The Neglected Genius

By Eddie_Aguirre

371K 4.8K 1.3K


Do I Deserve This?
Realizations, Realizations...
First Contact
Healing Palms
Registered Medic Ninja, Naruto... what?!
The Blood Moon
Situations and Resolutions
The Truth Hurts
More Difficult Than It Seems
The Drift Between Powers
The Birth of Team 7?
The Birth of Team 7: Part 2
The Clash of Demons
The Calm before the Red Dawn
The Red Dawn


4.2K 94 6
By Eddie_Aguirre

3rd Person POV

"G-Guh... What hit me?" was the very first sounds early in the morning inside the Senju-Uzumaki Household. 

"Don't you remember, baka? You nearly died yesterday from chakra exhaustion." was the response Naruto received.

"Oh... That's true... *yawn*" was Naruto's response as his hand neared his head for a traditional morning head scratch... Until he felt something hairy... but no contact from his hand to his head.

"Huh? What the hell is this?" Naruto muttered as he pulled at whatever was on his head.

A dangerous move.


"GAAAAAHHH!" resounded through Konoha as many of its citizens opened their eyes in alarm.

"How dare you yank at my tail, you mongrel!" said a surprisingly refined voice.

"Huh?! What the hell?! I think I might be going crazy, Kurama..." Naruto said as he looked directly at what, or rather who bit his hand.

"You're not going crazy. That is a fox summon from the realm of that stuck up bastard Inari." Kurama grumbled as he looked at what was happening outside from Naruto's mindscape. 

"A fox summons?" Naruto asked out loud.

"Huh... I knew you had communication with that disgraceful yoko... I didn't know you were in good terms with him though." Said the fox.

"Hey! What's the big idea calling him disgraceful!? Isn't he the same species as you?" Naruto asked a little irritated.

"Don't you dare compare us to that mongrel!/Don't you dare compare me to those bastards!" was the synchronous response Naruto received.

"Hmph. You see, Naruto-sama, I am Daisuke of the Kitsune Realm, of Inari-sama's realm to be more exact. We are of holy descent. We all have been blessed with Inari-sama's grace, whereas those of the Yoko Realm, are those who denied Inari-sama's holy grace and strayed from the light. The one you hold, being the one who has caused the most trouble for Inari-sama, making it a personal mission of destroying whatever Inari-sama blessed." Daisuke explained as he groomed his tail where Naruto had pulled.

"Hmph. It is not my fault that wherever I had my fun, Inari's work was in the way..." Kurama grumbled as Naruto sweatdropped. 

"I see... It doesn't explain much, but it explains who you are... Now, for the next question, what do you need from me?" Naruto asked

"Well, I am here to deliver you Inari-sama's message and offer." Daisuke said as a scroll poofed into existence, floating towards Naruto's lap.

"Okayyyy... Let's see what this is." Naruto mumbled as he opened the scroll.

'To Naruto,

Greetings, Naruto. I hope this letter finds you well. As Daisuke might have already informed you, I am Inari, the God of Fertility and Patron of Swordsmiths. This message is to inform you of an alliance between those of your clan and those of the Kitsune Realm. I'm afraid you may have some difficult challenges ahead of you, and you will need all the help you can obtain. As such, it is with great pleasure that we extend our help to you.


"Well, that was as straightforward as it gets..." Naruto sweatdropped, but couldn't help but feel intrigued at the contents of the scroll. 

Under the body of the message, was what appeared to be a storage seal in the form of a fox. As Naruto's hand approached the seal, he was stopped.

"Don't do it Naruto!" Kurama yelled.

"Huh?!" 'What is it?' Naruto asked Kurama through the mindlink. 

"Had you applied your chakra to that seal, a subtle wind blade would've smeared some of your blood to the seal. They almost made you sign their summoning contract forcefully." Kurama growled.

"Really, now?" Naruto asked menacingly as he turned to Daisuke who's eyes widened as he noticed Naruto's eyes become a slit and glow in a blue hue.

