Chapter Fifteen

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Harley paced up and down the large hallway waiting for any news on Seth, if they had managed to get to him, if he was safe. She didn't want to feel any more guilt than she already did when it came to this man. "You have a lot of energy." Rea pointed out as Harley let out a sigh. "Are you like my babysitter now?" Rea smirked nodding. "Basically yeah."

"Wait a second... do you even have kids?" Rea chuckled. "No, Joe and I don't have kids, it was just part of the cover, the kids in this locket are actually my niece and nephew. My parents are best friends with Liv's hence how I got mixed up in this life."

"Why did you need kids as your cover?" Rea shrugged her shoulders. "It was nice to play make believe for a second Harley. Do you think any of us wanted this life? Liv and I tried to get out, but it just pulls you back in. Family above all, that's both of our fathers." Rea explained as Harley swallowed not realising that Liv had tried to leave this lifestyle. "But Liv has a knack for being boss woman, her father wanted to step down as he was getting older and some of his men were noticing it, he knew sooner or later one of them would take him out, so he called Liv back. She didn't put up a fight. Family above all."

Harley nodded taking a deep breath in. "Wow. I kind of feel for you guys now."

Rea shrugged her shoulders. "You get used to it plus I'm stinking rich." She stated making Harley chuckle slightly as the front door swung open with the crew that Liv took. Harley swallowed as Rea walked towards her placing her arm around her. "It's going to be okay." She smiled as they suddenly heard Seth's voice.

"What is happening! Someone tell me something!" He screamed as he entered the house. "Oh shut up!" Liv screamed at him. "Do you not tire of hearing own your damn voice!?" She screamed as Seth frowned. "How the hell did you date him for two years?" Amelia questioned quietly to Harley who frowned.

"Harley?" He questioned as he turned to face her, she saw the bruises and cuts over his face telling her they had beat him, either that or Liv did it. She wouldn't put it past her. He rushed towards her wrapping his arms around her tightly as she frowned slightly feeling strange with him touching her, she didn't want anything bad to happen to him, but that didn't mean she wanted him back or to be touched ever again. After being taken herself and beaten it was hard to allow anyone to touch her.

She allowed Rea more than anyone since she had spent the most time with her. "Do you have any idea what's going on here? I told you she was trouble." He whispered as everyone in the room, but Harley and Seth chuckled lightly.

He looked around slightly scared as to what joke he was missing. "Oh buddy you have no idea." Nick stated as he frowned at him. "Seth..." Harley grabbed his attention. "Are you okay?" She questioned as he nodded still with his hands on her. "Okay... then let me go." She stated as he took a deep breath in looking to where his hands were placed. "Oh, sorry." He said as Rea smirked.

"Come on, buddy let's get you to the doctor." Nick stated. "Let's get me a drink, my head hurts." Liv groaned looking to Rea who chuckled wrapping her arm around her friend walking to the kitchen with her. Harley stood in the hallway feeling a little torn, she didn't know whether to follow Seth and make sure he was okay or follow Rea and Liv and find out what Liv had to give to get him back.

"What did he want for him?" Rea questioned as they walked into the kitchen. She walked to the fridge pulling out two beer bottles. "What do you think?" She questioned raising her right eyebrow as Rea shook her head.

"So, I know you didn't give him that, what did he settle on?"

"My house in the city." Rea frowned taking a sip of her beer. "What? Why does he want that?" Liv shook her head. "Who knows. I didn't like that house anyway, I like this one much better."

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