Lunar Dream (Sunnew)

By kyeoulpin

37.9K 3.2K 2.2K

"Please, don't eat me! I have a weak heart, you won't like it!" "Ew! No! I'm not gonna eat a random person's... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Sixty One
Sixty Two (End)
I Guess (One Shot)
Still Memories
Still Memories (Part-2)
Because It's You (Sangcob)


574 59 33
By kyeoulpin

Morning came. 

"I'm not waking him up." 

"Then who?"

"I don't know! But I tried waking him up before and he threw his shoes at me!" 

"Did it hit?"

Hyungseo glared at Haknyeon's amused expression.


"Why are you yapping near me this early?" Sunwoo grumbled as he flickered his eyes open. Hyungseo and Haknyeon gave him an offended expression, both extremely dramatic. 

"Hyunjae hyung said he would introduce us to the professor who's gonna teach us today. So, I say you should get your ass up and wash up." Hwall said as he dumped a pile of clothes onto Sunwoo.

Sunwoo was still half-asleep as he examined the clothes. 

"What's this?"

"Training clothes." 

Sunwoo took a look at the other three and found that they were wearing the exact same. It was a simple blue outfit.

"Ridiculous." he snorted, holding it up, "But whatever. Get out so I can change."

"Not like we want to watch." Hyungseo rolled his eyes and the three left. 

Sunwoo was left sitting on his bed, the training clothes in his hands. So he was really in this Hwarang or whatever thing for real now? Things change so fast from just being a wine seller to becoming..........Hwarang. 

"I don't like the color." Younghoon frowned at himself in the mirror, "It clashes with my skin tone."

Changmin and Chanhee stared at him in disbelief. They were literally involved in god-knows-what and here he is complaining about the clothes color?

"You look fine, hyung." Youngjae beamed at him. 

Changmin and Chanhee tilted their head at him in unison. How is that kid so excited about this whole thing? It was just last night when he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

Then they turned to Joonyoung who was putting on his headband. He seems calm now. Changmin and Chanhee, finally looked at each other, then got startled.

"Why are you staring at me?" Chanhee asked with a frown.

"I wasn't. You were." Changmin retorted. Both of them gave a look at each other. 

"Come on. Let's go now." Joonyoung called. The four followed him obediently, Changmin and Chanhee were still giving each other looks. 

"So we are the only pupils here?" Youngjae said as they walked to the compound. 

"We are not pupils here." Joonyoung said in a stern voice and Youngjae immediately shut up. 

"Good morning! Please line up there, anywhere as you please." Professor Kim greeted them cheerfully. Beside him was another man who stood straight with a very stern face on. 

The five gumihos stood beside the others. 

Joonyoung glanced at Sangyeon beside him but the latter wasn't turning even a bit. Oh, that made Joonyoung despise him even more.

Hyungseo and Haknyeon waved at Youngjae, Younghoon and Changmin. They had somehow became close after a fight and a night. Hwall and Juyeon glanced at them and gave them a little nod of acknowledgement. Hwall felt weird after Changmin and Younghoon's gazes lingered on him a little longer than usual.

Hyunjae gave a little wave and smiled at Chanhee who returned the gesture with a small nod. Hyunjae seemed oblivious and just grinned that Chanhee had noticed him. Sunwoo was watching the interaction, then stared at Chanhee.

At least, he got his color back now, he thought. Their gazes accidentally locked when Chanhee turned his way and Sunwoo whipped his head forward right away. 

"So, as you have all heard briefly, this is Hae Baragi. This is a place where you will train to become elite warriors. Some of you were chosen directly, some were recruited but all of you will become eligible to become Hwarangs. I will make sure of that." Professor Kim said. 

The twelve boys looked at each other and murmured to themselves.

"I am sure you have many questions. But let me explain the purpose and what we will be doing as Hwarangs." He paused for a bit, gauging everyone's expression.

"Hwarang is an elite warrior unit created specially and personally by His Majesty, the Emperor. This is a top secret project that even state ministers don't have knowledge about. His Majesty intends to create a protection against the incoming dangers for the future." 

Younghoon scoffed, "Incoming dangers, bullshit." he muttered. Changmin nudged him from beside.

"I guess, you have something to say? Young man?" Professor Kim asked with a calm expression.

"Well, a young gumiho, if I might rephrase that. Now, 'protection against incoming dangers' you say? Exactly what danger? For all we know, 'your majesty' could just be a scared little guy who wants to create his own protection squad." He said. 

"Well, young gumiho.....umm what's your name?" Professor Kim paused.


"Well, Younghoon, those dangers I'm talking about involves your kind as well."

Younghoon and Joonyoung's fist clenched when they heard that. Changmin grabbed Younghoon's hands just in case.

"What do you mean by that?" Joonyoung asked.

"And you are?"


"Joonyoung, you do know there are more gumihos than you think? There are some like you and your friends-"

"Brothers." Professor Kim gave a kind smile at Chanhee's intrusion and nodded.

"Your brothers are a calm bunch. Staying away in mountains and keeping to yourselves. But I'm afraid, there are some who thinks otherwise."

"What does that have to do with us?"

"We are normal humans The best we can do is to trick them with potions and charms."

"So you are saying you want us to fight them? For you?"

Professor Kim took a breathe in. 

"It is not only for the good of humans, but also for pure gumihos such as yourself and your brothers."

