Chapter Twenty-Five

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"You need to tell her." Liv stated as Ava quickly stood up from the bench in a panic. "No, she can never know about him Liv, I told you so you could protect her."

"I can't lie to her Ava! I already did that and I almost lost her, I'm so close to getting her back I can't risk it."

Ava took a deep breath in placing her hands onto her arms. "So, don't tell her. If you don't tell her then she'll never find out."

"The truth always comes out Ava and when it comes out and she finds out that I knew, she'll be done with me. Tell her Ava!" She said loudly.

"Shh, keep your voice down. I don't need her hearing any of this." Liv let out a sigh moving away from Ava beginning to pace, panicking slightly.

"Why!? Why can't she know?"

"Because Matteo will take her. He's been searching for her ever since I ran from him with Jack." Liv let out a sigh shaking her head before bringing her finger up looking at Ava with a warning look.

"Oh my god. You changed her name, didn't you? It's not even Harley!" She screamed. Ava shook her head. "No. It's Adriana after his mother. I won't lie. I loved him more than I can say, but things became too dangerous for a child so I ran with my daughter. He wasn't happy and he said he'd find me and kill me for running, more so for running away with a cop."

Liv took a deep breath in. "She's more like me than I knew..." She paused as Liv frowned. "She likes danger, she always has. She always comes off so sweet and innocent upon first meeting, but deep down... she's her father's daughter. Someone you don't want to mess with."

Liv stepped forward. "Yeah well, Matteo and I have a past. It's not exactly good, nor is it bad, but he stays away so for right now she's safe and I will keep her that way, but you need to tell her because I'm not lying to her about this." She warned Ava with a hint of anger before storming off into the house.

Liv walked into the house rushing upstairs unsure if Harley was even in the room, all she knew was she was done talking to Ava about something she clearly should be talking to her daughter about.

"Hey, everything okay?" Harley questioned sitting on the edge of the bed, her arms resting behind her keeping her upright.

Liv turned taking a deep breath in making sure she was in the right frame of mind. "Yeah everything's fine. Did you speak with your father?" She questioned folding her arms as Harley shook her head.

"No. He tried, but..." She paused taking a deep breath in. "But I am just so tired. I don't have the energy to be dealing with any more arguments." Liv nodded knowing she couldn't tell her the information that had just come to light, she couldn't let her know the truth, not right now.

"It has been a really long weekend." Liv stated as Harley smiled at her sitting up straight reaching her hands out.

Liv let out a large sigh as she walked towards her feeling her arms wrap around her hugging into her. Liv gently stroked Harley's hair relaxing her.

She slowly leaned down giving her a gentle kiss on the head causing her to look up into her eyes. "Don't worry, things will be back to normal tomorrow." Liv nodded letting out a sigh knowing that things would never be normal for her again.

She brought her hand up to Harley's cheek stoking it with her thumb making her smile once again. "I hope so." She added as Harley let out a sad sigh looking down. In her eyes Liv's normal wasn't her, she was the woman she needed to keep around that she was slowly beginning to care about, but she didn't think it would last as long as she would like it to. Liv didn't do relationships anymore. No matter what she said.

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