Aikatsu Crescent!

By GrandPrintemps

6.5K 408 184

Amamiya Mai is a normal teenage girl, who lives in a small town located in Japan. One day, she runs into an i... More

「Phase 01」The Light That Shone Like So Many Stars
「Phase 02」Aiming for a Dream!
「Phase 03」Shining! The Celestial Star!
「Phase 04」 Rina's Rival?!
「Phase 05」 Yay! Sweets Festival!
「Phase 06」The Power Of Three!
「Phase 07」 The New Brand? Mai's Message!
「Phase 08」 Go For It! The Prism Colour!
「Phase 09」 Magical Gemstones
「Phase 10」Unpredictable Experience!
「Phase 11」The First Trial
「Phase 12」Aya's Important Treasure
「Phase 13」I Want To Be Cool!
「Phase 14」Sparkling, Lemonade Dress!
「Phase 15」 Heart Throbbing Fashion Show
「Phase 16」 Fresh ♪ Offtime
「Phase 17」Vivid ☆ Fantasy
「Phase 18」Crystal Manager
「Phase 19」 Midnight Wings
「Phase 20」Full Of Love
「Phase 21」Dream CD Debut!
「Phase 22」Around And Around!
「Phase 23」Miracle Duo ☆
「Phase 24」One Hundred Colours
「Phase 25」Eerie Happenings..!
「Phase 26」Famous ☆ Idol Part One
「Phase 27」Famous ☆ Idol Part Two
「Phase 28」Fluffy Pyjamas Battle!
「Phase 29」Tick Tock, Midnight!
「Phase 30」Kizuna's Bonds
「Phase 31」Story Of Snow
「Phase 32」Looking To The Future
「Phase 33」Monster Girls ☆
「Phase 34」Sparkling Unit Cup!
「Phase 35」Our Song
「Phase 36」Idol Shopping Trip!
「Phase 37」Minako's Dance
「Phase 38」Winter's Ball
「Phase 40」Dreamlike Shooting Star
「Phase 41」The Devil's Fortune
「Phase 42」Fly High
「Phase 43」Two Lights
「Phase 44」Heart Mirage
「Phase 45」Promise Under The Full Moon

「Phase 39」Reaching You

82 7 11
By GrandPrintemps

Ai sighed. None of her designs were working like this... she needed some kind of inspiration. Whilst she thought they certainly were cute... she kind of wanted something to fall from the sky and strike her with inspiration.

There was a knock on the door. Nobody had arranged any kind of meeting... most likely a newer idol without any clue of the usual procedure. Once again, she sighed, walking over to open the door.

"I'm sorry but..." she looked at her visitor, her expression replaced with surprise, "...Mai-chan?"

Mai gripped onto her sleeve. "Sorry for the sudden request but..." She bowed, "Please make me a new Premium Rare!"

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"So that's what happened," Ai said, taking a seat opposite to Mai. The idol nodded.

"If I could show her a heart-pounding performance, I thought it'd make Kotone-chan feel better," she explained, "I love my Premium Rare but I thought with a new one, I'd be able to push myself to new heights. Show her just how great I think she is."

"Have you tried telling her?"

"I've tried. She doesn't listen, though."

Ai rested her hand on one hand, contemplating. "I've not been having the best time with my designs recently."

Mai gave a sad smile. "You don't have to. I understand if you don't."

After narrowing her eyes, the top designer spoke up again. "If you really want one... why don't you try designing it yourself?"


"If you want to convey your own feelings, a coord designed by me would be unfitting, right?" she gave a comforting smile, "I'll refine it and put it into the system. If you need any help sorting out a venue or anything I'll try and help too. Would that work for you?"

Mai looked down to the floor, shifting all of her attention to it. "I'm not exactly a designer..." she pursed her lips. Her own feelings, huh? Ai had a point... even if she wasn't confident, it was the best way to truly convey everything to Kotone. Maybe it was the best idea. Even if it didn't go to plan, surely she could try something else, right?

"I'll give it a try," she said, putting on the best smile she could. "I'll try and put my feelings into a design."

Hearing this, Ai's smile became brighter. "Putting your feelings into a dress can be a powerful tool. If we combine our feelings, who knows what could happen?" She asked, with a slight giggle. "Maybe nothing, but the connection between designer and idol is a strong one."

"Thank you, Shiraishi-san."

"It's nothing. Just try your best, okay?"

The two went on to discuss the event itself, Mai telling her the few details planned so far. How she was planning on singing a new song, or how she wanted it to be nearby. Ai promised to help out as much as she could, saying it was the least she could do after pushing so much responsibility onto Mai.

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

After a couple of hours, Mai walked back into the school, her spirits raised just a little bit. This whole event wasn't going that bad, with so much support from Ai alone. Before long, she saw Tsubaki and Hinata, the latter of which was waving.


