Being prepared

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'Dammit! Midnight, have you talked to snow?' I asked, as I was on the verge of going on a rampage if I didn't get Arlo back. He was sleeping next to me and then when I woke up, he wasn't there anymore. I couldn't mind link him as yet, since I didn't mark him. Now I was regretting not doing it sooner. If his brothers had something to do with it, then I would surely send them to no man's land for a month unprotected!

'It seems as if something caught his interest, and he is hardly responding to me, I don't have a clue what they are doing, so maybe you can just track him by his scent.' I nodded my head and started sniffing around for his scent when Landon sent me a mind link saying he couldn't find Micah. We both started searching for them and came up in an empty room. The door was locked.

That was where his scent stopped, so I guess he was behind it. What the hell could they be doing? I opened the door and heard sexual sounds coming from the phone they had, and realized what they were doing. I couldn't believe they were watching porn! If Micah wasn't Landon's mate, I would surely kill him for letting Arlo watch it with him, corrupting his innocent mind. I dragged him back to my room and marched up to him, but he was backing away from me as if he were scared. Good, he should be scared.

“Do you want me to repeat what I did to you?” He shook his head, and his eyes became wide.

“You wouldn't.” He said, as if testing me. I made a move to show him that I would, but he held both of his hands up in surrender.

“Yeah, you would, I get it.” I pointed to the bed, and he got in, and so did I. This time, I made sure that I had him in a tight embrace, one I'm sure he wouldn't be able to escape from. After a couple of minutes of silence, I sighed and shook my head.

“I can feel your eyes on me Arlo what is it?” I asked as I looked at him. He was biting his lips, tempting me to ravish them.

“Um, I wanted to see yours, just to measure it and see if it is as big as those guys.” My eyes became wide because I knew exactly what he was talking about.

“You will get to find out soon, so go to sleep.” He scoffed and folded his arms.

“Are you scared? I can't believe the alpha king of all werewolves is afraid of showing his mate his penis.” What the hell is wrong with him?

“If I whip it out and show you, you won't be able to keep your hands off me, plus if you want something special for when we are going to mate I suggest you go to sleep right now.” He rolled his eyes and then pretended to sleep. Why did I have to end up with such a stubborn mate? Gosh, even though I wouldn't ask for anyone else. A couple of minutes later, he eventually fell asleep for real this time, so I fell asleep as well.

The next day, when we woke up, I decided to purchase the stuff I needed for what I had in mind. I left Arlo with Micah, so hopefully, those two won't get into trouble by the time I got back. After I was done, I went to get some chocolates for him since it seemed as if he loved them. Once I was done, I was heading back to my room, but only to be stopped by Arlo's brothers. What do these assholes want with me?

“Hey, Jacob, how's it going?” Matt asked, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Um, good, thanks.” I replied, not trusting these idiots.

“Well, that's good. We were going to take our mates out of town for a few days today, so we wanted you to watch Arlo for us while we are out.” I nodded my head and smirked at the thought of them not being here.

“Remember to watch him closely because he and Micah always get into a lot of trouble, and I mean a lot.” They all started chuckling while Logan started talking about something Arlo and Micah did back then.

“They once came up with a prank to put a sign on Damon's back that says 'slap me because I'm a good alpha and I need an extra hand'. Damon grounded Arlo, so he was mad because of that. When Damon was walking around, everyone started slapping him and nodding their heads while agreeing with the sign, but he didn't know that it was there until a little pup pointed it out.” I laughed a little at that because I can see why he deserved it.

“Well, remember that time when he replaced your toothpaste with a colored paste? Blue at that? I couldn't stop laughing every time you smiled asswhipe.” Damon snapped at Logan, and they started bickering with each other.

“As much as I would like to stand here and listen to you guys, I have important things to take care of.” They walked away from me, and I sighed. I entered my room and put the stuff down, then went to Landon's room after he told me that Arlo was there with Micah.

“Hey, want to go for a run? I did promise snow to spend some more time with him. Micah and Landon can come as well if they like.” I suggested, and Arlo nodded his head.

“Yeah, it would do me some good too since snow has been pissing me off a lot lately.” I asked him why, but he only shrugged his shoulders, saying it was nothing. We all went on that run with me, knowing that tonight was the night I was going to mate with Arlo and make him mine once and for all.

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