A love so beautiful

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“Pregnant!?” I squealed as I looked at my best friend, who had turned red because of the way I was acting.

“Yeah, um, that's what I just said.” Micah replied while grumbling and cuddling closer to me.

“Well, you don't sound so please with it.” I replied, and he sighed.

“I'm not even an Omega, for crying out loud, so I don't even know why I'm pregnant. But Dr. Carlyle did say it was because I'm the submissive one in the relationship, so it was bound to happen.” I nodded my head, which was on his shoulder, while he was rubbing my belly.

“You're about to pop. I'm going to be an uncle soon.” He said as he kissed me on my forehead.

“And I will be an uncle too. What if our pups are soulmates?” He chuckled and sighed as we continued to cuddle.

Jacob left to run some errands and will be back soon, I told him that I wanted to spend the day with Micah in bed cuddling, at first, he wasn't pleased with the idea because he thought that we were going to kiss.

I told him it was bound to happen because Micah and I won't stop kissing since we have been doing it long before I even knew him.

“Your hair is getting curlier.” I said as I ran my hand through it. It was soft, too, which I enjoyed feeling between my fingers.

“Yeah, perks of being mixed, I guess.” I nodded my head and yawned, loving the way I feel.

“I have decided to stop fighting Landon, I kind of deserved what he did to me because I was the one who got in trouble. I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I'm not going to fight him anymore. Being his mate and being pregnant has gotten me wiser because I want to be a good father to my pup.” I smiled at him, knowing that what he said was true because I could feel it.

We have both come a long way. We were trying to change for the better, and I hope it remains that way. We have done so much before while being spoiled at the same time.

I loved it and reveled in the feeling sometimes, but most times, it was overbearing. Overall, I'm happy with the way things turned out and hope that we will continue to have a happy life going forward. I fell asleep shortly after while knowing that my life was finally completed.

When I woke up, Micah wasn't there anymore, but Jacob took his place. I was uncomfortable in the position I was in, and I'm not used to lying on my back. It was a weird position to sleep in.

But ever since I got pregnant, that was how I had to sleep, in fear of squishing my pups or hurting them. Jacob wouldn't allow me to sleep any other way, and when I was alone here, he would always make sure I was comfortable enough on a mountain of pillows.

I sighed as I thought about what it would be like to have my pups here with me. I was going to do a c-section, and even though Jacob was worried, he shouldn't be because as soon as Dr. Carlyle cut me open, my wound would just close back, and everything would go back to normal like it never happened.

I bet those homophobic humans wish they could be in my place, ha if I could see their faces now I would laugh at them, but I won't gloat because it wasn't a nice thing to do.

But who said I was nice? I was trying to sleep, but it wasn't working, now, and then I had to move to find a good position.

“Love, what's going on?” Jacob asked sleepily, as I was keeping him awake.

“I don't know, I'm trying to sleep, but it's hard,” I whined, and he chuckled.

“What if I sing to you, will that help?” He asked, and I nodded my head. He started singing a thousand years by Christina Perri, and I had to keep myself from laughing because he couldn't sing to save his life.

But I loved the song, so it was enough for me to be able to finally fall asleep. I woke up next to a stream. The water was clear and surrounded by trees. It was calm here too, so calm I didn't want to leave, so I sat down and smiled as I spotted tiny fishes swimming in it. I didn't know what was going on, and I didn't want to find out because this was the calm I was desperately searching for.

“It's peaceful here, isn't it?” I jumped at the voice and turned around to find Jacob standing there smiling at me. The moon crescent mark on his forehead glowed, as well as his eyes, which were pitched black.

“It is, I wish I didn't have to leave, but I have to because I have family and friends to think of.” I replied, and he nodded his head while placing his arms around my waist and hugging me from behind. I leaned my head down on his shoulders while sighing.

“Is this place real?” I asked, and he chuckled.

“As real as it can get, love. Now I want you to wake up for me. You're going into labor,  love. Wake up for me, so we can be with our family.” I didn't want to leave, so I started clinging to him desperately, not liking the idea of this being a dream in my head.

I loved it here, I wanted to spend the rest of my life here, but I knew I couldn't because I had other purposes in life, so I woke up.

“It's time!” I shouted as I sat up on the bed in a daze because I could still remember the dream.

“Time?” Jacob asked, and I had to muster up every strength in me just to forget about my pain, so I could glare at him.

“Yes, it's time you doofus, the pups are coming.” His eyes became wide as he shot out of bed. I sat there with my mouth hanging open from the shock of seeing how fast he was moving.

He grabbed the bag that we packed just for this reason and ran out after getting dressed. Did he? No, he didn't. It took me a moment to realize what he had done, and I sent him a mind link, cursing up a storm while letting him know how stupid he was acting.

He came back while looking sheepishly at me, blushing as he picked me up bridal style.

“I sent Dr. Carlyle, a mind link, he's going to be there waiting for us as well as our family.” I nodded my head at him while he carried me out.

I'm not surprised I could manage the pain though, because of my immortality, I was able to get through it with ease. I got ready to meet my pups who were about to come into this crazy world, I would be panicking, but I had to remain calm.

The pups are coming a week earlier than expected, but I was ready. This was a new start in my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love Jacob, and I love my family and friends with all of my heart. This chapter of my life was finally closing as I made my way towards a new one, and I loved every moment of it.

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