That Time I Got Reincarnated...

By StaciaPLE

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Rimuru had been called to attend Walpurgis, by non-other than Guy himself. Realizing the dire situation, Rimu... More

Reset pt 2
The start of a new "journey"?
Establishing the Village
Life or Death
Unexpected Threat
Daemon Recruitment I
Daemon Recruitment II
Fairy Queen.
Fairy Queen part 2
Humans vs Monsters I
Humans vs Monsters II
Humans vs Monsters III
Prisoner of War
Post-war Celebrations
Demon Lord's Debut I
Demon Lord's Debut II
Demon Lord's Debut III
Demon Lord's Debut IV
Demon Army.
Wrath II
You're In The Way
Master of Demons I
Master of Demons II
Master of Demons III
Master of Demons IV
Master of Demons V
An 'Old' Memory
A Moment of Peace.
A Paladin's Decision.
Clash I
Clash II
Clash III
Clash IV
Special Chapter I
Special Chapter II
Demise II
A Broken Hero
Tempest's Intro
Announcement for the Rewrite


10.5K 276 91
By StaciaPLE

As Rimuru left the room they immediately start making noise.

"Hey you guys, what are you all standing there for! You're master is taking on Charybdis!"

"If you think we don't want to protect Lord Rimuru think again, and relax shion's already following Lord Rimuru."


"If you want to know why then Lord Rimuru already said it himself, go and see what he meant by that"

"Rimuru! it seems that my self-proclaimed son.... where is he?"

"Lord Veldora, Lord Rimuru already went to deal with Charybdis"

"Ah I see then it seems that I came here for nothing. Oh hey Milim, Rimuru just told me via telepathy to take you to my takoyaki stand for some reason"

"Takoyaki~ ohhh I want some!"

"Sure let's go."


"New to this?"

"""Like hell!"""


They make a ruckus the moment I got out. Oh and I forgot Milim might want to play too, luckily I had snacks prepared to stuff her mouth.

Ehh, but that won't hold her for long, I need someone like her to hold her off so I could deal with Charybdis peacefully.

I see Veldora looking for me, I take advantage of that as I called to him to telepathy. 'Veldora can you do me a favor?'

'Huh? Rimuru is that you, I was trying to find you because Charybdis revived'

'Yeah I know, I'm gonna deal with it now, anyways about that favor, I'll give you the sequel to that one series you were asking me about if you do it'

'Kuhahaha! Then speak! I shall listen to any of your requests Rimuru'

'Take Milim and introduce her to you're takoyaki stand and teach her the basics that's it'

'Roger that!'

Good with that hopefully I have enough time to deal with Charybdis now.

I walk towards the town square and run into Gabil who was unconscious for some reason.

"Hey Gabil, you alive?"

"Uh.... Lord Rimuru? Am I in heaven now?"

"No you're not silly, here"

I splash a potion at him making him energetic soon after.

"There you seem to be working now. I need you to call Vesta for me"

"Of course Lord Rimuru, but may I now why?"

"I just want him to serve as witness is all"



"Rimuru-danna, are you seriously taking on Charybdis yourself?"

"Oh Kabal, don't worry, I'm fine. I know what Charybdis can do and besides I'm pretty strong myself."

"If you say so"

"Rimuru-sama, I have arrived and I've brought crystal orbs"

"As expected of you Vesta, you know what I exactly meant"

"Oh it's just that Lord Rimuru is good at giving hints"

We were waiting for the other witnesses to arrive, Charybdis was fairly slow and it was still quite far from here so it's fine if we set up first.

Shuna arrived with some of our executives, why do they all look so smug, I don't get it.

"What's wrong you guys? You are all happy for some reason"

"It's nothing Lord Rimuru, were just excited to see our Lords wonderful performance"

"You're bad at lying with that face of yours"

"Uh... uhm"

"He means it My Lord, my brother does have some other reasons but that part is genuine too"

"If you say so Shuna"

Fuze arrived shortly along with Youm and some of his members. 'It's time' I thought.

"Everyone, I do hope you watch carefully, what you will see will serve as both harmful and beneficial for us if you deem so. But I trust you guys to make the right judgement."

They were a bit confused but it was natural, I suddenly speak with vague words and fly off. 

If you're wondering how I'll deal with Charybdis, although I could use Soul Consumption it would not only destroy Charybdis but It would also destroy the person inside it.

And besides it wouldn't be as showy as the option I had chosen with. Ciel, are we ready to go.

[Ready as we can ever be Lord Rimuru]

Alright, then use that ability to destroy Charybdis like how Milim did.

"Turn Null"

Witness P.O.V

Rimuru flew off after giving his vague words and headed straight towards Charybdis.

As Rimuru was flying off the people had a small conversation.

"Hey so about you're earlier concern, do you know why we aren't going in?"

"I still don't know that! And your master is already out there it's not too late to help you know!"

"Well you see..."

Rimuru charged up Null energy in one of his palms as Benimaru prolonged his statement.

"Lord Rimuru...."

Then Rimuru fired the shot at Charybdis and before impact.

"Is at the same level of power as Lady Milim"

As Benimaru finished saying that Fuze and the others except for the people who witnessed Rimuru's battle against Milim was petrified.

The giant creature that was heading towards Tempest was now gone as Rimuru fired a mediocre sized ball of energy at Charybdis.

They were frozen for a good 5 minutes before Rimuru came back with a person and snapped them out of there petrification.

"So anyways, Fuze-kun, if you're king wishes to form diplomatic relationships with us Tempest. We would be glad to accept it."

"And as for you Youm.... no never mind. Oh and I got a guest to welcome, Benimaru please escort them as they go home"


With that Rimuru disappeared and left them all there dumbfounded. Fuze's face was paler than a ghosts, while Youm looked like his life was over.

At this very moment their emotions united into one... yes.... Fear.....


I hope it wasn't rude to suddenly leave them like that. But I can't keep this guest waiting as he was picking up this guy here.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Karion"

"No no no it's okay, that brat has caused you enough troubles and I would like to apologize"

"Please don't be, say why did you want to recruit me knowing full well what I am"

I immediately start the fight, verbally of course.

"Well you see, if I had you as my ally then I would have ensured the safety of my country you see"

"Oh is that so? I understand, I would have done something similar if I were to be in your position."


"You see, he told me that you wanted me to be under you."

"I never said such things, hmm, it must be because of Clayman"

"Speaking off Clayman, I want you to send a message to him for me as a form of accepting you're apology, is that alright?"

"Yes, that is quite alright, now what would you like me to tell him"

"Tell him that―"

Karions face grew in fear as I say the words that were not meant for him but for Clayman. He only showed fear because of the face I was making while saying the short words that I want him to deliver.

He's gonna warn Clayman no doubt, I bet he will even tell the other demon lords. But that's nothing since Guy already knows who I am.

I'm going to make my debut as a Demon Lord a little more showy this time around.

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