Chapter Three

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Harley and Liv walked into the bar instantly being called over by a group of women all dressed up looking beautiful. Rea the birthday girl had a happy birthday sash over her.

"Wow Harley you look gorgeous!" Rea said grabbing her and pulling her in for a tight hug. "Thanks, so do you. Happy birthday." Harley said with a smile handing her the gift.

"Liv! So glad you made it." Rea said with excitement as if she was expecting Liv to cancel last minute. "You guys made it." The two other women said with smiles as Liv's phone began to ring. "I'll be back."

"Liv I swear if you bail on my birthday I will kick your ass." Liv smirked at Rea as they all began to wander over to the table of the cute rustic bar they were in.

Harley grabbed Liv's arm pulling her closer to her. "Never mind her if you bail on me after forcing me to come out, I'll make your life a living hell." She stated as Liv chuckled.

"Relax. I'm not bailing, but I need to take this or it will just keep ringing all night." Harley nodded letting her go before heading towards the laughing, almost drunk women.

Rea was beautiful with light blue eyes and dark hair. She was the smallest out of all the women. The tallest was Layla who Harley always got the feeling that she wasn't the biggest fan of. She didn't know any of these women not until Liv brought her into the mix.

They all of course thought she was Liv's latest conquest until she set them straight, but for some reason Layla just never wanted to get to know her or be alone with her.

"So, how has your birthday been so far?" Harley questioned sitting at the edge of the booth as Rea hands her a shot. "It will be better when you down that. Also thank you so much for that top. I have been dying to get it, but just never had the time to go for it. Kids keep me busy." She smiled with such love in her eyes.

Harley still hadn't met Rea's kids yet something she found strange, but would never ask to meet them. She felt that was something that was up to Rea. She would introduce her to them when the time was right.

"You're welcome. Is Joe watching them tonight?" Harley questioned downing the shot then making a horrible face. "Right now his mum is. He should be home soon though." Harley nodded turning to the door to see if Liv was making her way back in, but she was still clearly on the phone.

"She'll probably bail on tonight." Layla spoke up looking to Harley who frowned at her. Layla had dark green eyes with jet black hair, and always tried to show off her body, she would wear as little as possible.

"She better not." Rea added. "I second that." Amelia chimed in. Amelia was always the cute bubbly friend, the one that knew exactly what to do when things were going bad in your life, Harley was very grateful for Amelia she had made her smile more than anyone, other than Liv of course.

Out of the women Liv was the one she spent most of her time with and not just because they work together because she enjoyed Liv's company. Amelia had dark eyes with light blonde hair unlike Harley who had light brown hair.

"If she does I'll make her life a living hell. I love you Rea, but at the last minute I didn't want to come. Seth and I got into a huge fight and honestly I... I think we might call it quits."

"What happened?" She questioned gently rubbing the back of Harley's hand showing her a small amount of comfort. "He isn't comfortable with me spending all of my time with you guys." Rea raised her eyebrows smiling.

"Us or Liv?"

"Both. He thinks Liv wants to..."

"Sleep with you. Yeah she does." Amelia stated as Rea nodded. "Look we talked, she knows that isn't going to happen."

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