Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Harley sat around the house for hours until she decided to throw her own self-pity party. She turned the TV to music blasting it through Liv's sound system as she headed into the kitchen to hunt for her alcohol. She wanted her to come home to empty bottles and a trashed house as if she had the time of her life while she was gone.

She wasn't going to sit around moping after her while she was away with her ex for the weekend, she wanted to scream at the thought. What made it worse was the fact that Liv just left, she didn't even bother to say goodbye to Harley, she just packed a bag and left as quickly as she could.

"What the hell is going on!?" She heard Layla scream over the music as she entered the kitchen. "Oh good! Where's the booze!?" Harley questioned clasping her hands together smiling as Layla shook her head grabbing a small remote that was sitting on the kitchen island turning the music off.

"I was listening to that." Harley said with sass in her voice as she placed her hand onto her hip. "And now you're not... funny how that works." Harley chuckled softly realising this was the first time her and Layla had actually laughed together, just them. She always got the feeling Layla was jealous of her.

"What are looking for?" Layla questioned walking towards Harley. "Booze." Layla giggled bringing her hand up to her nose scratching it cutely. "I know... what kind though?"

"Oh anything. All of it. I want to trash the fuck out of her house." She grinned as Layla nodded smiling. "Okay... I had no part in this. Got it." Layla ordered pointing her finger at Harley.

She pouted then grabbed Laylas finger squinting her eyes. "Got it." She said shaking her finger slightly making both of them chuckle.

Layla took a deep breath in clasping her hands together looking around the kitchen. "Alright... we'll let's head to the bar."

"You guys have a bar!?" She screamed. "Yes Harley."

"How the hell am I just finding this out. Lead the way." She smiled stretching her arm out as Layla shook her head laughing at the woman who was in desperate need of forgetting her problems.

Layla led her to the small bar that Liv had installed years ago not that she used it much, she was always to busy to just sit and drink.

"Look who I found!" Layla said with a smile as Rea and Nick turned smiling at the two. "Hey!" Rea said with joy as she walked towards her wrapping her right arm around her shoulder smiling at her which soon turned into a pout.

"You're not still mad at me, are you?" She questioned as Harley let out a sigh rolling her eyes, placing her arm around Rea's shoulders. "No you guys were right. It would be crazy to bring me to a shipment or even a run. I'm not in the inner circle." She chuckled nervously as they walked towards the small bar.

It fit maybe around five people at the bar it's self which was close to an oval shape and came out from the wall in the basement or wine cellar. She wasn't sure what they called this part of the house, Harley would call it a stylish basement with a ton of wine.

The bar was a brown marble with black specs running through it. She had to admit Liv had amazing taste in decor. Long ceiling lights hung from above setting the mood with the dimness.

"That and you don't know how to fight or shoot." Nick stated as Harley raised her right eyebrow. "Says who?"

They raised their eyebrows surprised. "Well we just kind of assumed." Nick explained.

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