Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The following days Harley hadn't seen much of Liv, she was always off taking care of whatever it was that needed her attention and she wouldn't come to bed until Harley was fast asleep, she wouldn't be there in the morning. It was starting to worry her a little but she took the free time to get to know Rose and Enzo a little better. She loved being around Enzo just as much as she loved being around Liv, he was a beautiful little boy inside and out, he was always smiling.

Harley let out a small chuckle as Enzo soaked her from the pool. "Hey! Cheeky." She said with a loving smile splashing him back with a small amount of water as Rose stood next to him since they were in the shallow end of the pool. "I got you!" He giggled. "I got you back." She teased making him giggle once again as Sofia and Antonio came into view.

"Hi, sweet boy!"

"Nonna!" He screamed as he swam with his big duck printed arm bands towards his grandparents. Rose looked up to Harley shaking her head with a smile. "How are you?" She questioned as she wrapped a towel around his small body.

"I'm happy... I'm living with mama now and aunty Rose is staying too!" He said with excitement. "Oh wow. Is she?" Sofia questioned looking to Rose who walked out of the pool wrapping a towel around herself drying herself off. "Just until Christian's men have been taking care of."

"Who knows maybe you two will work things out." She said with wishful thinking as Harley shook her head letting out a sigh getting to her feet. "Uh... I don't think so." Rose said squinting her eyes getting the feeling Sofia didn't think highly of Harley.

"You never know." She said looking at her with hope as Harley walked by her letting out another sigh heading into the house wanting away from this woman, Antonio she didn't mind and he held a gun to her head, but Sofia she had zero respect for her and Liv's relationship.

Harley walked down to the basement area after changing in simple lounge wear to where the bar was, wanting a large drink of whatever was there. She felt like she couldn't handle being around Sofia sober, but to her surprise someone else had the same idea.

"Hey, everything okay?" She questioned walking towards the woman that both excited her and calmed her, giving her a quick peck on the lips. Liv smiled softly at her as Harley caught sight of her knuckles gently picking her hands up as Liv swallowed her drink.

She wanted to ask why she hadn't seen her the past few days, it felt like she was avoiding her but right now the state of her knuckles were far more important.

"Oh, I'm fine." Liv mumbled but still somehow kept that same power in her voice.

"What happened?" She questioned locking eyes with her this time. "Harls..."

"No, tell me. I want to know." Liv let out a sigh of defeat knowing she couldn't keep the illegal side of her business from Harley for much longer, not that it would be a problem for now anyway unknowingly to Harley. "Christian."

"He did this?" Liv shook her head bringing her fingers out of Harley's hold, interlocking them instead. "No, I did this to myself from beating him." She explained as Harley nodded. "For taking Enzo?"

Liv pulled Harley close to her feeling a slight pain in her knuckles before pulling her up and onto her lap, wanting to feel her loving embrace before she did what she had to do to make Harley hate her.

Harley instantly wrapped her arms around Liv's neck. "Yes, partly. The other part was because he beat you. I told you no one gets away with hurting the people I care about." She said placing her hand onto Harley's cheek caressing it ever so gently.

She looked deep into Harley's brown eyes feeling herself getting lost in them. She could tell Harley was searching her eyes for any sign of where she was going with this conversation. "And I do care about you Harley... I really do, and I know what you're waiting for..." She paused as Harley took a deep breath in clicking, her heart began to race with a hint of fear, her stomach was churning.

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