Chapter Nine

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The next morning Harley woke to her buzzer going non-stop causing her to rush towards it running into the door way hurting her wrist in the process. "Ow! Son of a bitch!" She screamed before reaching the intercom. "Hello."

"It's me, let me up. I left my keys at mine." She heard Seth's voice making her let out a sigh not wanting to deal with him this early. "Okay." She pressed the button to let him in.

"Ow." She stated walking towards her front door rubbing her wrist before opening it to see Seth dressed in his usual jeans and tight t-shirt. "Hey." He said taking a deep breath in. "Hi." She had no clue what to say to him, how to start this conversation.

"How are you doing since everything?" He questioned as they stepped further into her place, both heading for the couch. "Um... I'm having nightmares so that's been fun." Seth let out a sigh. "I'm so sorry Harley. I've been such an idiot I see that now." She frowned.

"Seth... you didn't show up when I needed you the most... how are we meant to move past that?"

"I did though... I was there, but when I got there I saw Liv extremely close to you and I just got in my own head and then I got really angry and left. I'm so sorry."

She shook her head pushing her hair back out of her face. "That's not an excuse and I don't even know how to begin to forgive you for this. You turned your back on me." As she said the words, she realised she was no better. It doesn't matter what he's done, she had still cheated.

"I know. I don't expect it to be right away, but I promise you things will be different." Harley let out a sigh as she took his hand in hers. "Seth... I'm sorry. I love you, I really do, but I..." She saw the pain and the fear in his eyes, the fear of losing her.

"I need to tell you something. I'm no better." She stated making him frown. "What do you mean?"

"I've been staying with Liv since that night and I realised while staying with her that I..." His frown grew deeper as his breathing picked up. "Fuck! She got to you, didn't she?" He questioned standing up letting her hands go as tears formed in her eyes.

"What the fuck Harley!? You're smarter than this! She doesn't want the same things as you do. She's a slut who likes to put as many notch's as she can on her bed post!" He screamed waving his arms around.

"Look I know she likes to have fun, but she is not a slut! She is my friend who has actually helped me a lot through this."

"Oh so you told her that you want to fuck her!?"

"I didn't say that! You didn't even let me get it out. I think I like both men and women. What's so wrong with that?"

"Nothing! It's the fact that you choose her!" He screamed locking eyes with her as tears formed his now. "I didn't choose this Seth!" She cried.

"H-have you... done an-anything with her?" He questioned stuttering through his tears. She looked up at him with sadness as she cried out once again gently feeling as if her heart was going to explode with the pain she was causing both of them.

He shut his eyes as he fell to his knees breaking on the floor. "How could you do this to me?" He cried out as she quickly got to the floor placing her arms around him. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did. I'm so sorry Seth."

"Do you regret it?" He questioned sitting up slightly locking eyes with her. "Uh... well um..." He let out a sigh shaking his head as he stood up. "Seth. I love you, but it's complicated. This is a part of me I didn't know existed." He nodded sniffing back his tears before clearing his throat.

"Good for you Harley. I'm glad you're happy with this. If you hadn't cheated on me I'd have been supportive of you. Hell I'd have told you to go and explore as long as it didn't reach sex, but you did it without talking to me. You cheated that's what cheating is. If your partner doesn't know your doing it then you're cheating. We're adults we could have talked about this." Harley frowned.

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