Taking over

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The next day, when I woke up, I was mad. I don't know why, but that was the way I was feeling.

“I'm ready to go back to school.” I said to my family and Jacob, who were all sitting down at the dining table eating.

“You know you're not allowed back to school right now, Arlo, so get that thought out of your head.” I glared at Logan, who glared back at me, not backing down at all.

“I will go back, and you can't do anything about it. My morning sickness isn't so bad, Even though I'm hungry and horny most of the time, that can be solved easily.” Everyone started looking at me with disgust on their faces at the thought of me mentioning sex.

Why would they be disgusted, though? Sex is a natural thing. It was wonderful. As innocent as I was when I first met Jacob, I came to like it even more, and now I was not so innocent anymore.

“You only have a year left in high school. Your birthday is next month, we will make sure you graduate, but that's just about it.” I started grumbling to myself because I couldn't believe I wasn't getting my way.

“Here. Drink this.” Jacob said as he placed a bottle of green juice in front of me. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at it, not trusting what was in it. Even though it was, Dr. Carlyle suggested making something healthy to drink after we went to visit him this morning.

“I didn't think you'd go through with it.” I said, disgusted by the color of it.

“Just take a sip of it now and then. You don't have to drink it all, love.” I narrowed my eyes at him and started to curse my dirty mind. It was Snow's fault. He was turning me into a monster.

'But you like it, though.' Snow replied. I didn't say anything because it was true.

“I want Micah.” Ever since that incident happened yesterday, I haven't seen Micah or Landon, and I was worried about him. I tried sending him a mind link to ask if he was ok, but he wasn't replying.

“You'll get to see him soon, now drink.” I glared at Jacob, but did what he said. After taking a sip of the green juice, I can safely say this was one of the worst things I have ever tasted in my entire life, this and cum.

Gosh, combining those two things made me want to puke right here in front of everyone. Why did my mind have to go there? Sometimes I would think of things just to make myself grossed out, maybe there's something wrong with me. After the first time swallowing it, Whenever Jacob and I have sex, I wouldn't allow him to cum in my mouth again. He can do it on my body but never my mouth, that's where I draw the line.

“Will you please try to block your thoughts? I don't want to hear that.” Damon demanded, and I rolled my eyes.

“Will you so kindly stay the hell out of my mind? I get that you're my Alpha as well as my brother, but you don't need to invade my privacy like you always do!” I shouted and he groaned and shook his head.

“My baby brother is all grown up now, can you please go back to the way you were before meeting Jacob? He has been corrupting your mind and I don't like it one bit.” Chris said, and Jacob glared at him.

“How am I corrupting him? He's my mate. He is mine and no one else, so I get to do what I want with him, whenever I want.” I slammed my fist down on the table, gaining everyone's attention, but I didn't care.

“I'm not an item you can claim, Jacob,” I said, and he growls in return.

“You are my property so deal with it, We are mates after all. It's damn well the same thing.” I couldn't be here anymore, or I was going to go crazy, so I got up and marched away, leaving them as I made my way outside.

'Snow, would you like to take over for a few minutes? I need to calm down. Please don't do anything stupid like running back to Jacob after what he had just said.' Snow agreed with me, and I closed my eyes and let him take over. No, I wasn't going to shift, I was only going to give him a chance to take over my body while I'm still in human form. That way was better.

'We should do this often.' Snow said, and I agreed with him. I shut my mind off and let him control my body, so I could get some peace. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, and I hope he didn't mess things up. I know how protective Snow is of our pup already, so he won't do anything to jeopardize my pregnancy.

I should have done this sooner, Snow would know how to handle these overprotective people much better than I can. He doesn't take bullshit from anyone, and he's not weak. I hope that when I take back control, he doesn't do anything stupid that would embarrass me, or I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

(Snow's POV)

I know it was hard for my human to be surrounded by people who were constantly on his tail. These motherfuckers don't even know the word no, sometimes I wonder if this is a blessing or a curse.

I could tell how overwhelmed my human was and that he needed some time away from them, so this was better for him. As I stood outside, taking in the scenery, I couldn't help but think about the pup that was growing inside of me. My human had always wanted a mate, someone to love and cherish him just like his family, but it was getting overbearing for him.

I sighed as I watched Jacob walking towards us, couldn't he at least give us a few minutes to ourselves without being so damn clingy? But I love it, so I won't complain.

“Love come back inside.” I glared at him and told him to fuck off, that he wasn't one to tell me or my human what to do. I didn't mean it though the way I was acting, I just enjoyed it. I like being dominated by him, something I'm sure my human wouldn't admit. The way he gets possessive of us made my insides quiver from lust.

“Snow? So Arlo allowed you to take over?” He asked and I nodded my head.

“Take over, different from shifting, if your brain can't register the difference.” He scoffed and folded his arms as he stood next to me, his scent was getting too much. It was making it hard for me to concentrate because right now, all I could think of was him bending me over and riding me like a cowboy.

“I don't understand why the two of you are so stubborn, your family and I are giving you everything you need, making sure you're ok. But you're just making it hard for us.” He shook his head in disappointment, and I raised my eyebrow at him.

Why is this bitch disappointed in the first place? I won't ask him that question though because it would only land me in another punishment and that's something I'm sure my human wouldn't want but with me, I don't care. I loved it when he punished me.

I loved it when he goes all alpha on me, hearing that growl as he got ready to spank my human's ass. It's a good thing I could block my thoughts from everyone better than Arlo can, or my mate would hear everything I was thinking.

“He should let you out more, not shifting into your wolf form because that can be dangerous for the pup, but letting you take control now and then.” I only nodded my head because he was so slow.

“My human needs some alone time to rest, you'll have him back when he's ready. Meanwhile, you're stuck with me.” He only smiled and pulled me towards him for a hug.

“It doesn't matter. You're my mate as much as Arlo is, I love both of you the same.” I started purring like a cat at what he said, hoping that he meant it.

“I love you too, no matter how stupid you can sometimes get.” He chuckled, and I took a deep breath, feeling the calmness of the day. I wasn't ready to give back control over to my human, but I had to, so he can be with the people who love him.

At the end of the day, the mate bond was just too strong for me to stay away from Jacob, no matter what my human said, I couldn't and that's how it will always be.

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