Not getting my way

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"For goddess's sake, stop running!" I shouted at Arlo, who took off because he saw someone he knew. I woke up early because he had morning sickness and couldn't sleep. I sighed as I watched him hug the person, Midnight was growling at how close he was to this man while urging me to go and get his mate.

"Robert, it's good to see you again." Amanda said as she came running towards the man, I shook my head at them and growled as I looked at how happy Arlo seemed with this man.

"Hey sis, it's good to be back. I missed you and Leo, so I decided to come and check things out. I see that my little ray of sunshine here hasn't changed at all." Arlo chuckled as he continued to hold on to the man, so I marched up to him and pulled him to me, which had him growling and crying at the same time.

"Jacob, let go, I want my uncle." He said, as he was struggling in my hold. His brothers looked torn, not knowing what to do after seeing how he was crying in my arms as I tried to convince myself that It was just the pregnancy hormones, nothing more.

"Uncle?" I asked, and the man nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm Amanda's brother, Robert. I wasn't living with them because I found my mate in another pack and moved away. I decided it's time I came to visit because I needed to talk to my sister and see how my nephews were doing." I nodded my head and continued comforting Arlo until he quieted down.

"Come on, let's go inside so we can catch up. Leo will be shocked when he sees you." Amanda said as she started dragging Robert with her. When Arlo made a move to go after them, I pulled him back because I couldn't see myself not being around him for even a few seconds. I knew that once he entered their pack house, I wasn't going to see him until evening, which wasn't ok with me.

"Jacob, let go off me, please." He said while struggling, but I didn't let him go as he wanted. I lifted him up and started marching toward my room so I could get him settled in bed.

"And miss my chance of spending the day with you? Never." I replied, which had him sulking all the way there. After I got him settled in bed, I got in next to him, praying and hoping that everything would work out alright for us as I fell asleep next to my mate.

"I'm hungry." I felt a hand shaking me, and I woke up to find Arlo looking at me with an irritated look on his face. I smiled and kissed him, then got out of bed.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked, and he grinned at me.

"I could go for some peanut butter and pickle sandwich." I narrowed my eyes at him because that sounded disgusting. I was about to tell him no to the peanut butter, but one look from him had me nodding my head, and so I went to do what he wanted because I'm sure if I had questioned him, he would have torn my head off.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Malachi there blushing like crazy while cale was making something to eat. Strange, my gamma never cooked before, so why now?

"What ya doing?" I asked, and he jumped a little.

"Shit, you scared me, I'm just getting something for my Mate." Cale replied, and my eyes became wide.

"Mate? How come it's the first I'm hearing about this? And who is your mate?" I asked as I looked between him and Malachi.

"Um, I made him promise not to tell anyone as yet because I wasn't ready. But since you are my brother, I guess it's only fair. Cale and Connor are my second chance mates." Malachi replied with a nervous chuckle as I stood there, gawking at them from shock.

Cale cleared his throat, and I was brought back to reality, finally able to congratulate them because they deserved it. I ruffled Malachi's hair, which had him brushing my hand away while chuckling.

"I'm just going to get something for Arlo, don't mind me." I said, and Cale nodded his head and went back to what he was making. Connor soon joined them after training and sat next to Malachi, who looked like he was about to combust from the redness on his face.

I laughed to myself and started moving faster because I didn't want it to seem like I was imposing on their time. After talking a bit to them, I excused myself and brought the sandwich to Arlo with some water to drink.

"You sure took your time, didn't you?" Arlo asked, and I sighed because I could tell this was going to be his mood for the rest of the day.

"What else would you like to do?" I asked carefully, and he glared at me in return.

"Let me go to my family." I shook my head and folded my arms, showing how serious I was.

"I told you I wanted to spend the day with you, I have a lot of work to do. So is it bad that I would like to be able to spend some time with you without having to hear you talk about wanting your family!?" I shouted, and he flinched from the tone of my voice.

I didn't mean to scare him, but I wanted him to see my side. He only dropped his head and started sniffling while eating his sandwich. Now he was acting like I was a bad mate, I was doing everything for him, sacrificing so much, but he didn't see it because his family was constantly coming in between us. What more can I do to make him happy?

It's just that I don't like to share, I've never thought that I would be in this situation, but it was happening, and there was nothing I could do about it. I sighed as I shook my head, debating on whether I should comfort him or not.

I finally caved and pulled him towards me, even as he struggled at first. I love him and my pup that's growing inside him with all of my heart. Why couldn't he see that and understand that? They spoiled him too much.

That's why he's like this, I won't change it though because he's perfect, and I couldn't ask for anyone better than what I have here with me.

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