The Assassin Within

By Elisedeluxe

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Class 3E, the end of the road class, the dead end class the perfect class. Nagisa Shoita lived in three diff... More

Prologue~Mission Zero
Part 1~New target
Part 2~Bombs
Part 3~Baseball
Part 4~Karasuma
Part 5~P.E
Part 6~Octopus
Part 7~Grooming Failing
Part 8~Poisoned Veins
Part 9~What Happened Last Night
Part 10~Goat's Blood
Part 11~'Enjoyable' Encounters
Part 12~Rescue
Part 13~An Eye For An Eye
Part 14~Jelavich
Part 15~Classroom Teasing
Part 16~Lectures
Part 17~Kill
Part 18~Principal Asano
Part 19~Backup Plan
Part 20~Results
Part 21~Trip Begins
Part 22~Death Surrounds
Part 23~Here we go Again
Part 24~Who Are You?
Part 26~AIFA
Part 27~Lovro
Part 28~Target
Part 29~The Kill
Part 30~Tetrodotoxin
Part 31~Tentacles
Part 32~Kuro ōkami
Part 33~Bored
Part 34~Baseball
Part 35~Swing to Kill
Part 36~Sweets
Part 37~The Assassin's Job
Part 38~Vision
Part 39~Names
Part 40~Cramming
Part 41~The Bet
Part 42~Placements
Part 43~Upside Down
Part 44~Sugar Rush
Part 45~The Final Assassination?
Part 46~Virus
Part 47~Smog
Part 48~Grip
Part 49~Grip-eth
Part 50~Fashion Crime
Part 51~Gastro
Part 52~Viper
Part 53~The End
What to Read Next

Part 25~Trapped

170 8 0
By Elisedeluxe

“Do you have to go?” Zen held onto Nagisa who groaned, unable to get out from the vice-like grip.

“You know I do.” Nagisa could hear Okabe laughing from the corner. Did he have to be so smug?! "Let go Zen!"

"But Vi!"

"Not all of us can bunk off school! If you didn't want me to go then why did you give me this assignment in the first place!" Nagisa managed to detangle the limbs, sighing at the pout on Zen's face. Nagisa leaned in, pulling Zen close for a kiss. "I'll be back later."

Nagisa and Okabe ran their way to the train station, gasping as they managed to board in time.

"You guys alright?" Karma came out of the crowd, hugging Okabe from behind.

"Zen wouldn't let me leave," Nagisa informed, collapsing into the chair. "Everything is back to normal..."

"Oh, that reminds me, you two read the email?" Karma pulled Okabe onto the chair, letting him sit in his lap.

"Which one was that?"

Nagisa pulled out his phone, reading over the email Karauma had sent them. 'A new transfer student is going to join your class tomorrow. The new student may look a bit different but I expect you to act normal and not make a big deal out of it.'

"What do you think? An adult most likely," Okabe stated with a grumble.

"Don't be upset, I'm sure they won't be as bad as Ms Bitch." Karma rubbed soothing circles on Okabe's back.

"I guess we'll find out when we arrive at school."

Walking into the classroom was... interesting.

"Well, she isn't like Ms Bitch," Karma said dejectedly.

A large box sat in the back row. It buzzed and turned on. "Good morning. My name is 'Autonomous intelligence fixed artillery.' I am the new transfer student. Nice to meet you." With that, the box turned off.

"Well, that was unexpected."

"Am I the only one who thinks Digit had something to do with that?" Nagisa couldn't stop the shiver at the thought that Digit had made an automatic weapon.

"Class, this is our new student," Karauma said awkwardly, standing by the box. "Her name is 'Autonomous intelligence fixed artillery.' She's from Norway." The class couldn't help but think pity on Karasuma who had to explain this like it was normal.

"Nice to meet you."

Koro-sensei was laughing at the front, making Karasuma growl. "Stop laughing! This is no occasion for mirth! You're no better than her! Let me remind you 'she' might be a computer, she might have a complex AI, and, yes, she might be an assassin, but she is also a registered student. And according to your contract, you can't harm a student."