"How'd it go?" Tsubaki asked, twirling her usual loose strand of hair. In response, Mai smiled.

"Not terribly, surprisingly! She's a little unavailable, so I'm going to try and design some kind of idea," she gave a nervous laugh, "I hope I do okay."

"As in... you're designing a Premium Rare?!"

Hinata's jaw was wide open, and even Tsubaki seemed taken aback by this. Mai nodded.

"I'm trying to, at least."

"I guess Shiraishi-san has a point," Tsubaki said, "Even if you spelt it out to her, she doesn't know Kotone."

There was a brief silence before Tsubaki continued. "But I guess we didn't either..."

Another silence, which was broken by Hinata sighing. She placed her hands behind her head. "An android, huh? I always thought there was something strange about her, but..." she bit her lip, "I should have realised."

Looking to the ground in silence, Mai clutched onto her sleeve - something that had become somewhat of a habit over the last while. The atmosphere right now... it wasn't good at all. What if Kotone didn't accept their feelings? What if they stayed like this forever? What if...

Mai closed her eyes tightly. This wouldn't do... this wouldn't do at all!

"I want to do right by Kotone," she finally spoke up, opening her eyes again, "Even if she's an android or the 'perfect idol', most of all she's Kotone! I think... she's lonely. So...!"

"You want to show her she's not alone," Tsubaki finished. "So do I."

"Same here. Kotone-chan's really nice once you get past her cold exterior, you know? If she thinks that cold exterior is all she has going for her... I can't allow that!" Hinata placed her hand to her heart, "I've seen it before. Previously amazing people give everything up to devote their entire lives to attaining an impossible perfection. I swore I wouldn't let it happen to myself. And I refuse to let it happen to one of my friends."

"Hina-chan..." Mai sighed. "I just need to find a way to turn our feelings into a performance."

"So you're designing your coord, right?" Hinata asked, her tone lightening, "What kind of things does Kotone-chan make you think of?"

Mai furrowed her brows. "I... don't know."

"Are you sure? What kind of colours? Or feelings? Or symbols?"

"Um..." she thought as hard as she could. Kotone, Kotone... the android idol. An idol so cool that it blew Mai's mind. A seemingly cold yet warm-hearted idol. Smart, always ahead of even Mai in written examinations. Would sing every morning until not that long ago, with the voice of an angel. Midnight's manager, always putting their needs first even though she likely didn't understand them.

"I guess... she reminds me of the Winter. Some view it as a cold, miserable time. A time filled with small inconveniences that would rightfully drive most mad. But also a cosy time that you spend with those you care about; a time that you spend in front of the warm fireplace in fluffy jumpers..." she blushed a little, "I sound so silly, don't I?"

"No, this sounds good," Tsubaki commented, Hinata frantically nodding.

"Continue, continue!"

"A-ah! She's kinda cool yet cute at the same time... I guess like ice-cream."

"Weren't we just going for a Winter theme?"

"Who says you have to eat ice-cream in Summer?" Hinata refuted.

"I've had ice-cream in winter before," Mai agreed, "When I was younger. We went out together as a family, and Mama decided to get it as a treat. Papa was against it, but~,"

"Come on Hiro-kun, why not?"

"Isn't the weather a little cold for that?"

"Then we'll go inside to somewhere warm. Without the cold, you can't have the warm, and vice-versa."

Hiro gave her a look. "That doesn't even make sense."

"Sure it does! Besides, life's short. What's the point of it all if you don't do things that make you happy?"

Mai paused. "I'm derailing a little... I mainly suggested ice-cream because of the colours but... I think that memory suits her too. Maybe her life won't be as short as any of ours, but she should still spend it doing things that make her happy, rather than working."

Tsubaki smiled. "That's a nice way of looking at it."

"And now you have a good base for your performance too," Hinata added.

"Designing the coord will probably be hard, though."

"Haven't you already got it down?"

"Shiraishi-san always seems to put so much effort into her coords," Mai explained, "I think it's a little more than just choosing a concept."

"Ah, I guess Kagayaki-san's the same in that regard," Hinata said. "Good luck."

"I'll try my best."

"If you need any help, we're here for you, okay?" Tsubaki said, and Mai gave her most appreciative smile. Together, they were going to put all of their love into this performance, in hopes that Mai could touch Kotone's heart from the stage.

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

Throughout the next few days, Mai took every chance she could to work on the performance. Whether it be meeting with Ai to set it up, or practising with the other two, or sketching down a design whenever she was struck with inspiration, she worked hard.

Yet, something was missing.

Mai supposed this was the struggle Ai constantly felt. Coord design certainly, wasn't something to be taken lightly, she realised. It was difficult converting your feelings into a design, let alone a good one.