"You were going to force me into a contract with the Kitsune?" Naruto asked in a calm voice. 

"I-I swear I didn't know what was in that scroll, Naruto-sama!" Daisuke bowed in shame.

"Hmm. Is that so?" Naruto asked out loud, but really asking Kurama.

"Tch. He's saying the truth..." Kurama grumbled.

"Very well... I must say, I am leaning more to signing the Yoko contract instead of the Kitsune if this is what I can expect of the Kitsune Realm." Naruto said as he stood from his bed to get ready for the day ahead.

"No! Please, Naruto-sama, reconsider! This is not customary of our realm. I don't know what Inari-sama must've been thinking doing something so dangerous." Daisuke pleaded.

"It's not as simple as that, Daisuke-san. A summoning contract is supposed to be a bond between both the summoner and the summons. This could be considered an act of betrayal, had I been contracted already to the Yoko Realm." Naruto said, barely turning his eyes to Daisuke.

"From what I understand from studying under Lady Katsuyu-" Naruto winced as he remembered those studying sessions. Katsuyu could be a dangerous being if angered, and even worse if she was disobeyed... "the only way for me to even consider signing the Kitsune Realm Contract, would be if I receive a formal apology from the Summon's Leader." Naruto said, causing Daisuke's eyes to widen and Kurama to smirk, knowing where this was going.

"B-but... that would mean that Inari-sama..." Daisuke began

"Yes. It seems I must have a meeting with Inari-sama." Naruto said as he closed the door to the bathroom in his room.

"I must say, I am thoroughly impressed in how you handled that." Kurama said as Naruto stepped into the scalding hot shower.

"Well, I didn't think I would need everything Lady Katsuyu imparted on me, but I am glad I know the protocols regarding summons. To think a deity could attempt something like this..." Naruto said as he showered.

"Well, Inari has always had a... peculiar way of dealing with things. No matter how much he has matured through the millennia, there will always be a prankster side to every vulpine being." Kurama explained.

"So, for all I know, this is his definition of a prank?" Naruto asked, somewhat incredulously as he dried himself. 

"Yes." sweet and straightforward as always.

"I see... Well, as flattered as I am of being... offered, the Kitsune contract, I feel more resonance with the Yoko." Naruto said as he wrapped a towel around his waist. For a near 10 year old, Naruto's body was quite developed. 100% thanks to Tsunade's nutrition plan, and her way of training. Turns out, if you have a fast healing ability, most concern for damage and pain goes out the window. 

"That would be because of me. Since I have been sealed in you from the moment you were born, not to mention while you were developing inside Kushina, your chakra has linked with my nature as a fox. For all we know, Menma could have that alignment with foxes as well..." Kurama explained.

"Hmm... I guess that makes sense. I do have to wonder though, what the Kitsune's reaction will be when I decline their offer..." Naruto pondered. 

"The thing is, Naruto, I think you should take the offer, as much as I hate the idea." and Kurama dropped the bombshell.

"What?! W-why?" Naruto asked, a little in shock.

"The thing is, while I agree that I would prefer that you just sign the Yoko contract, having one more contract, would be of great help." Kurama said, trying not release any information that should not be released yet.

"This is odd coming from you, Nii-san. But I guess if there were no problems with me having both contracts, I would actually consider it." Naruto said as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Keep it in mind, Naruto... But the decision is up to you." Kurama said as he closed his eyes to fall asleep.

As Naruto got dressed up in an ANBU style pants and a black t-shirt with the Senju Clan symbol on the left chest area of the t-shirt and the Uzumaki clan symbol in the back, he caught himself thinking of the situation he found himself in. 

'While I agree with nii-san that having both contracts would be useful, I don't know how to feel about the fact that I was almost forced to sign their contract. While it is true that Daisuke had no clue, I can't be too sure if they have any alternate reasons... yet, I guess that is always a possibility with everything... *sigh* why does this have to be so complicated...' Naruto pondered as a knock resounded through his door.

"Naru-chan! Are you awake?" came Tsuande's voice through the door.

