Chapter Thirty-One

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Harley felt as if her heart sunk hearing those words, the words that were ringing in her ear so loud that nothing else could be made out. She quickly pushed herself up from Liv frowning at her, pain and anger dancing in her eyes together.

"Then why the hell are you here!? Are you here to kill me?" She questioned as Liv let out a sigh standing up quickly, reaching out wrapping her arm around Harley's waist pulling her close before she brought her right hand up to her cheek smashing their lips together making Harley frown through the kiss, her mind riddled with confusion.

She pushed herself away from Liv causing Liv to break her hold on her. "That's not a fucking answer Liv!" She screamed at her.

"No I'm not here to kill you! How many times do I need to say it... you're safe with me!" She screamed as Harley let out a sigh folding her arms staring into her eyes.

"You're never going to feel safe with me, are you?" She questioned as Harley's heart began to race with fear, fear of losing Liv, of becoming Rose.

"Liv..." She shook her head moving away from her ready for walking away only to be pulled back feeling Harley smash her lips onto hers, resulting in her picking her up and placing her onto the couch hearing her let out that same whimper that got to Liv.

Liv ran her hand up Harley's thigh to her bum squeezing it slightly before pulling her lips away from hers, planting them onto her neck hearing Harley moan out at her touch, something that made her smile.

"I'm sorry." Harley breathed out causing Liv to stop dead, slowly bringing her head up from her neck locking eyes with her.

"I'm sorry for agreeing to entrap you. For almost sleeping with Layla. I'm sorry." She said, tears in her eyes making Liv frown. She saw real fear hiding behind her beautiful brown eyes.

"You're scared?" She questioned letting out a sigh as she sat up moving away from Harley only to feel her hands on her bringing her close to her once again, in an up right position this time.

"You're right, I am scared. I am so fucking scared that I'm going to lose you."

"If you're so scared then why ask me if I'm going to kill you? You should know..."

"I do, I do I promise..." She paused placing her hands onto Liv's checks licking her lips as she looked into her eyes, tears falling from her own. "I just said that because... you pissed me off by saying you don't have feelings for me... I wanted to do the same to you. It was selfish. I'm sorry."

"Harley... I'm sorry... I should have been more clear. I was trying to prove to myself that you were nothing more than a really good fling..." She grinned making Harley smile slightly. "But the minute I kissed Rose I knew... I have real feelings for you, not one of a caring friend who just wants to sleep with you... I..." Liv swallowed as Harley raised her eyebrows smiling feeling like she was close to saying that four letter word she had wondered about.

"I really... really care about you. I know I've said in the past that I feel something for you. I just didn't know what it was, if it was just to do with the sex or if it was you, but when you told me about agreeing to entrap me, everything became clouded and I couldn't think straight, being with Rose helped me work it out... along with Rea screaming at me." She chuckled at the last part.

"I guess I just... got a little scared because of how much you mean to me, but when I got home and you weren't there... I realised telling you how I feel isn't as scary as not having you with me. Please don't ever leave the house without me or any of my people again?" Liv begged as she took her hands in hers.

Harley nodded smiling knowing Liv clearly did love her, but she just might not be ready to say it, to be that vulnerable yet. "I promise." She said as Liv let out a sigh of relief.

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