New chef? I dont think so

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He was a crying mess by the time I was done with him. I almost caved and gave him what he wanted, but this was his punishment, if you could call it that. He was begging for release, but no, I walked away from him without turning back because if I did, I wouldn't know how much longer I would hold out on him for.

I sighed as I made my way towards the office when Landon mind linked me and told me his brothers would like to continue our talk. Once there, everyone was talking at the same time, even his parents and mine, who all wanted to get a say in.

“Arlo mentioned something to me earlier, but I'm not sure if you all would be ok with it. I want to go back home soon because I still have a pack to run. My gamma and delta won't be able to do that much work by themselves unless I'm here to help, too.” They looked at me, and all agreed with me that being an alpha, we shouldn't be away from our pack for too long.

I guess they were only saying that because they wanted to try to get rid of me, but I wasn't leaving without my mate.

After I was done explaining to them, Elijah said they would have to think about it, which was ok by me. We called off the meeting, and mom pulled me away, so she could talk to me.

“Remember Malachi?” She asked, and I nodded my head.

“Well, I don't want you to be mad or anything, but I adopted him!” She squealed while her eyes were wide with excitement.

“Adopted him?” I asked, confused, and she nodded her head.

“Yeah, he's your little brother now. He'll be coming home with us once we leave here. You two should have some brother bonding time. It would do you some good too since you're an only child and all.” I scoffed and folded my arms. I liked being an only child, I don't like annoying people.

Landon was more like a brother to me, so why couldn't she settle with that? Oh well, I guess I couldn't escape this.

“Fine, whatever, I'll go talk to him.” She seemed pleased with my answer and told me which room he was in. I made my way there with a lot on my mind. At least we were making some progress, and that's all that matters.

I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer it, but when he didn't, I shrugged and made my way downstairs, so I could go and get something to drink.

My eyes became wide at the sight that was in front of me, the omegas that were supposed to be cooking were sitting down, eating and laughing while my Arlo was slaving away in the kitchen with Malachi.

I glared at the omegas, who pretended like I didn't exist since I wasn't their alpha, and marched up to Arlo, who had his hands and face covered in flour.

“What the hell?” I said, and he rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing.

“I was eager to learn how to cook and Malachi said he was ok with teaching me. Even though I've asked jasper to, he said no because he was afraid of my brothers and you. So, Malachi was the only one brave enough to help me.” I still didn't understand why he needed to cook when he should be in bed relaxing. Even Midnight was upset with the fact that, he was slaving away and doing someone else's work.

A work that I should be appreciating, but I just couldn't look past the fact that Arlo was in a kitchen surrounded by sharp objects, and he could get hurt.

“Go sit with the others. We are almost done.” He said as he ushered me out of the kitchen and into the dining room, where I saw the rest of the omegas sitting. Maybe I should get his brothers, they will know what to do.

So I mind link Landon and told him to call his brothers down, the animals that we killed were supposed to be on the fire by now but no, the head cook was sitting down laughing without a care in the world while two teenagers slaved away in the kitchen for them.

'Well, jasper and the other omegas are teenagers as well. They shouldn't even be in the kitchen.' Midnight said, and I agreed with him.

'At least they aren't being abused. That's the best thing about it.' He agreed with me, so I waited for the others to get here, so they could talk some sense into Arlo and Malachi.

“What's going on here?” Damon said in a serious tone after he saw what was happening. Good, at least they were on my side for once.

“Go take a look in the kitchen.” I replied, and he scowled at me but did what I said. Not all alphas like to be told what to do, including me, so I wasn't mad at him for giving me that look.

I heard a commotion and ran towards the kitchen, and I saw Arlo back in a corner with a knife in his hand, while Malachi was on the floor laughing at the scene in front of him.

This wasn't funny! My baby had a sharp object in his hand, and we needed to get it away from him right now! Midnight was whining at me, telling me to hurry, but I had to move cautiously towards him because I didn't know what he would do.

“I told you guys, I only want to learn!” He shouted, but they weren't listening to him.

“And you, why are you laughing? This isn't funny, you know, and we also went hunting for a reason! Samuel should be in here cooking our kill instead of sitting down and conversing with the other omegas!” Damon shouted as he growls at Malachi, who was shrinking away from him.

That didn't go unnoticed by Arlo, who charged toward Damon with fury on his face.

“You will not talk to my brother like that!” He shouted, and I gave him a confused look.

“Brother? Last time we checked, we were your brothers, not him!” Erick shouted, and the others agreed with him.

“You know what, I've had it up to here with you guys! If you want some of our French fried chicken and mashed potatoes, I suggest you go and sit down with the others, as we are making enough to feed the entire pack! You should be thanking us for helping instead of going off on us like that." Malachi shouted, and we stood there in silence watching him.

“Why would you even want to do this, hun?” Mom asked, and he sighed.

“This is what I'm used to. Back in my old pack, I would be the only one to cook for almost five hundred people. It's not that hard to do it here.” Mom looked like she was about to cry, so dad pulled her to him for a hug.

“That's why I'll make it my duty to get omegas who have been abused and take care of them. I can't believe they did that to you, but hun you should learn to let go of the past and try to move on with the future. We treat everyone here differently, so don't feel like that is something you should be obligated to do.” He nodded his head and smiled at mom.

“I promise this will be the last time, so will you all please go and sit down, so we can continue cooking?” He asked, and the others started walking away, but not before grabbing Arlo, who was fighting. Elijah had to take the knife from him, or he would surely hurt someone.

Wow, the punishment certainly made him angry, I would have to do it again just to see the look on his face as he was glaring at me as he hated me. I chuckled because I knew one touch from me, and he would be begging for more, I'll just let him have his way for now.

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