"Yes, kaa-san! I'm finishing getting ready for the day!" Naruto announced as he slipped the final ninja sandal on.

"Alright. When you're done, meet me in the dining room." Tsunade said as she walked away.

"Wonder what that is about..." Naruto pondered out loud. Finally, tying his headband around his neck, Naruto was ready.

Walking into the dining room, Naruto noticed a plate served on an empty spot next to Tsunade. Taking a seat, Naruto uttered a quick prayer along with Tsunade before digging in.

"Are you feeling any better today? Yesterday you were nearing zero in you chakra reserves." Tsunade asked as she sipped her tea.

"Yes, kaa-san. Kurama and the Byakugo no In you had me working on helped. Although I have to start from zero on the seal..." Naruto grumbled as he took a bite from the rice on his chopsticks.

"That's good." Tsunade said before she raised her fist and dropped it onto Naruto's head.


"OW! What was that for, kaa-san?!" Naruto asked as he applied a light coat of healing chakra to his palm to ease the pain.

"That was for scaring me the way you did! And also, for revealing so much information at once..." Tsunade calmed down and frowned as she gazed at Naruto.

"You're aware that the villagers probably already know about what you can do, right?" Tsunade asked in concern. It wasn't really that she was upset at what the information was, rather that she knew Naruto wanted to keep his abilities under that radar of many for as long as possible. What happened last night could ruin those plans.

"*sigh* I know, kaa-san... However, I don't regret it... I have been considering releasing that information for a while now, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal. Add to the fact that I am out of the council's jurisdiction since I am a Genin, so whatever concerns me, is a matter of military defence, solely for the Shinobi Council to discuss." Naruto said as he looked at what was left on his plate. 

For as long as she could remember, this was something that always amazed her: Naruto's ability of retaining information. 

"I see... Well, you know I support every decision you take, but please be careful of what steps you take." Tsunade said as she cleaned the table.

"Yes kaa-san." Naruto said as he headed towards a coat hanger next to the entrance to the compound and took two lab coats.

"Here, kaa-san." Naruto gave one of the coats to Tsunade.

"Thank you, Naru-chan. Alright, let's go!" Tsunade said as she placed her hand on Naruto's shoulder and flashed out of the compound, only to find themselves in a hospital lobby with nurses and doctors running around like headless chickens.

"What is going on here?!" Tsunade yelled, gathering the attention of some nurses.

"Tsunade-sama, Naruto-sama! Thank Kami you're here!" one of the nurses rushed to them.

"What is happening? Why is everyone running around?" Naruto asked.

"All the Uchiha have awoken, and many of them have gone on a rampage. It seems the damage done to their psych is something we cannot heal. Only someone of your caliber could handle it." the nurse said as she lead them to one of the rooms.

"I see... Very well, go ahead and restrain and use the Calming Palm to restrain them to give us enough time to help... At the moment, I can only think of two people who will be essential too help us out..." Tsunade said. "Go get me Inoichi Yamanaka. Tell him it is an important matter. Afterwards, inform Hokage-sama of the current situation. Perhaps he could have some more ideas for us." Tsunade ordered the nurse as she and Naruto rushed into the room.

Inside the room laid one Uchiha Matriarch, Mikoto Uchiha.

"Okay... Sorry for asking this of you, Naruto, but I'm sure you know of my plan by now with just observing the situation." at this, Naruto nodded. "Great, you're one of the few who can match, if not even surpass the Yamanaka Clan's mind prowess. I trust you know what you need to do?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes! I'm guessing you need Mikoto's help to calm the children. Having the presence of the closest thing to a mother for the clan could speed up the healing. But are you sure you want me to attempt this? While I trust my abilities, having Inoichi-san's supervision could prove useful..." Naruto analyzed.

"Actually, no need to wait for me, Naruto-san. I am here." came the voice of one Inoichi Yamanaka from the door.

"Very well... Shall we get started?" Naruto asked as his eyes shifted to an electric blue.

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