(Not actually that relevant) NOTE

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Hello everyone!

Okay so this is the story of this story (ok what):

Remember the #JustWriteIt challenge Wattpad did a while ago? Okay so I'm pretty competitive and stuff so I kinda felt personally challenged and I knew I couldn't leave it like that, so I started this story.

Also, at first I thought I would make a oneshot and never think twice about it but I found myself falling in love with the characters and I just couldn't do that to myself, so I wrote more about them.

So my point here is, the last chapter of this book was the first I ever wrote and it's basically the reason I'm writing this whole mess so yeah

And finally, I'm from Mexico and I've never lived in an English-speaking country, so it has been a challenge to myself to write a whole fic in English. I also really want to improve my English so if you see any grammatical, spelling or whatever kind of mistakes, please do tell. I'm actually counting on that haha

And yeah ._. I love you and I really hope you love the characters as much as I do bc I stg I'm trash for my own fic at times and that can't be healthy at all.

K bye



P.S.: idek what this note thingy is but I'm bored and haven't updated in forever so here is this lil shit :3

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