So, she set that aside for a while, deciding to work on the performance itself. The lyrics of the song were very hopeful, along with sweet. It showed hope for the future. One she hoped Kotone would be able to believe in.

To achieve this, she absolutely had to get the performance itself down.

"One, two, three, four!" Tsubaki shouted repeatedly, as Hinata watched. Once the song came to an end, Mai held the ending pose.

"Not bad," Tsubaki said, placing a hand on her hip. "Your timing was a little slow, though. That spin later in the song could have benefitted with some more energy too... it looked a little sloppy."


From her seat beside Tsubaki, Hinata grinned. "It was really good, though!"

"One more try?" Tsubaki asked, and Mai nodded.

"One more try."

The three worked together like this into the night. Workig hard and passionately, giving each other advice and making sure not to overwork.

Mai had continued her morning runs, too. Even though they were different without Kotone around, she couldn't slack!

She was doing everything in her power, and yet...

...She still had no clue when it came to the coord.

Why was it so hard? She had a basic concept of everything she wanted to include, yet nothing looked.... right. Sighing, Mai placed her pencil down, staring at her page of doodles.


Mai looked up. "Aino-senpai?"

Revealing herself, Rina smiled. "Good evening, Mai-chan. I hope you're doing well."

"I am. It's just... well..."

Rina took a seat next to Mai, who handed her the sketchbook.

"I have a big, important live soon. Shiraishi-san recommended that I design my own Premium Rare for it to convey my feelings better, so I've been working hard at trying to think up something. Yet... none of it ever really works."

"I understand that feeling," Rina said, glancing over them, "I don't think these are awful, though. Maybe they could use some refining, but what ideas couldn't?"

A pause.



"Do you ever get stuck when designing for Crystal Ribbon?"

Running a hand through her hair, Rina gave an all too knowing smile. "All of the time."

"What do you do? To help it?"

"I think... I think it's important to think about the feeling you want to convey. Feel it with your entire being, then... put something down. It doesn't have to be amazing; you can always come back to it."

Mai pursed her lips together, looking at her designs once again.

"If it's a Premium Rare," Rina continued, "Make sure it's something for yourself. Something you can make shine." She giggled, "It's a little difficult when it's for yourself, though."

"I'm me. You're you. We're different."

The first connection she had with Kotone. Back then, Mai was worrying about being cooler, like Kotone, and the android had reassured her that whilst they were different, they each had their own pros and flaws.

Maybe Mai was focusing too much on Kotone here.

Sure, the performance was to make Kotone feel better. To connect with her one last time. But, that didn't mean she should forget her own light, either! That was why they became friends. Because they were different.

Kotone was Kotone.

Mai was Mai.

Suddenly realising, Mai picked up her pencil once again and began to tweak the favourite of her concepts. Taking Kotone's coolness and matching it with Mai's warmth. A warmth which she prayed would reach Kotone.

Watching over, Rina stayed quiet, glancing to the moon once again. A waxing crescent... a new moon's light was being born.

"I think someone like you, with genuine passion and emotion, is much 'cooler' than me"

"You have my wholehearted support."

"I enjoy being with you all."

Remembering all of the fun times they had with Kotone, all of the times she had rescued them, all of the times she had made the android smile, she sketched. Sketched and sketched and sketched until...

"I'm done!" Mai shouted, a relieved smile on her face, "I'm... finally happy with this!" She turned to face Rina, her smile vibrant and her eyes shining. The top idol smiled in return.

"Good work today."

"Thank you!" She paused. "Oh, I should let Shiraishi-san know!"

She fumbled around with her phone, before texting the top designer, her design glistening under the moonlight.

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"Oh, this isn't half bad," Ai said, examining the design, "With some work, you could make a pretty good designer."

"Thank you," Mai responded, "But as much as I admire you, I think I'll pass on that."

"That's good," Ai said, much to Mai's surprise, "It means you'll be staying loyal to Pastel Macaron."

Mai pushed a strand of her hair back, then smiled. "Of course, it's my favourite brand in the world."

Ai smiled back. "Alright, I think I know what to do," she said, placing the sketchbook onto her desk. Quickly, she sketched a variation of Mai's design. "Is this what you have in mind?" She asked a little while later, holding it up to Mai. As the idol looked over it, her face lit up. The coord was... beautiful! From the combination of dreamy pastels, to the fluffy detailing, to the cute shape... it was every Mai had dreamed of and more!"

"That's exactly it! Thank you so much, Shiraishi-san!"

"I'm the one who should be thanking you," Ai refuted, "I'm sorry for springing this onto you in the end but... thank you. I think I have an idea for the Spring Collection now!"

"You do?"

"It's going to be the best collection yet - I promise," she said, winking.

"I'll look forward to it!"