"So the conclusion is that you intend to make us your weapons and fight against our own kind." Everyone looked at Youngjae who spoke. That was unexpected. 

Youngjae stepped forward despite Chanhee reaching out to stop him. Chanhee shook his head at him. Youngjae's expression was full of rage, calm but raged. 

"That's all you humans have been trying to do. And I bet those gumihos you are talking about are also affiliated with some kind of human enemies, aren't they?" Youngjae smirked when no answer came.

"They chose their side and now, we are inviting you to choose a side as well." A new voice came. All of them turned towards a lazily dressed man who came in with a small teapot. He took a swig from it before looking directly at Youngjae, then at Chanhee who was holding him back. 

"Ah, Professor Jung." Professor Kim bowed his head a bit as a greeting. The 'Professor Jung' waved it off.

"Stop being so formal, Namjoon. That gives me allergies. Just call me by my name, Hoseok." 

Professor Kim gave a little smile. 

All of the twelve boys were confused at the new entry of the professor. 

"You five, yes, you five gumihos. You guys are a shame to the gumiho society." Hoseok pointed at each of the five gumihos. Younghoon, Changmin and Youngjae looked offended. Joonyoung continued to stare calmly. Chanhee observed the man carefully, squinting his eyes at him. 

He didn't notice two pairs of eyes on him. Both Hyunjae and Sunwoo internally cooed at the gumiho's curious eyes. 

"What do you mean?" Joonyoung asked calmly.

"Just one look and I can see you guys are at least a hundred," Hoseok pointed at Youngjae, then slowly to Joonyoung, "To five hundred years old. And yet, you haven't improved your abilities a bit." He tsked. 

"You are one of us." Chanhee breathed out. Hoseok smirked.

"Oh my, what gave it away?" He grinned. 

"Just you. Your aura." Chanhee replied. Hoseok nodded, taking another swig from his teapot and pointed it at Chanhee.

"You're not bad." 

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?" Chanhee continued.

"I'm living a life of eternity, might as well spend it wisely. Instead of just hiding away." He glanced at Joonyoung. 

"And why should we assume we should follow your steps? For all we know, you could be a quack." Younghoon said, fearlessly. Changmin and Youngjae looked at him, feelin a bit unsettled.

"A quack?" Hoseok smirked, "Then, what do you want me to do?"

"What else?" Younghoon remained stoic. 

"Oh, is that a challenge I'm hearing?" Hoseok's voice held a teasing tone and Younghoon didn't like it one bit. 

"Younghoon...." Joonyoung started but Younghoon stopped him, holding up a hand. He looked at him as if to say it'll be fine. Joonyoung nodded, he trusted his brother.

"Ok, then. Show me what you've got." Hoseok said, shoving his teapot into Namjoon's chest. He walked up to Younghoon. 

Younghoon stared him down. He started transforming a bit, his eyes glowing bright blue and claws growing out. Hoseok remained calm this whole time. 

The others watched them in utter silence.

"Go on." Hoseok spoke. Younghoon felt belittled and got irritated. He started his first move and snarled as he swung a punch at Hoseok. Hoseok dodged it effortlessly, then elbowed Younghoon's back. Younghoon stumbled forwards. 

He whipped back to charge at Hoseok. Hoseok dodged it perfectly and kicked Younghoon's shin. Younghoon knelt down violently and he groaned at the hit. But he turned around quickly and used his power to force Hoseok away. 

Younghoon's face was evident of confusion when Hoseok did not move an inch. Hoseok smiled as he walked towards Younghoon.

"Why isn't he using that yeeting skill from before?" Hyungseo whispered to Youngjae. Youngjae had his mouth open, but no reply came out.

Hoseok knelt down to level Younghoon's trembling eyes.

"Kid, you aren't actually thinking of using your power on a thousand year old gumiho, are you?" Hoseok tilted his head. Younghoon's eyes widened. Hoseok smirked at the reaction and brought up his hand. Then, with a flick of his hand, he sent Younghoon flying towards a wall. 

"Younghoon!" Changmin screamed as he ran over to examine his boyfriend. 

"He'll be alright. I didn't use that much force." Hoseok said, seemingly unconcerned and took back his teapot from Namjoon. 

"Now, that Professor Jung," Hoseok groaned at the name Namjoon called him, "has already introduced himself, he will be your mentor. That goes for both humans and gumihos." 

Everyone looked at him weirdly, some scared, some worried, some confused.

Professor Kim gave a smile and gestured for the unknown man beside him to continue.

"Greetings, my name is Jeon Jungkook and I will be training you in areas of martial arts, swords art, archery, and more skills. I will not be tolerating any shenanigans you might bring about and this is a warning." He narrowed his eyes at Hyunjae who looked confused. 

Hyunjae mouthed 'Why me?' to Juyeon who just grinned knowingly. 

"Now professors, would you like to have more time knowing your students?"

Hoseok and Jungkook looked at each other, then nodded. 

"Well, then. I hope you are ready, Hwarangs." 

A/N: I'm sorry to say that I'll not be updating for a couple of days...yikes! I have 2 assignments due in two weeks. It's partially complete but I want to write it properly. Maybe get a better grade this time. 

How's the story so far? I, myself, think it has just started its climax. I love reading y'all's comments. Thanks for the votes, too! 

Sooo, thank you very kamssas and lots of love for everyone! Stay safe, guys!

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