Am I lucky or what?

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“Ok, so we have decided to move our pack to your pack, but we will be two separate packs living on the same land, in that way, we will still be able to protect Arlo and be there for him. But do not get your hopes up as yet, as we still need to find out from everyone else if they are ok with moving. We will be having a meeting with the pack members around one this afternoon to see if they will agree to this.” Matt said, and I nodded my head.

I had just woken up from a long night of comforting Arlo after I told him about the other gifts he had. I sighed as I headed toward the bathroom to get ready for the day. I started a bath for Arlo so he could relax a bit because I knew he was still stressed out.

At least I will be able to go back to my pack since I've been here for so long. I've never been away from my pack for too long, and I was starting to feel a bit homesick.

I could easily go there if I wanted, but once I thought about leaving Arlo, if it's even for a few seconds, my anxiety would go through the roof. There's no way in hell I want to be so far away from my mate.

If I'm not in his pack, then I'm not going anywhere. After my shower, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, then went to get Arlo after making sure the water was warm enough. He hadn't woken up as yet, so I took my time staring at him. I did not understand how I could be so lucky. I found my mate, I wish I could do a victory dance.

I wish I could go up on a rooftop and shout his name to the world, but he would only think I'm weird, so I won't. I'm being corny as hell right now, but do I look like I care? Heck, no! He's my mate, and I'm going to show him off to the world.

Something I should have been doing since I've found him. I need to take him on a date, too, and get to know him better before we do our duties. We still have other packs to visit, to analyze them and see if they are mistreating anyone there.

I ran my hand across his forehead and pressed a kiss there, still feeling like I could fly just by looking at him. His white hair has gotten even whiter, and his green eyes even greener. I've noticed that since the time we mated, and I knew that passing my powers over to him had changed him a little.

He was still my hyper mate, the boy who would always let my pressure skyrocket as I'll always be worried about him. The boy I will always care about, no matter what anyone might say.

“Love, wake up for me.” I whispered in his ear, but he only groaned and turned his back to me. I chuckled as he attempted to bat my hand away while failing miserably because he was still asleep.

“Baby, wake up, I mean it.” I grabbed his shoulders and spun around, so he could face me.

“If you aren't going to have sex with me right now, then I suggest you leave me alone.” He said, and I chuckled.

“I started a bath for you so you can relax a bit, but if it's sex you want, who am I to refuse?” He jumps up at the mention of a bath and scurried towards the bathroom, still sleepy, so he was swaying a bit.

I had to watch him to make sure he didn't fall because I would go insane if he gets hurt in any way. Once he was in the bathroom, I helped him out of his pajamas and picked up him, so I could put him in the water.

Since it has gotten a bit cold, I touched it and watched it as it heats up to the right temperature. Arlo's eyes became wide as he looked at what I was doing.

“Can I do that as well?” He asked, and I nodded my head.

“You can do everything I can love.” He smiles as his eyes begin to sparkle with mischief. What sort of plan is he trying to come up with this time? Who knows?

“Gonna get dressed and get you something to wear, take your time and relax a bit, ok?” He nodded his head and leaned back while he inhaled the aroma. Shortly after, he started singing, and my eyes became wide because I didn't know that he could sing so damn good.

'You don't know anything about him.' Midnight said, and I agreed with him. That's why I was going to take him out on a date to get to know him better.

I chuckled when I heard him singing how far I'll go, a song from Moana. It's not like I spent my time watching it before, why I know these songs. Geez, I'm not girly.

I only heard some pups singing back home, I swear. A couple of minutes later, I went to check on Arlo to make sure he was ok. He smiled when he saw me approaching him, and I bent down and kissed him.

“Ready to get out?” I asked, and he nodded his head.

“You know what I would love to eat right now?” My face became red as midnight had said something dirty, which was probably not what he was talking about.

“What's that love?” I asked as I helped him dry off.

“Some KFC. My brothers only let me eat it like once every three months, saying it's too unhealthy for me. I don't care though, I miss it and I would want some.” He started pouting, a look he often uses to get his way.

“Ok, I'll get someone to go and get some for you. I would eat it as well, so maybe we could do like a KFC feast or something.” He started squealing while jumping up and down.

My eyes immediately zoomed in on his penis as I bit my lips since my mouth was watering at the sight.

'If you don't take him, I will.' Midnight threatened, and I growled at him.

'Why must you be like that sometimes?' I asked, but he decided to ignore me.

“You know if you keep staring at it, it's going to fall off.” I laughed because I couldn't believe he said that.

“Let's get you dressed, so we can go and get something to eat. Your brothers have decided to move to my pack, but they want to have a meeting to see if the others would be on board with this.” He nodded his head and smiled at me.

“Am I allowed to be at the meeting?” He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.

“Don't know, but you're going either way. Plus, since it's Friday, I was considering taking you out on a date later tonight. Would you want that love?” I asked as I started playing with his hair and inhaling his scent. He shivered a bit and moaned as I started kissing his neck.

“I would love to go on a date with you, Jacob.” He replied, and I nodded my head. He started grinding his hips against me, and I realized what this was about. I guess breakfast was off the table for now because I had my mate to pleasure, and that's all I cared about right now.

Arlo (bxb) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя