Silent treatment

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I was sick and tired of the way everyone treated me like I was incompetent. I wanted the freedom to do what I want without having anyone over my head telling me what to do.

But, I didn't even have the luxury of having time to myself with the watchful eyes of my mate and family.

I was sulking all day while Jacob tried to comfort me, I didn't even want to be in the same room with him right now. He kept me here in fear that he wouldn't be able to spend some time with me if I had left with my family.

It's not like I'm going halfway across the country. They were sharing a pack land with him. I wish there was a way to get away from them, to go into the town and get some time for myself without having to worry about anything. Was I selfish for wanting alone time? I don't think so.

It was long overdue. My family was overbearing, and now I have a mate who's exactly like them. I looked at Jacob, who was sitting on the bed working on his laptop while sighing for what seemed like the hundredth time. He started grumbling while closing the laptop and focusing on me.

“Ok, what's wrong now?” He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders and decided to give him the silent treatment. It wasn't easy, but I had to. It was a way of punishing him for shouting at me earlier. He tried to apologize, but I wasn't letting it go.

If I didn't have a mate, I wouldn't have been treated this way, and I would still be with my family. Snow didn't like my thoughts, and it was even depressing to me because I couldn't see myself without him, I was just looking at it another way.

'Hey, Olaf, what are you up to?' Micah asked, and I started getting excited, finally being able to talk to him. ' I need some excitement in my life. When can I see you?' I asked as Jacob sat there looking at me like I was crazy.

' I feel a lot better now, so I want to take a break from Landon. Is there any chance you can escape Jacob?' He asked, and I looked at the devil himself sulking because I wasn't talking to him.

' I'll try won't make any promises, though.' I closed the link and glared at Jacob.

“Micah wants to hang out. The least you can do is give me that much. I won't take long, I won't even go over to my family's house. I promise I'll return after I'm done. I just need some time to think without you or anyone else babying me.” I held my breath as I waited for his reply. I could tell he was having a debate with Midnight due to the way his brows furrowed, so I didn't interrupt.

“Fine, you can go, but make sure you're back in an hour or else…" I nodded my head and gave him a kiss, then left. I couldn't believe he had agreed for me to leave, not knowing whether I was going to misbehave or not. After spotting Micah outside, we both started walking when I could see that he was limping a little, so I smirked at him.

“At least you're no longer a virgin.” I said, and he started blushing.

“I know, right? But sometimes I can't help but think of how Landon and I started off. It's crazy that it's still on my mind, even though I said I was going to move on from it. I just can't seem to let it go every time I look at him.” He sighed and looked down.

“Do you mind if I shift? I've been cooped up for too long in his room, I need to let seff out for a minute.” I nodded my head and watched as he started taking his clothes off. I was looking at his body and my goddess, he's gorgeous. I have never looked at Micah any other way than being friends, even when we used to kiss.

The kiss meant nothing back then, but now, because of my hormones, I was lusting after his body. I needed to stop thinking about that if I didn't want Jacob to know. Snow growled at me and told me I was cheating on our mate just by thinking about another person sexually, so I should stop it.

It wasn't cheating, though, right? I could look, I could praise someone if they looked good.

I could flirt all I want, so to hell with having a mate, he can't tell me what to do. After Micah handed me his clothes, he shifted, and I smiled at seff while patting his head.

They had forbidden me to shift until my pregnancy was over, or I would be in my wolf form by now. I don't know how I was going to go five months without shifting, but snow understood and wasn't complaining.

It was good that I could get to spend some time with Micah. He wasn't overbearing as my family. He was protective of me, yes, but not as much as the others, so I could get away with certain things while I was around Micah.

I was walking next to him while rubbing my belly, smiling as I thought about my pup that would soon be a part of this world.

'What if it's more than one?' Snow asked, and my eyes became wide. More than one? What the hell would I do if that was the case? I couldn't panic now because the deed was already done.

'I think that's something we can handle right, Snow?' I asked, and Snow said yes. I didn't realize how long I had been gone with Micah until Jacob sent me a mind link to get my butt back home. I could tell he was mad, and that's something I wasn't ready to deal with.

After Micah shifted, he got dressed, and we parted ways, so I could go and deal with my angry mate. At least he wasn't hovering over me, watching my every move. He gave me a chance with Micah to take a walk without him, and that's a first. I could have easily gone to visit my family, but I wanted Jacob to trust me, so I didn't.

In the end, I should have gone to them because I didn't know what I was returning home to, I didn't know if I was going to get punished for not going back on time, I could easily get away with it since I'm pregnant, and it's one of Jacob's weakness. I just have to remind him and see how it goes. Fingers crossed.

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