"I see, using the contract against me by enrolling a computerized weapon as a student. Okay then, Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery, welcome to Class E!" Koro-sensei started up his lesson, attacking like normal while the school wondered about how 'she' would attack.

Shing! Out of nowhere, Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery pulled out a series of guns and pointed it at Koro-sensei.

"Called it," Okabe cried before the machine round fired.

Koro-sensei dodged the bullets, using the chalk in his hand to push some out of the way. "Wow, four shotguns and two machine guns. An impressive barrage, but my students have shot at me like this every day too. By the way, students aren't allowed to shoot me during class."

The guns disappeared into the box as Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery appeared back on screen. "I will be careful. Preparing for the next attack. Recalculating trajectory. Adjusting the firing angle. Advancing to self-evolution phase 5-28-02." The box pulled out my weapons, pointing them once again.

"Not following instructions, eh?" Koro-sensei dodged yet again, getting smug by the identical attack. He tried to flick away the bullet but found a second one hitting his finger.

"Right tentacle destroyed. The newly added secondary gun has proven effective. Probability of killing you with the next attack, less than 0.001%. Probability of killing you with the attack after that, less than 0.003%. Probability of killing you before graduation, more than 90%. I'm looking forward to being a member of this class Koro-sensei. Moving on to the next attack."

Watching Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery firing at Koro-sensei was not a pleasant feeling. She might kill Koro-sensei, without any help from the class.

"Two bullets skimmed past the target. Recalculating... Adding four more primary weapons to compensate for the target's point of evasion. Moving onto the next attack." The box continued despite Koro-sensei's wishes for her to stop which meant the class now had to clear up the room.

This kept happening, second period, third, fourth all until they went home.

"Hey, Digit, we might need your help."

"8:30 A.M. Initiate startup. Today's schedule executed 215 types of attacks by the sixth period. Continue analyzing Koro-sensei evasive patterns to.." Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery woke up only to find herself unable to move. "Koro-sensei... My guns cannot deploy like this. Please release me." She was strapped up in duct tape that stopped her attacks.

"I understand your discomfort but..."

"Unacceptable. This is clearly an act of harm perpetrated on a student and you are not permitted to do that are you?"

"He isn't but it was me who did it," Terasaka stated, spinning the duck tape around his fingers. "You need to learn some common sense before you start assassinating people, scrap-metal girl."

"But you can't expect a machine to understand common sense," Sugaya stated harshly.

"We'll free you after class," Hara stated simply.

"I don't blame him," Sugino said, "we can't study if she keeps trying to assassinate him all day like yesterday."

Nagisa didn't say anything, as Okabe shuttered. "Agree to never tell Digit about this. I think she would kill Terasaka."

"You think she could do something for the box," Karma asked, leaning over a little as to whisper to the others.

Nagisa smirked, his eyes holding that terrifying glint the other two always tried to avoid. "I have no doubt in my mind that if Digit was to find our little friend, she could make a massive difference."

"Somehow I suddenly feel like I won't be able to come in tomorrow."

"Hey, think she's still here today," Sugino asked only to hear Nagisa's too-innocent laugh.

"Oh, you'll see." Nagisa pulled open the door to see the box had doubled in size.

"Huh...? Has she... gained weight?" Sugino let out a pained cry as Nagisa elbowed him in the gut.

"Don't say that."

"Good morning! Nagisa, Sugino!" The screen turned on to show the girl had gained a full screen and a completely different personality.

"A life-seized LCD display employing modelling software to show off her new class E avatar- design by yours truly! Made from scratch for less than $800!"

Sugino jumped away from the voice, turning around to see a lady spinning a spanner around her fingers.

"What a beautiful morning! I can't wait to share it with you!" The girl spun, a blush on her face.

"Good job Digit. She's great!" Nagisa gave his fellow assassin a thumbs up as she laughed.

"Only the best for our little Viper! Right, my work is done. I was never here." Digit disappeared out the door as Koro-sensei walked in and let out a shocked scream.

"So this is why the door was locked last night. I had to sleep on the roof."

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