Chapter Twenty-Three

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Harley and Liv spent most of the day together something they both enjoyed, Liv maybe a little more than Harley as she didn't have her phone ringing every two seconds. It was as if she was on holiday.

They returned in time for dinner being put out onto the table as a small child instantly ran up to Harley with such joy across their face. "Aunt Harley!" A small blue eyed boy screamed smiling up at her. "Oh hey, kiddo." She said with a huge smile as he jumped up into her arms hugging her tightly.

"I missed you." He smiled. "I missed you too Leo." The young boy that looked so much like his father turned his head to Liv before burying it into Harley's neck acting shy making her giggle slightly. "Oh, are you being shy?"

"Oh, no you're not shy, you just wanted another cuddle, didn't you?" Liv smiled as he gave her a big smile back feeling a little more comfortable around her. "I didn't think so. You seem too adventurous to be shy." He shot his head up nodding.

"I like adventures!" He screamed. "Oh, I'm betting you do. And I'm betting you'll go on plenty when you get older." He grinned widely at her as Harley put him down allowing him to ran off for dinner. "Who knew you were so good with kids." Liv smiled at her before nudging her shoulder gently.

"I'm full of surprises." She winked making Harley giggle before they headed for the dinning room.

"You two have a fun day?" Ava questioned smiling at her daughter as Liv looked to Harley awaiting her answer. "Yeah, it was kind of nice." She said smiling looking between her mother and Liv.

Liv placed her hand onto Harley's back as they made there way to the table. "Oh, Liv this is my sister in law, Nina. Nina this is my... girlfriend Liv."

Liv extended her hand shaking it with a light brown eyed blonde haired woman. She was smaller than Harley and Liv with a hint of a tan to her. She wore a yellow dress that was almost sundress like with white heels.

"Wow..." She paused for a moment noticing the amount of tattoos on Liv's arms. "I'm so sorry, hi it's nice to meet you." Liv gave her a warm smile before pulling her hand away. "It's nice to meet you too."

"Hey sweetheart can I have a word with you before dinner starts?" Bennett questioned causing Nina to move away from the pair. Harley looked between her father and Liv slowly biting down onto her bottom lip when her eyes locked onto Liv's.

"No I'm kind of hungry." She stated interlocking her fingers with Liv's walking further into the room taking their seats at the table. "What was that about?" Liv questioned feeling as if there was tension between father and daughter.

Harley licked her lips shaking her head. "Nothing." She said quietly before biting her bottom lip once more causing Liv to lean in close to her ear, so close she could feel her breath. "What have I told you about the lip biting?" She whispered placing her hand onto her lap getting a small smirk from Harley.

"Maybe that's why I do it. I like what it does to you." She gave her a cheeky smile showing her flirtatious side. She knew she still had a long way to go in forgiving Liv, but she was right she needed to at least try to see that she was trying her best to open up, to earn her forgiveness.

"So, what did you girls do today?" Ava questioned as everyone began digging into the delicious roast dinner she had prepared. "Oh we just... drove around, talked." Harley stated as Liv nodded, but due to Harley's tone when answering, her brother Tyler burst out laughing almost spitting out his beer.

Harley frowned at him along with everyone else. "What's so funny about that?" Ava questioned looking between her two children.

"I... it's not... I... it doesn't matter." Tyler said taking a deep breath in knowing no one at the table would know what went through his head since no one else saw what he saw.

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