Family time

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“It's just pineapple, Arlo.” Logan said, and I shook my head while covering my nostrils.

“It smells like wet armpits.” He narrowed his eyes at the pineapples as if he were suddenly disgusted by them.

“Ok, I'll get you another fruit then. What else would you like?” I shrugged my shoulders while yawning a little.

“I could go for some strawberries.” He nodded his head and left to get me what I asked for.

“You're still so spoiled.” Uncle Robert said while chuckling and shaking his head.

“He's the baby in the family, so, of course, he's always going to be spoiled.” Mom replies as she started massaging my shoulders, getting rid of the tenseness that was in them.

“Where is that friend of yours?” He asked, and I furrowed my brows.

“Micah is spending time with his mate, got his heat and all. He's ok now, but they need some time alone together.” He nodded his head, and Logan came back and handed me the strawberries I asked for.

“So how's pregnancy life treating you?” Uncle Robert asked, and I so wanted to ask him to shut up, so I could eat in peace, but at the same time, It was not my intention to disrespect him.

“It's good so far. I have to visit Dr. Carlyle soon, so he can run some checkups and make sure everything is ok.” He nodded his head and smiled at me.

“That's all I wanted to know. Too bad, I couldn't kill Jacob for getting you pregnant so early. I can't, though, since you are all immortal and shit.” He chuckled, and I smiled at him.

“How does it feel to be a high school dropout?” Sophia asked, and the room became quiet and tensed.

“Shut the fuck up, Sophia and mind your own fucking business!” Grace shouted, which had Sophia flinching and looking down. Chris dragged her away, saying he was going to talk to her, but I didn't care. I felt my emotions getting the better of me and I started crying. Everyone was surprised because of how sad I was, and they didn't know what to do.

“It's ok Arlo, would you like some chocolate milk? I'll go get you some.” Matt said as he left while everyone else was fussing over me. I don't even know why the girls were there, I should be spending time with my brothers, parents, and uncle, but they were only invading my time with them.

I glared at Erick who was trying to wipe my tears away, and he stepped back from the look on my face. A high school dropout, she said, a fucking high school dropout. Even though it was true didn't mean she had to mention it and ruin my time with my family.

“Why don't you get Jacob to come over? It will make you feel better.” Elijah suggested and I shook my head.

“No, this is my time to get away from him. I don't want to be monitored by him all the time. He was the one who sent me here to spend some time with you, so that's precisely what I intend to do without him being here.” Elijah nodded his head and sighed.

“Ok enough of this, want to watch something?” Damon asked after he got over what Sophia had just said.

“I could watch some Pokémon.” He nodded his head and told me to follow him, which I did. We spent the day talking and laughing, with me forgetting about Sophia, since it seems like she didn't exist to me.

Charon sat next to me on the sofa and smiled softly at me, which I returned. She's nice, and I didn't have any problems with her.

“I'm sorry about Sophia. It's not like we are going to school, either. We have to stay home to be Luna of this pack, and it's a lot of work, so what she said was uncalled-for.” I rolled my eyes and sighed while rubbing my belly.

“It doesn't matter anyway, what's done is done, and I'm glad I made a choice to keep my pup.” She nodded her head and went back to watching Pokémon with me.

'Love, are you ready to come home now? I miss you.' I looked at the time and saw that it was almost five in the evening. I guess I could go home now since they already fed me some delicious chicken lasagna and gave me fruits, I'm full and sleepy.

I yawned again, and Mom saw it and asked me if I was ready to get some sleep. She wanted me to spend the night here, but I wanted to go home to Jacob instead, so Damon accompanied me back home. Samantha, of course, saw him and was trying to flirt with him, but he told her off, and she left with tears in her eyes.

I laughed at the look on Damon's face and told him to get used to it because she wasn't going to stop. I sighed as I saw Jacob walking toward me with a grin on his face. He pulled me to him for a hug, and I was finally able to relax knowing my mate was here with me.

“Come on, love, it's time to get you in bed.” I nodded my head against his chest as he picked me up and took me to our room. After making sure I was comfortable enough, I fell asleep right away. When I woke up, I was in a tangled mess with Jacob and I had to use the bathroom right away.

My bladder was getting the better of me ever since I became pregnant. I tried shaking him, trying to get him to wake up, but he wasn't which left me feeling irritated. I growled and pushed him off the bed and watched as he landed with a thud.

His eyes shot open as he began looking everywhere, and I would have laughed if I didn't feel like I wasn't I was going to pee on the bed, which wouldn't entirely be my fault.

After relieving myself, I brushed my teeth and decided to take a shower. Jacob decided to check on me to make sure I was ok since I was taking so long. Now, this was what I was talking about. He's always monitoring me, making sure I am ok, but sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming.

I didn't say anything about it this time though because he got in the shower with me and gave me a show that left me wanting him like I always do. We didn't even get to dry ourselves properly as we made our way to bed. What? I was a horny mess so him jacking off in the shower in front of me left me all kinds of hot and bothered, he was just too sexy, at least he's mine and mine alone.

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