Force bound Feelings (Anakin...

By Arialternateendings

461K 11.4K 7.6K

A story that will follow the entire saga with its own individual twists and turns, please do give it a try yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chqpter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter ninteen
Chapter twenty
Chaoter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thiry nine
Chapter forty
Chapter fourty one
Chapter fourty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter fourty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty seven
Chaoter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one
Chaoter seventy two
Chapter seventy three
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter seventy six
Chapter seventy seven
Chapter seventy eight
Chapter seventy nine
Chapter eighty
Chapter eighty one
Chapter eighty two
Chapter eighty three
Ari's tibute
Chapter eighty four
Cbapter eighty five
Chapter eighty six
Chapter eighty seven
Chapter eighty eight
Chapter eighty nine
Chapter ninety
Chapter ninety one
Chapter ninety two
Chapter ninety three
Chapter ninety four
Chapter ninety five
Chapter ninety six
Chapter ninety seven
Chapter ninety eight
Chapter ninety nine
Chapter one hundred
Chapter one hundred and one
Chapter one hundred and two
Chapter one hundred and three
Chapter one hundred and four
Chapter one hundred and five
Chapter one hundred and six
Chapter one hundred and seven
Chapter one hundred and eight
Chapter one hundred and nine
Chapter one hundred and ten
Chapter one hundred and eleven
Chapter one hundred and twelve
Chapter one hundred and thirteen
Chapter one hundred and fourteen
Chapter one hundred and fifteen
Chapter one hundred and sixteen
Chapter one hundred and seventeen
Please read
Chapter one hundred and eighteen
Chapter one hundred and nineteen
Chapter one hundred and twenty
Chapter one hundred and twenty one
Chapter one hundred and twenty two
Chapter one bundred and twenty three
Chapter one hundred and twenty four
Chapter one hundred and twenty five
Final Chapter
A fhousand comments later

Chapter thirty five

4K 89 43
By Arialternateendings

"All fighters form up, this isn't going to be a smooth ride." Anakins reassuring voice came on through the coms as we left the cruiser hanger. I had my fingers crossed and was just praying I'd remember everything Anakin had taught me on our flight out as I bought up the rear of the group in my newly assigned fighter with its purple plating. Seemed purple was becoming my military colour according to everyone around.

There were around twenty of us flying out to break through separatist defences, three Jedi and seventeen clones including captain Rex and Dice along with Commander Cody of the 212th.  Blaster fire whizzed all around the second we began our approach, which would have been nerve wracking enough without the added pressure of supposedly having to lead my own squad through this hell.

"Anakin, my squad will take care of their cannon, you and (y/n) try to break through and land on the surface." Obi wan instructed while braking off with five of his own fighter and heading towards the separatist cruisers while ours provided back up fire to cover the attack.

"I hear you master, (y/n) are you ok with that plan?" Anakin proceeded to ask as we continued ahead. I was able to see his yellow ship spinning somewhere up ahead causing a small smile. I was marrying surely one of the best pilots in the republic.

"All alright here general, I'll follow your lead," I responded while banking left to avoid a run of intense fire, starting to feel as though maybe I was getting the hang of this flying lark. But then of course I faltered and dropped down, stumbling with the controls for a moment before catching myself. "Technical glitch, I'm alright." I quickly spoke up before anyone took the cha cue to worry.

'Are you sure you're ok to do this?'
Anakins concerned voice spoke directly to my mind and mine alone.

'I'll be fine Anakin don't worry, just focus on the mission'
I responded while checking my flight navigation and blaster targeting for any more anomalies.

"Okay then, let's begin." He spoke through the speaker while giving me the feel that he understood.

"Rodger that sir."

"Right behind you general."

"See you on the surface boys." I responded after the clones made their comments, watching them swerve into various formations before me following Anakins gallant lead. Behind them I smiled to myself and began to follow directly through after at speed. Since I wasn't so much of a fighter my personal mission was brining down medical supplies-since I was a healer technically I'd be acting as the groups medic until support could break through.

"R5 raise our shield to full and provide automatic fire from the, Er...starboard? Oh to hell with it, provide cover from the front guns." I instructed as I focused my own attention of piloting.   The black and grey droid spun my way while bleeping, the ships guns raising as he looked back ahead and beginning to fire.

"Vulture droids to the left generals." Captain Rex spoke through the comms as a warning.

"I hear you Rex, everybody stay close, (y/n), try to stay close." Anakin responded, sounding close even though he was pretty far ahead. It was pretty sweet how he refused to use my last name, it gave the situation a familial sense of comfort. Though, I was still a little worried that the clones may catch on the the attachment between us, or worse Obi wan.

