Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Explain." Rose ordered, anger searing in her voice making Liv frown at this searing demand. If anyone else had spoke to her in this manner they would certainly be seeing the end of a barrel or at least Liv's fists but it was Rose. She made exceptions for certain people.

Liv stepped forward, coming out from behind her desk, leaning on the front of it as she crossed her arms across her chest. "When I was beating Christian for information he told me something. Something I already knew." Rose frowned folding her arms, listening carefully.

"Harley is the daughter of Matteo Delgado." Rose nodded as her frown deepened. "Who is that?"

"He's the head of the Mexican cartel and according to Christian knows that Harley is here, he somehow found out that Harley Bennett is actually Adriana Delgado his long lost daughter." Rea let out a sigh as she rubbed her arms, feeling uncomfortable with this plan.

"Okay... what does that have to do with you breaking her heart?"

Liv let out a sigh. "Because apparently he's coming here for his daughter, but when he gets here... his daughter won't be here. She'll be safe away from all of this." Liv swallowed before clearing her throat getting her emotions in check.

Rose let out a sigh. "And what happens if he finds her anyway? You can't protect her if she isn't with you Liv."

"I'll have people following her until I can deal with Matteo, but her being here isn't safe anymore, I told her mother I would protect her and that's what I'm doing. I told Bennett what's going on, I told him to text her this even if it isn't true. She just needs to believe it is."

Rose shook her head. "I don't know... I just don't see this working."

"Well you don't know anything about this business remember? You wanted nothing to do with it so you don't get a say. In fact no one gets a say when it comes to Harley's safety. Only me." Rea let out a sigh nodding.

"Why not just tell her?"

"Because she doesn't know Bennett isn't her birth father. I'm not breaking that news to her. That's her mothers job." She said standing up straight. "Okay... so you could have made something up like he's your enemy and he wants to get back at you by taking Harley... you didn't have to end things like that with her. She's breaking her heart right now thinking you used her."

Liv nodded crossing her arms once again. "It's easier this way. If she ends up dead through me... I won't come back from that. I can deal with a lot of shit, but that I will not be able to." She explained as Rea let out a sigh.

"Can you give us a minute?" Rose questioned looking to Rea who looked to Liv for approval, she gave her a small nod. "Okay." Liv watched Rea walk out only to get a slap across the face from Rose making her frown moving towards her, wanting to tear her a new one. "No! What you are doing... is going to get her killed!"

"What else am I meant to do Rose!? This is the only thing I can think of!" She screamed. "You tell her! If you love her you tell her!" She screamed as Liv let out a sigh shaking her head. "I can't..."

"You didn't think this through Liv... because once you deal with Matteo and everyone that knows Harley is his daughter because let's face others would probably come for her just to hurt him, right? That's how you guys work... once it's all said and done she's never going to go back to you, she's never going to trust you again."

Liv stared at her wondering if she was right, was she making a mistake? Would this plan even work at keeping her safe?

"Harley!" She heard Rea scream out causing the two to rush out of the office following Rea who was running out of the house. "Harley stop!" She screamed as Rose and Liv caught a glimpse of her getting into a Range Rover speeding off down the large drive way.

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