New Girl, New Life (A Jasper...

By Kenna_Katherine

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Tate Swan, Bella Swans twin sister, moves back to Forks to get away from her past and see her dad again. Neve... More



1.1K 17 0
By Kenna_Katherine

~Tate's POV~

      I see people walking in from outside and it catches my attention Immediately. I ask, "Who are THEY?" Me and the boy from earlier with the blonde hair lock eyes for a moment. Angela says, "The Cullen's." The girl explains, "They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago." Angela says, "They kind of keep to themselves." The girl says, "Yea, 'cause they're all together. Like, together, together."

      Two walk in and the girl says, "The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmet, they're, like, a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." Angela says, "Jess, they're not actually related." 'Jess' says, "Yea, but they live together. That's weird." I ask, "How so? Don't boyfriends and girlfriends move in together after a while? Why is weird for THEM to be living together and not other people like you and me?" She just gives me a confused look and knits her brows, "Whatever." The cute blonde guy walks in with a girl with a pixie cut skips that skips with joy next to him. He twirls her and I feel a ping of jealousy. Jealousy?

      Jess continues, "And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird, and she's always with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain." Why does this girl have to be so rude? I hate girls like that. Mean because they're jealous or just because they feel like it. She continues, "Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker." Angela says, "Maybe he'll adopt me." I just chuckle. The last one comes in and Bella asks, "Who's he?" Seems she already has a crush. I can see the intrigue and curiosity in her eyes. I can see it.

      Jess smiles and blushes, "That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody HERE is good enough for him." Sounds like....HIM(Picture will be shown below.)

      Everybody thought the same thing about him until I found out who he really was for myself... They keep talking and it's muffled for me. I start getting flashbacks of us meeting. Of us kissing for the first time. And of course....him hitting me for the first time.

        I feel my heart beating faster and my breathing getting quicker. I stand up and Bella asks, "Hey, are you okay?" I manage to squeeze out, "Yea, I just...I gotta go." She gets that I'm having another panic attack and walk out of there as fast as I can, basically running and getting attention. I go to the side of the building and lean against it, breathing heavily. Come on, Tate. Just take a deep breath. I close my eyes and do my best to take nice, deep breaths. I need to find a focus object.

      The first thing that comes to mind is Jasper. I haven't even talked to the guy, yet he's my focus object? I squeeze my fists tight as I hold my breath for 10 seconds. As I release the breath, I slowly undo my fist. I do it one more time until I'm finally calmed down again. I stand back up straight and I see someone come to my side. I look and see the pixie haired girl. She startles me, "Are you okay?" I just nod, catching my breath once again, "I-i'm fine. Just needed some fresh air." She says, "I used to have them too, you know?" I lift my eyebrow, confused, when she answers, "Panic attacks."

      How did she know? I ask, "How did you stop them from coming?" She says, "They just stopped over time." I nod, disappointed, and she says, "Sorry I couldn't really give you advice on it." I shake my head and she holds her hand out. I shake it and she says, "I'm Alice." I reply, "Tate." We spend the rest of lunch getting to know each other. I'm usually really closed off to people, but she just makes me feel like I could trust her. I don't know what it is...


Me, Bella and Mike walk into Biology, a class I'm NOT a fan of. We step in and Mike calls for the teacher, "Mr. Molina." He smiles at Mike, "Hey, Mike." Mike gestures to me and Bella, causing the teacher to look our way. Mike goes to his seat and now people are looking at us. FANTASTIC. Mr. Molina smiles, "Oh, yes, the Swans." Bella walks in front of the fan whilst I stay back. I look over and see Edward, staring at her. The second her smell makes its way over there, he covers his nose like she's the smelliest thing on the entire planet. That ticks me off. I immediately give him the death stare. She may not smell like roses, but he can't just do that while she's looking RIGHT at him; it's rude.

She's sees his reaction as well and looks down, ashamed and confused. Mr. Molina asks us, "Can I see your passes?" We hand them to him and Edward still won't keep his eyes off of her even though he has that reaction towards her. Mr. Molina hands us a book, "Welcome to the class. Here's your things, okay?" We nod in response. He continues, "I have a few seats for you guys, right over here." Bella is placed next to Edward and I'm almost two seats behind them. For the rest of class, I toggle between actually paying attention and focusing on Edward and Bella.

~Jasper's POV~

Since we got to the school, I've felt like something was going to happen, something that would change my life forever. We stand here, by the cars, when a motocross bike pulls up next to Emmett's car. Can't tell much if it's a boy or a girl until the person take's their helmet off. Everything turns into slow motion. As they remove their helmet, the person reveals themselves to be a very attractive woman. Her light brown hair falls from inside the helmet and rests beneath her hips. She tucks a hair behind her ear, straightening it out, and looks over our way.

She has the longest eyelashes and slightly warm skin, freckles on her skin like she was kissed by the sun. She has long eyelashes and blue eyes with a green, sort of gold, center. She has the plushiest, pink and plump lips. Her cheeks are naturally rosy and her jawline is even better than mine. She throws her leg over her bike, getting off of it and turning the bike off. She releases a deep sigh. I immediately smell her minty breath. Her strawberry-vanilla-like scent engulfs me and consumes my being entirely. She looks at me and we lock eyes for a mere moment, but she quickly looks back away, entering the school with another girl's arm locked betwixt her own. Who is this girl? And why does she affect me so greatly?


Time passes and I still can't get her out of my mind. She's so alluring. It's lunch time and before we even get close to the cafeteria, I can hear her voice. She has the most beautiful voice. I don't even know her personally and I would go through hell and back to make sure that she's safe. We all hear, as we approach the doors, another girl explaining who we all are. I walk with Alice, twirling her, when I feel her eyes stuck on me like glue. I hear the girl describe me as looking like I'm in pain and I would agree, but it's still rude to say. In my defense, it's hard to be around people that you wanna rip into 24/7. Holding back takes great energy.

We sit down and I hear her defend Rosalie and Emmett living together, yet dating. She's nice to people she doesn't even know...something else to admire. I see her zone out as Edward walks in and her table mates continue to talk. Whatever she's thinking about, I can see it in her eyes and feel it in her emotions...she's scared. Terrified would be a better word. It grows worse and worse with each second that passes by. Her heart rate is increased ten-fold and her breathing is considerably increased. It's moments like these that I wish I could read minds and figure out what's scaring her so much.

She stands up, excusing herself and rushing out of the room, slightly limping. Me and Alice share a look before she rushes outside after her. The girl doesn't go too far before she drops her bag and leans against the wall, attempting to calm herself down. I mine as well help her out. Can't let her have a heart attack now, can I? I close my eyes and use my ability, effecting her in a positive way. I can hear her and Alice start talking. She introduces herself, "Tate." What a unique name for such a unique girl. Well, Tate, I look forward to meeting you myself in our future...

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