Boredom and experiments

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“I think she's just jealous. She's a mere Luna while you're mated to the alpha king himself, which technically makes you a king as well.” Micah said, and I agreed with him. He came to spend some time with me since Jacob left to visit another pack.

“Either way, she should stop with the insults already. It's not like I'm the only one in this world who's pregnant at seventeen.” He chuckled next to me on the bed.

“Even though I was told to stay in bed, I can't do it. It's been a while since I've done something fun, and I don't even know myself anymore. I'm turning into Patrick in season four when he got the wrong brain that made him smart and less fun.” I grumbled, which had Micah laughing.

“What would you like to do? You know we can't do anything around here without the watchful eyes of everyone.” Yeah, he's right, but that doesn't mean I should just stop having fun.

Micah only shook his head and started tapping his lips with his finger.

“How about I give you a haircut? I did Landon's hair, and it came out perfectly.” I ran my hand through my hair and realized it was getting long, longer than I've normally kept it.

It was Logan who always gave me a haircut, but I didn't want to bother him, so now that Micah had mentioned it, I'll let him experiment on me this time.

“If it comes out bad, instead of going to the bathroom, I'll take a piss and a dump on you. Use you for my toilet instead.” I warned, and his eyes became wide.

“Shit, why do you always have to be so fucking gross?” He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

“I hang out with you too much, so it's all your fault why I'm like this.” He shook his head and got out of bed, saying he'll be back with the stuff. When he returned, he dumped them on the bed. I saw scissors, a razor comb, a bottle of spray, some other things and a small mirror for me to look in.

I got up and sat down on the chair that was in here while he threw a black cloth-looking thing over my shoulders like a real barber. I chuckled as I watched him, he's always messy when it comes to doing things, so I pray to the goddess he doesn't make me look like a weirdo.

“Ok let's get started.” I nodded my head and he got to work. Half-hour later, he told me he was done after making sure that everything was alright. After he uses the spray, he took the black cloth off me and I took up the mirror and looked at myself. Wow, I must admit he did a good job.

“Thanks. I didn't know you would be this good.” I said as I took in my appearance, damn, I looked good. I hope Jacob likes my new look as well. He needed a haircut too, so I'll just have to recommend him to Micah.

“I asked Logan to teach me, so I got the hang of it, it's not that hard.” I nodded my head as he started packing up the things he used. I went to the bathroom again for like the tenth time already, even though I didn't drink that much today. I smiled as I looked down at my belly, hoping that everything works out alright for Jacob and me.

“Have you ever noticed that there were never problems in our pack before, and now it's the same here? Like I require some action in my life. Malachi was the only rogue we encountered for sometimes, and he ended up getting adopted by Jacob's parents. Gosh, when will we be able to throw a few punches?” Micah asked as he got back in bed next to me. I had something wrapped around my hair for now since I just got it cut.

“Never wish for those things, doofus. Plus I'm pregnant, do you think we should be thinking about fighting while I'm in this state as much as we won't get hurt? I bet we would be locked up if there was a war here.” I replied and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Don't know, don't care. All I know is this place could use some excitement. Better yet, kiss me.” My eyes became wide at what Micah had just said. What the hell was wrong with him? But who am I to turn down such an offer? I leaned forward and started kissing him, just like old times.

It still felt the same and there wasn't any attraction there, but at least we got to make out like before. No, I wasn't cheating on Jacob, I was just bored. Bored enough to land me in a world of trouble, I might add.

The door opened, and I jumped from the suddenness of it and pulled away from Micah. I noticed that it was Jacob standing there, looking like he was ready to attack Micah. I moved as quickly as I could towards him and tried to hold him back while telling him that it was nothing.

“Nothing? Are you serious? I came home to find my mate and his best friend kissing, and you're telling me it's nothing?” He asked incredulously and I nodded my head.

“Yeah we do that all the time, you should get used to it.” He scoffed and shook his head.

“I'm going to get Landon to come and get Micah and right now, I don't even care if you're pregnant, I will punish you.” I shivered from fright, knowing he meant it and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I could have called my brothers to come and get me, but I didn't want to cause any more problems between them, since it seemed as if they were finally getting along.

Micah didn't wait for Landon to come and get him, he ran out of here while whispering sorry to me as he rushed past me with a scared expression on his face.

Why would he be so scared? What the hell was Landon doing to him that made him look like that? Jacob grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bed, then told me to get on it and get on all fours.

It's like Déjà vu all over again. I couldn't think straight as I felt him tugging my pants down, I was unable to go through with this. My baby was on my mind, I couldn't allow him to do this and get away with it, so I turned around and held my hand up.

I saw his body being flown across the room while he crashed into the wall. My eyes became wide as I realized I somehow used the power that I had on him, so I could protect myself. Why the hell was I worried before?

Even though I didn't train, I definitely knew how to use them and I will because that's what I had them for. Snow started purring while calling me a badass. He felt bad for what I did, but Jacob deserved it.

He wasn't going to get hurt, so I don't see what the problem was. He got up and looked at me with wide eyes as he realized what I had just done, yeah, no one touches me while I'm pregnant and gets away with it, not even the damn father of my pup.

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