Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/N - Slightly longer chapter once again.

It had been a few days since Enzo and Rose were taken and still Liv had heard nothing. She couldn't sleep with the thought of her son in Christian's hands, he told her he was safe with him, but she didn't believe it. She knew how twisted he could be, if she didn't get Enzo back soon there is no telling what damaged Christian would do.

Harley opened her eyes to the sound of wave's crashing against the rocks making her frown as she looked up to see the balcony doors opened, Liv leaning against the frame staring out to the ocean. She slowly crawled out of bed walking towards her, wrapping her arms around her from behind as she kissed the back of her shoulder. Liv let out a sigh rubbing Harley's hands as she rested her head back slightly, not too much as Harley was shorter than her by a few inches.

"You'll get her back." She stated as Liv nodded turning leaning her back against the door frame, Harley let her go allowing them to lock eyes. "I'm surprised you're not..."

"Going crazy with jealousy?" Liv chuckled softly. "Yeah."

Harley nodding taking a small breath as she grabbed Liv's hands placing them around her as she rested against her body, receiving a gentle kiss on the forehead. She let out a content sigh before speaking.

"I was at first... but then you sort of threatened your entire family if they harmed me and then the jealousy went away."

Liv smiled as she squeezed her a little needing to hold feel her closer to her. "Good."

"Would really?"

"Really what?"

"Kill your family to keep me safe?" She questioned pulling her head back a little, locking eyes with her. Liv let out a sigh as she looked out to the ocean thinking. A saying her nonna used to say to her popping into her head.

"My nonna used to say... Liv you've got the short end of the stick. You've got a temper like the sea, beautiful on the outside, but dangerous on the inside. I never really knew what she was getting at until a few days ago." Harley frowned. "Really you never got that statement?" She joked as Liv chuckled softly, slapping her bum gently making her giggle.

"No, I got the statement... I just never understood why she thought it suited me, I mean at the time my brother was crazy. He'd shoot anyone if they looked at him wrong. Same with my father." Harley nodded. "But the one thing none of us have ever done... is harm each other, but when my mother threatened to hurt you... I lost it, I just saw red and in that moment she wasn't my mother. She was someone trying to take what's mine and I..."

"Hey... no one is taking me away from you. No one." Harley stated as Liv swallowed knowing that might not be entirely true. She was still holding onto information about Harley, about who she really is and she knew the minute she told her, a fight would break out due to how long she's held onto it for, not to mention her parents would definitely want her taken out. "Not if I can help it." She added making Liv smile this time.

"I really hope so... because if I lose you... I don't..." She paused hating the thought of it, she couldn't bare the thought of it. Harley placed her hand onto her cheek, causing Liv to lean into her touch. "Don't. You're not losing me Liv. You're stuck with me." She smiled softly as Liv smiled at her before turning her head slightly kissing her palm gently.

"Well I like the sound of that."

"Good. Now come back to bed. You haven't had a good nights sleep in days." Liv nodded as Harley let go of her heading back to their bed. "Liv?"

"I'll be a minute." Harley let out a sigh nodding before crawling under the covers, heating up from the cold breeze entering the room. Liv let out a sigh looking out to the ocean praying for the first time in years, wishing she could find her son. She began to wonder if the safest place for him was by her side that way she'd be able to keep an eye on him, but if this was the case then how would she tell Harley she lied especially after telling her she hadn't lied to her since she found out the truth.

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