I am" I say, trying to cheer her up and mentally cursing myself for sounding so stupid.

Simone can't help but laugh a little before wiping her eyes for the last time and closing her eyes. She takes a deep breath and when she opens them again,  they are filled with their usual Simone-ish joy. She pulls away from the hug, and her smile becomes more natural and believable. I can't help but admire how easily that change was made.

"Go to sleep, Gerard" she tells me, probably noticing my intentions to keep Franksearching for at least a couple hours more.

"What do you mean?" I say, acting innocently "I am about to head to my house"

She raises an eyebrow

I smile guiltily.

My eyes do in fact burn for the lack of sleep, but I ignore the sensation.

"You can also Franksearch tomorrow, you know Gerard?" She says.

"Yeah, but what if Frankie appears today? What if he is already somewhere around here and I'm not there to see him? What if..." I say, my mouth moving at full speed.

"Gerard" Simone says, touching my shoulder. "We spent like twelve hours searching for him today"

"Franksearching" I correct. She nods.

"Right, Franksearching today. We've been everywhere he could've been and we still haven't found him."

"Well we've obviously not looked everywhere..." I say, sounding like a five year old.

"Gerard, I don't want to say this but it's been a month..."

"And?" I cut her off.

"I..." She sighs. "Just promise me you'll move on with your life if he never comes back. Or if he comes back... In a way you don't like" she says, wincing as she does. As if she were saying something hard to say. Which she clearly isn't.

I don't get what she's saying. She's not making any sense.

I laugh. Simone is so naive sometimes. Does she really think I won't find my Frankie?

"G- Gerard?" She asks, concerned.

"Don't worry, Simone. I will find him. An I'll introduce him to you. You'll love him" I say, smiling confidently.

Simone looks disappointed and worried. I wonder why is that. She should be happy to know I'll be finding Frank.

"Bye, Simone" I say, walking back tithe vehicle and smiling. I'm about to turn the key when I remember something.

"The helmet" I say, pointing at her head.

"Right" she says, taking it off and walking over to hand it to me.

I try to take it out of her hand but she holds on to it.

I look at her eyes.

"Take care, Gerard. Please go home" she says. Then she lets go. I take it and hang it on its usual spot. I'll need it for when I find my Frankie.

"Sure, Simone. And thank you for everything" I say an then drive off, totally heading to my house, because yes. I absolutely plan on taking Simone's advice and finding Frank tomorrow.

I look back for a second, and see her silhouette barely lit in the dark, watching me.

I feel a pang of guilt, but I think about Frankie instead.

I'll totally do what she said...


Okay Idek what this chapter was haha

Btw I know it's short. It has like 600 words less than the other chapters. Anyway, I wasn't even planning on writing this one but I'm kinda avoiding the next Frank crapter. Don't hate me :c

It will come soon...


I hope you kinda liked it and just be patient for the next update.

Ily all so much ^__^




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