Chapter Eighteen

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Harley had called her parents the day before to let her know she was okay and that she was sorry for not answering any of their calls or texts. She explained that her and Seth had been going through a rough patch and decided to call it quits for a number of reasons one being that she had developed feelings for her friend Liv, to her surprise her parents were very accepting of this news although her father didn't know that it was the Liv he had been investigating.

She explained that she had just gotten so wrapped up in this new relationship that she forgot about the rest of the world for a second. They were just both so glad that she was okay, her father being a detective they both instantly thought the worst.

Harley let out a sigh as she watched the tree's whizzing by remembering the last time she was in a car with Liv, things were so different then. "So, what exactly did you tell your parents?" Liv questioned as Harley turned to face her.

"I told them that Seth and I broke because I started to developed feelings for you and I just got wrapped up in a new relationship and sort of forgot about the world." Liv frowned licking her lips. "They believed that?"

"It's not the first time I've done it. Not with Seth, the guy before him I kind of got lost in him a little. My first love." She stated as Liv nodded down shifting making it through the traffic lights as they turned red. Harley smiled shaking her head. "What?"

"You just can't follow the law for a second, can you?" Liv smirked looking to the road ahead slowing down slightly before leaning towards Harley looking between her and the road. "I like being bad." She teased as Harley giggled knowing that's what this weekend would be like, Liv flirting and teasing her to the point of her giving in, but she was determined to not give in, as much as she wanted Liv she was still finding it hard to forgive and forget, not to mention she didn't believe Liv had sincere feeling for her.

Liv pressed down on the gas pedal speeding the car up getting into the right gear as Harley felt the speed push her back into her seat. "Oh my god Liv! Slow down!" She screamed as Liv chuckled before doing as she was told.

"Have you ever broken a rule in your life? Been bad? Did anything you weren't suppose to?" Harley stared at her in disbelief. "Yeah, you." She stated making Liv burst out into laughter. "Besides me?"

Harley took a deep breath in letting out a sigh of relief when she saw the speed limit popping up on the dash. "I had a pretty rebellious teenage phase okay, but thankfully my father is a detective and could get all the charges dropped." Liv gave her a wide smile waiting to hear more. "Well come on, don't leave me hanging, what did you do?" She questioned as Harley opened her mouth ready to tell her until she decided to use it to her advantage.

"No, I still know next to nothing about you so until you start sharing I'm done. You know too much about me. I mean we are meant to be going into this as girlfriends and I can't tell my family anything about you, does she have any siblings? Oh I don't have a clue." Liv licked her lips nodding.

"Okay... I have three siblings. One of which you do know off by the way, or did you forget about Meg?" Liv questioned as Harley nodded. "A little bit yeah, but again you didn't tell me about her." Liv let out a sigh.

"I'm the second eldest. I have a twin brother who is two minutes older than me, yes I'm better looking. I have a younger brother who has just finished a degree in business like myself and Meg is just starting college." Liv stated before taking a left turn into a nice little neighbourhood with white picket fences. "Anything else?" Live questioned pulling up outside of Harley's medium sized childhood home. 

"First love?"

"High school, it was a boy. Second was a woman... I left Christian for her. I told you I don't do relationships and she's the reason."

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