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

The day of the performance, Hinata was tasked with making sure Kotone came. An incredibly important task; it was important to act natural, as if nothing had happened at all.

Luckily, she found Kotone walking down the hallway.

"Hey, Kotone-chan!" She called, strolling over in the most casual way she could manage. The stoic idol paused, turning around.

"Hinode Hinata," she said, "What is it you desire?"

"Nothing much," she said with a smirk, "I'm just kind of sad. I brought two tickets to this super fun and exciting show but everybody else either already has tickets or has work then. I feel like I wasted all of that money."

"That is unfortunate. You have my condolences."

Hinata pouted, wallowing in fake self-pity, then her eyes lit up. "Hey, why don't you come with me?"

Much to Hinata's disappointment, Kotone wasn't going to budge quite so easily. "I'm afraid I cannot. I have practice to attend."

"You'll overwork yourself, you know."

"That will not be a problem."

"Practicing isn't fun. If you watch a performance, it'll be fun and it'll give you insight."

Kitine stayed quiet for a second. "There's only a 3.458% chance of you giving up on this," she said.

"That's because it'll be worth it," her previously mischievous grin turned into a genuine smile, as she extended her hand, "I promise."

Despite everything, that smile still filled Kotone with this strange, warm feeling. So, with hesitance, she accepted Hinata's hand, who pulled her out of the shadow she was standing in and into the light.

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

Backstage, Mai held her Aikatsu cards close to her heart. The Heartful Sweets coord - a Premium Rare she had designed with the warm feelings she felt towards Kotone. Hopefully, she'd be able to convey them well. Kotone had helped her so much, whether it had been helping her study or motivating her when she felt down. Or managing Midnight, or even just making her smile. All of it meant a lot to Mai.

A lot of people had helped her out though, too. Tsubaki, Hinata, Ai and Rina. Minako and Aya, Asuka and Yoshi. The staff. Her fans. All of them had helped her throughout her Aikatsu journey. There was no doubt within her mind that some of them would have sad thoughts weighing down on them too, thoughts she dreaded to think about staying with them. Maybe she could give them hope, too.

Aside from Sachiko, or even Kotone, Mai decided in that moment that she wanted to reach a lot of people with her performance. That she wanted to give them some kind of hope. That seemed like a nice idea to her. The kind of idol she wanted to be.

Still holding her cards close, she approached the fitting room. Her heart was pounding, but she was determined. Determined to at least make someone smile.

"Amamiya Mai, singing with love!"

Mai walked out onto the stage, her hand over her heart and a serene smile occupying her face. If she could make everyone feel even just a little warmer... she'd feel happy.

As the music started up, Mai's aura appeared, larger and brighter and warmer than it had before. Kotone, who was just about to leave, found herself back to facing the stage, transfixed on her.

Tomorrow looks a little scary

Cold and harsh but I'll face it with a smile

Then I'll see the love that fills the world

The love which thaws this ice cold heart

Tomorrow looks sadder than usual

I can tell that it'll be harder to smile

Am I suited for this? Can I really do this?

Maybe I should just give up...!

But then the world gave me a sign

To keep going on with a smile

I'll give it my all

I'll try my best

Then one day I'll...

One day I'll face that glittering fantasy

The one I want to hold close will be in my arms.

All my friends will be smiling and we'll be having so much fun

That's the future I want to see!

One day I'll be living a glittering fantasy

It'll shine so brightly, brighter than the rest

Our hearts will all be pounding,

And we'll all be living a dream!

Mai performed her special appeal, Premium Ribbon Twirl.

Can I do it? Yes I can!

I believe in myself!

Can you do it? Yes you can!

I believe in you my friends!

Kotone reached her hand out, trying to reach where Mai was waving to the audience. She was so distant yet... she felt so close. It was strange, and Kotone couldn't quite explain the fizzing feeling she was experiencing.

After the show was over, Hinata and Tsubaki led her backstage. Mai looked over to Kotone, ran up to her, and hugged her.

"Kotone-chan! You came!"

"Mai..." Kotone muttered as the idol pulled away, her smile blinding. A warm feeling came over Kotone and...

This is wrong.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this."

There was silence for a second.

"That's okay," Mai eventually said, her smile still refusing to falter. "Even if it takes a while, we'll always be waiting for you."

"I cannot-"

"If things will all end one day," Mai continued, "We should make this time count. Shouldn't we?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's hard to explain but... won't you feel sad if we passed and you didn't get to do all the fun stuff together again? There's no need to rush but... your happiness matters too," she poked Kotone's chest, "Follow your heart. Don't hold yourself back."

When Kotone left the venue, she looked up to the moon.

Maybe... Maybe Mai had a point.

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

A/N: This chapter is super cute~

Next chapter begins the Celestial Trial.. any predictions? We only have six chapters of s1 left~~

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

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