The truth about the gifts

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Ugh, these stupid idiots won't let me do anything! It is getting tiring, and I'm done with it all. I miss Micah like crazy already. No matter how many times we mind linking each other, I want him here with me. I huffed as I sat on the sofa while the others talked about unnecessary things.

My mind went blank because I didn't want to hear about my brothers' two - days adventure. Oh, hell no! Dinner was wonderful, of course, Malachi finished around two in the evening, and now everyone was relaxing and going about their day. The omegas decided to clean up, so he didn't have to worry about doing it.

“Frowning will only make you wrinkle.” I heard a voice say, and I looked up.

“Micah! I missed you so much!” I shouted as I jumped up and ran towards him.

“I've only been gone half a day, you dimwit.” He replied with a chuckle as he returned my hug.

“But still, the place is too boring without you here. Now, what are you doing back so early?” I asked as I dragged him towards the sofa, so he could sit down.

“When I told my family about Landon being my mate, they practically kicked me out, saying I should have been with him instead because mates aren't meant to be separated. I didn't tell them about him marking me without my consent, or they would have his head on a platter if I did. They intend to visit tomorrow to meet him.” I nodded my head and looked at Jacob, who was watching me with a smirk on his face. That bastard knew why I was ignoring him.

He's not doing anything about it, so I guess I was safe for now. Landon chose that moment to walk in as if he sensed his mate here and ran up to Micah, who smiled a little at him.

“Can we talk, please?” He asked, and Micah nodded his head. He made a move to get up, but I pinned him down, not letting him go.

“Go away, Landon. I just got him back!” I whined and glared at him.

“Oh, come on, lo, I'm just going to talk to him. We can cuddle once I'm done.” Landon only glared at me when he heard Micah talking about cuddling with me, but I don't care, I got my best friend back even though he has only been gone a short amount of time.

“Come on, love, it's time I teach you about my gifts.” Jacob whispered in my ears, and I got up and followed him. He better not let me start using them because it's then he won't be able to control me.

Once we were in his room, he gestured for me to sit on the bed, which I did while mumbling to myself about how he was treating me. I get I was spoiled and kind of annoying, but you know what? I don't care anymore.

“Ok, so I'm going to tell you about them, then we can start training after.” He said, and I nodded my head, eagerly waiting to get started.

“You already know about my fast healing power. You have that as well.” Yeah, yeah, tell me something I don't already know. He sighed and shook his head, and I blushed as I forgot to block him from my thoughts.

“You already know about speed. You can run ten times faster than a train if you push yourself to.” Wow, ok, that's cool.

“Another gift is sight. You already know that we can see things better than humans, but with this gift, you will be able to see through things once activated.” Ok, so like Superman, I get it.

“The gift of hearing, which is better than what we have now because you can hear things up to fifty miles out, which is better than regular wolves hearing.” I nodded my head, my eyes wide as I take in this information.

“You have the vanishing gift, which allows you to appear and disappear within a blink of an eye. The gift of earth, wind, fire, and water, and those are the gifts I want you to be careful about.” I looked at him confused as he sat next to me on the bed.

“Let's say you can control Mother Nature, you can make it storm or make it flood, earthquakes like any natural disasters you can think of you will be able to make it happen. That's why I kept those things to myself because they can be deadly when in the wrong hands. So you have to promise me not to use them without proper reasons.” I promised him that even though this was too much to take in, I would rather not let him down.

“How did you end up with these gifts?” I asked, and he smiled at me.

“I'm somewhat the son of the goddess, you'd have to say. I wear her symbol, the moon crescent symbol, which allows me to have these gifts. I was given the title of the alpha king because of it.” I guess that makes sense.

“I forgot to mention something else, so please don't hate me.” I asked him to go on. What could possibly be so bad that I would end up hating him?

“Once I marked you, you and your pack got the gift of life. Meaning, you are all immortal.” My eyes became wide as I looked at him, wondering whether he was serious or not.

“Being the alpha king is no joke, Arlo. I was placed on this earth to rule it for a reason. The goddess herself made sure that I wouldn't be easily killed off when she gave me those gifts. Even though my earthly mother was the one who gave birth to me, the goddess was the one who placed me there, so I could rule the world. Get rid of the rogues that are murdering innocent people, demote alphas of their positions if they ever mistreat their pack members, I was given so many gifts, and now you have them too. I still need to teach you about the spells I learned from a friend of mine. It can be useful as well.” He looked stressed out, and I can see why. This was a lot to take in, even for me.

“I-I don't think I can train right now, I need some time to think.” I said, and he nodded his head in understanding. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over me. It's not just about the gifts, but also about being immortal. At least my pack was safe, and I didn't have to worry about losing anyone. Should I be happy with this?

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