Hanging out

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“Where are we going?” I asked Jacob after he asked me to get ready. I was so excited. I bounced and couldn't keep still to save my life. Jacob had to be watching me closely, so I didn't trip and fall, I wouldn't get hurt anyway, and our pup would still be ok, so he didn't have anything to worry about, but that wasn't stopping him.

“Going to take you to the town to shop and do some other things. I think it will help you relax a bit. Landon and Micah are also coming with us.” I nodded my head and told him I was ready.

He grabbed my hand, and we walked out of our room, spotting Micah and Landon waiting for us. I ran up to Micah and hugged him, missing him like crazy. He chuckled and returned my hug, only for a few seconds before he was pulled back by Landon.

We decided to drive there, which was better since I intended to get a lot of stuff. Once we arrived, I couldn't wait for the car to fully stop, I got out of it, rather quickly, only to be chastised by Jacob, who told me to settle down.

We were at the mall, the first place I wanted to visit, so I took Micah's hand and pulled him away from an angry Landon who was glaring at me for taking away his mate, but he should learn to deal with it because Micah was my best friend before we even knew him.

“Ok, which store should we go to first?” Micah asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing.

“Let's just walk around and see.” I replied, and he nodded his head. We went to different stores, grabbing so many things and making our mates carry them for us.

Micah and I couldn't resist, We were running around acting crazy but under the watchful eyes of our worried mates, we might hurt ourselves. We grabbed plenty of items and some clothes I would need to wear since I was getting bigger. I started to get hungry, and I needed to go to the bathroom. My bladder was getting the better of me.

After using the bathroom, Jacob and Landon told Micah and I to wait for them while they go and put the bags in the car, which we did because I didn't want to get into any trouble with Jacob and ruin our fun time.

Now we were at the food court, getting something to eat, and Jacob was kissing me and tickling me, which left me in a laughing mess. I guess some people didn't like it because a lady and a man were looking at us with disgust on their faces.

“People like these shouldn't be able to roam around the place with their sinful selves. What has this world gone to? Look how handsome these men are, but they choose to be gay rather than finding a beautiful girl to be with, disgusting.” My eyes started welling up with tears as I listened to what she was saying.

Jacob and Landon, on the other hand, were angry, Micah and I had to try to calm them down, so they didn't do anything they would regret. The lady was whispering to the other man, but because of our super hearing, we were able to hear them.

“And look at that little one, He dyed his hair white, thinking it suited him. It makes him look homeless if you ask me, Europe isn't the same as it used to be.” The lady agreed with the man, which was hurtful as ever.

I didn't dye my hair, bitch, I was born that way. The ones that knew about us, didn't say anything, but I could tell they didn't like what was being said about us. Jacob took a deep breath and ordered our food, while Micah and Landon did the same.

Before leaving, Jacob told them that they should mind their own fucking business and don't talk about people they didn't know, I could tell Midnight wanted to take over and rip them to shreds, but Jacob fought back and regained control.

They were shocked that Jacob spoke to them like that, it made me sad what they said, and I wondered if it was true.

'How can it be true? We didn't choose to be gay Arlo, the goddess gave us our mate, so we should be thankful. Don't let what they are saying get to you, we are having too much fun for two idiots to ruin it for us. They are just your typical Karen and ken, don't let it get to you.' Snow said, and I agreed with him, so I decided to cheer up some.

If I continued crying, Jacob would want to take us home, and I didn't want to leave. The last time I was allowed in the town was because of Jacob and I's date. I should try to enjoy myself as much as I can for now.

“Where else should we visit, love? It's all up to you.” Jacob asked as we got back in the car.

“Um, I don't know, how about the park?” I asked and he nodded his head. It was still early enough for us, so we could enjoy ourselves. Micah was fuming next to Landon, who was trying to get him to calm down.

I knew that Seff wanted to break free and Micah would have allowed it if it weren't for Landon, who was here with him. The drive didn't take long, and so we got to the park in a short amount of time.

I decided not to dwell on what the man and the woman were saying because quite frankly, they didn't deserve to be in my thoughts.

I was going to enjoy the rest of the evening with my mate, regardless of what happened. I won't let a few meaningless words get to me, I'm stronger than that. I could have used my powers against them, but then I remembered Jacob saying he didn't want them to get in the wrong hands, so I had to tread carefully when around him because I wanted him to trust me.

He even bought ice cream for me! I can see he was trying, and I really love him more for that, knowing I always have someone with me, to love and protect me indefinitely.

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