Chapter Fourteen

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It had been three days since Harley had learnt the truth of who Liv was and what her true intentions were. That day she had vowed to herself to make her pay for the pain she caused her, for the scheming behind her back, plotting to kill her just to get at her father, but she didn't know how she was going to do it just yet, that part she was still working on.

She did however enjoy the house she was staying in with Liv and all her soldiers as Harley saw them, she was surprised when she found out that nearly everyone in the café was under Liv's thumb. Liz knew who she was, but was getting paid thousands to keep her mouth shut and just act as if everything was normal whenever business happened there.

She also found out that her so called friends were also part of Liv's little army, or whatever she called it. Harley felt cheated, and as if they were all no better than Clark.

"Hey hun... how are you feeling today?" Rea walked towards her with a large smile on her face as Harley looked up at her with daggers as she was lounging by the pool, there wasn't much to do around the house, but to just sit by the pool.

"Oh, okay..." Rea chuckled taking a seat next to her on one of the loungers, but didn't lie back, she faced Harley. "Liv was right, you got some fire in you girl. Maybe that's why she likes you."

"She's likes me because I'm her ticket to getting an investigation dropped against her." Rea bit her bottom lip letting out a sigh. "Harley... she cares about you, I've known Liv since we were kids and I've never seen her the way she is with you, not even with Layla or Myla. She's falling in love with you."

"Good." Harley raised her right eyebrow showing a hint of an evil smirk coming through as Rea took a deep breath in. "Fuck sake, you're prefect for her." She stated standing up as Liv walked out of her huge house with two of her large men that were dragging someone out. "Harley, go now." Harley sat up frowning watching it unfold.

"Li..." The man was thrown into the pool and before he could speak, Liv pulled a gun out and shot him in the head killing him instantly. "Clean it up." She ordered her men before walking back into the building.

Harley looked at the blood that was pouring out of the man into the pool turning the beautiful blue into a red. "Oh great." Rea stated licking her lips. "Come on, let's get you a drink." She added putting her hand out for Harley to take something she gladly did in shock of what she just saw.

They walked towards the two men. "Hey, why?" Rea questioned. "Oh, he's the reason Christian found her. He told him where she lives so Christian had her followed, took his chance and smashed into the back of Liv's car."

Harley frowned looking to the dead guy in the pool then back up to the two large men with brown eyes, they looked like brothers. "She did that because he put me in danger?" She questioned, shock still washing over her. "Yeah. You're on high protection detail with the best shooter we've got." He stated pointing to Rea who gave her a wink and a smirk.

Harley suddenly began to feel uneasy, she couldn't stop looking at the body, she turned to the pool throwing up into it and a little bit onto the dead guy. She had done a lot, stuff that could have gotten her behind bars as well, but seeing someone being murdered was terrible.

"Oh... sorry." She said looking up to the two that had to clean the pool out. "It's cool. You should probably..."

"Yeah, let's go." Rea placed her arm around Harley's waist and walked her into the big beautiful house, the first room was the huge white kitchen with more windows than sense. "Can we just sit down?" Harley questioned grabbing her stomach. "I mean from here you're still going to see everything."

Rea kept walking her until they reached the large living room with the biggest tv Harley had ever seen along with a huge L shaped couch.. The theme of the house had to be white which she found strange for someone who was killing people in her pool.

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