Good news or bad news?

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Don't panic. I'm sure it was just a stomach bug or something. That's what I kept on saying as I was staring at my stomach while waiting for Dr. Carlyle to get here.

My family was all here, including Micah, who had a worried look on their faces. Even my brothers mates were there, wanting to know what was wrong with me.

"What if I'm...." Damon shot me a look while telling me to shut up. He already knew what I was going to say, but he didn't like it one bit. A few minutes later, Dr. Carlyle entered the room and told everyone to get out while he asked me a few questions and ran some tests.

"What about the protections? Didn't he use them?" He asked, and I blushed as I started looking around, thinking about what took place when Jacob and I were going at it like horny rabbits.

"Uh, I can't remember." I replied, and he sighed. I lied, though, because I remembered it all. The night after Malachi's party, Jacob and I went on for what seemed to be hours of lovemaking without using protections.

Ever since we got here, we went without using them, even while knowing how important it was. I couldn't be mad at Jacob because I was just as irresponsible for not telling him to use a condom. I was just too horny that I couldn't think straight when he was around.

"Ok, time to get the result of the test." I nodded my head and watched as he took up the pregnancy test, then sighed and looked at me.

Dread came over me as I already knew what the answer was, and I can safely say I was dead meat. He called my family back into the room and started telling them the news. Whether it was good or bad, I already knew what they were going to say.

"So Arlo here has a stomach bug!" Dr. Carlyle shouted, and I saw the relief on their faces, but it was short-lived when he said he was only joking. He was being mean to them, but they deserved it. At least it would have been better if it were just a stomach bug.

"Alright, enough with the jokes, Arlo is pregnant, and from the looks of it, I might say he's three weeks in already." I heard a series of groans followed by threats toward Jacob, and my eyes became wide because I knew they were being serious.

"Ok, can you all kindly shut up!?" I shouted, and they stopped talking and looked at me.

"What do you expect us to say? How do you expect us to react, knowing our little brother is pregnant at seventeen?" Elijah asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not my fault you are twenty-three and wanted to wait to have pups." He narrowed his eyes at me and sighed.

"I know this is a big step for me, I'm already mated to someone who loves me a lot, so having a pup or two won't change anything." I looked at my parents, who were quiet the whole time. My eyes pleaded with my mother, who sighed and came up to me while hugging me.

"No matter what your idiot brothers say, we will support you. You are our little bean, and we'll make sure you're alright no matter what, right boys?" They all nodded their heads, but I could see how hesitant they were.

"I'm going to be an uncle!" Micah shouted, which had everyone laughing, breaking the tension in the room.

"Ok , so since you all were already educated on how he could get pregnant I don't need to go over that right now, so I'll just leave you with some prenatal Vitamins for you to take and make sure you come to see me for your regular checkups. Make sure to eat healthily and don't lift anything heavy. Congratulations, by the way." I nodded my head and thanked him, wishing Jacob was here with me.

I could mind link him, but I would rather not disturb him. When Dr. Carlyle left, everyone started talking at the same time. Chris couldn't believe how irresponsible I'd been while Sophia tried to get him to calm down.

Damon stormed out while Christine ran after him to make sure he was ok. I don't even know why everyone was overreacting in the first place. It's my body and my choice, so I am entitled to choose what happens to me.

"Ok, everyone, please settle down. Boys, go make pups of your own and leave Arlo alone! It's full time. I got me some grand pups instead of having to listen to you all constantly nagging my son all the time!" Dad shouted, and I couldn't help it, I started laughing at the looks on their faces.

"Thanks for the advice, Mr. Quinn I think I might go ahead and do just that." Micah said, and I rolled my eyes.

"The damage has already been done. We should only make sure Arlo is ok going forward. I know you are all disappointed, but there's nothing we can do right now. Don't blame Jacob either because this was bound to happen eventually." Mom said, and I breathed a sigh of relief. At least my parents were ok with me being pregnant, my brothers? Not so much. But I could tell they were going to try for my sake.

"Ok, we need to make a list of things Arlo should eat and how to make sure he's comfortable." Matt said, and I groaned and shook my head at him.

"What? If you thought we were going to stop being overprotective of you, you thought wrong. Now, with you being pregnant, we are so going to take this up a notch. You will be sorry you ever knew us." Was that a threat? I hope not. If Matt was serious, I could see how much trouble I was going to be in from now on.

They weren't going to leave me alone, ever. How will I cope knowing that my life is about to change for the better? I hope that Jacob is ready to be a father because if he's not, I don't know what I would do.

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