Chapter Thirteen

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Harley slowly opened her eyes only to see the end of a barrel pointing at her, fear striking her heart instantly, but before Christian could pull the trigger gun fire went off else where. "Shit! Go!" Christian roared to the two men that were with him as he grabbed Harley by her jaw. "This isn't over. She will pay for what she did." He stated as Harley groaned out unable to speak. She lay for a few minutes hearing the sound of the gun fire getting louder and louder until she frowned in disbelief at who she saw.

"She's in here!" Nick screamed rushing to her. "It's okay Harley, we've got you." He said as he became blurry to her before everything went black.


"I don't care how you find him! I just want him found!" Harley heard that same tone that once scared her. She slowly opened her eyes to see that she was in a white bed that over looked the ocean making her frown wondering where she was, the room was cream with white floors and a balcony that over looked a beautiful light blue ocean, the doors were open allowing her to hear the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks.

She looked around the room as she slowly sat up still frowning knowing this had to be Liv's house or her parents, she moved her jaw bringing her hand up to it feeling the small twinge of pain. She began to remember the events that caused that pain, causing fear to strike her once again.

She started to breathe heavily getting up from the bed slowly trying to rush to the balcony hoping for a way out from there, but it was too high, if she climbed down she'd more and likely fall to her death. "Harley." She turned to see Liv standing with her hands in her pockets.

She was dressed in black trousers with a white shirt that had rolled up sleeves showing off her many tattoos. She had a pair of black sunglass on blocking the sun. She looked the part in Harley's eyes. Suddenly feeling like an idiot, how could she not have seen it. She knew nothing about this woman and yet she knew everything about her which of course she used to her advantage when trying to bed her.

Liv stepped forward only for Harley to place her hand out causing Liv to bring her hands out of her pockets putting them up showing her that she was unarmoured. "Who the hell are you?" She questioned with tears in her eyes. "You know who I am." 

"No, I don't. I know nothing about you, just like you wanted."

"Like I wanted?"

"You never ever made an effort to open up to me." She stated as Liv stepped forward once more causing Harley to move slightly showing Liv that she was scared of her. "You're scared I understand that. I would be too, but I am not going to hurt you."

Harley shook her head as she licked her dry lips, frowning before bringing her tongue back out feeling the wound on her bottom lip making her bring her finger up, feeling it as well. "You were pretty banged up when we got to you." She stated as Harley remembered seeing Nick making her frown. "Nick..." Liv let out a sigh as she licked her lips, Harley suddenly noticing the bright red lipstick on her lips, it suited her. Everything about her right now screamed power.

"Can we please just sit down, it can be out there or in here." She said pointing to the chairs on the balcony and then the bed. Harley didn't move causing Liv to step outside making her move further away from her. She let out a sigh. "Come on Harls... I'm not going to hurt you, I was going out of my mind trying to get you back."

Harley swallowed still fearing her, how could she not. She had no idea who this woman was standing in front of her. "Who the hell are you?" Liv took a deep breath in locking eyes with her. "I already told you, you know who I am."

"No I don't!" She said as Liv moved towards her seeing the fear grow in Harley's face as she backed herself into the railing trapping herself. She shut her eyes hoping whatever she was going to do would be quick. "Harley, open your eyes." Liv said softly as Harley did what she was told slowly, she didn't want to anger her now that she knew what she was capable of.

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