"You got it Skywalker," I replied while attempting a spin only for my head to do more spinning than the ship. Reaching up I held my head for a moment and decided maybe sticking close with the troopers would be easier than Anakin. "Dice I'm coming in behind you, please try not to suddenly swerve like Anakin does." I called ahead as I approached the marked up republic fighter in royal blue and violet.

"I here you general." The captain replied back, his ship visibly levelling out in front of me like he was actively trying to slow. I'm not sure if Anakin had told anyone about my piloting since I missed the briefing but by the looks of it i believe he at least told the two captains.

"I suddenly swerve?" Anakin replied while practically flying a figure of eight ahead at max speed while I just focused on flying up by captain Dice.

"All the time." I replied with a chuckle as I managed to pull up behind the clones fighter, signalling him I was ready to fly ahead. Mere moments later he began to lead me through the chaos while other fighters dashed by all around. I hope in future I can prove more useful but right now it was rather nice having a personal escort.

Continuing on Anakin did most of the work clearing the separatist defences along with the other clones while Dice stayed back with me to take out stragglers. Ahead was a clearing...well...a bombed area of land with some cover from nearby buildings.

"(Y/n), get down to the clearing with your squad and set up camp, me and Rex will be down in a second after taking out the last cannons to the west." Anakin spoke up over the coms from some distance away while we swooped down and began on another pass by the clearing. Understanding the message even before answering I turned the ship and began to slip off from the group followed by four of Anakins men working under me.

"Alright we'll head down, see you soon l-Anakin." Oh my gods I can't believe I nearly called him love on and open channel, we really need to be more formal.

"General watch out! Snipers!" One of the troopers shouted through the comms, suddenly alerting me to a series of incoming fire from one of the near buildings. My eyes widened in horror as not only laser fire whizzed toward me but a rocket as well. But before it could hurt however one of the bombers from my right flank shot forward and got hit right before my eyes.

"Trooper!" I called out not knowing his name yet and yet was terrified this selfless clone was about to die right in front of me. I raced down from the group after we're his ship was spiralling down towards the ground.

"General stay back, the ships unstable, let me go." The trooper responded sounding unusually calm given he was plummeting to his death. However I refused to turn back, I wouldn't, not now.

"No, no I won't leave you I promise." I responded while diving down, heart quickening as I reached one hand out I closed my eyes, focused on the force, and pulled. As I felt my ship scrape the floor and my astromech bleep I finally let my eyes open again, spinning the hatch and jumping out. I through my other hand up and caught the exploding above or at least slowing it.  With a crunch the ship hit the group meters from me and I ran over, pulling my saber out and igniting it to cut the trooper free from the ship cockpit. 

I grabbed his armoured arm and pulled him free, yanking him away from the gradually imploding and burning bomber. I had my arms under his arms pulling him back towards the safety of behind my ship, sheltered from any potential explosion. Ducking down with no time to assess for injuries without thinking I pulled him close and sheltered him as the explosion rang out all around for a few seconds.

Then there was silence, a ringing in my ears as I raised my heard again.

I found blinking hard for a moment but then as I looked up saw the republic fighters flying over ahead, low enough it was clear they where coming in to land. Breathing I sigh of relief I looked down at the clone groaning in my arms, watching as he reached up for his helmet. I helped him remove the article and then proceed to lie him on the floor before me, running my hands across the injured amour in search of injuries.

"What's your name trooper?" I asked while continuing to scan him for injury, trying to keep him talking and conscious.

"CT fifty five fifty-

"I said name not number trooper." I interjected before he could finished in a firm yet hopefully warm tone. I didn't mean to be harsh at all I just hated the idea of being given a number not a name.

"Fives sir, Er, ma'am." He responded with a cough as I tried to remove his chest amour to access the damaged area. This was my first real time working as a medic, yet I had the training but I'd never had to use it out on the field before. Beyond nervous I pulled away the amour, eyes fixed on the light bruising beginning to show across his chest.

"Ok...ok think...possible fractured ribs, likely burning..." I picked up his Armand gently traced along the tendons. " signs of strain of muscle tear...but there still...

"General relax, I'll be fine, it's just a few scratches," The clones voice spoke up managing to tear me out my spiralling as he gently pulled my hand off his arm and gave me a small smile. "I've faced worse, we all have."

"That's not exactly reassuring..." I chuckled lightly while getting up to my feet, cringing slightly at the stiff movements of my amour. I still wasn't used to the plating, nor the lighter material clothing for added movement. "Stay right there ." I spoke while turning to my ship, leaning over the open side and grabbed my medical bag, pulling to my side with the force. 

Stepping back over I crouched by him and pulled out a scanning, briefing out a sigh and light laugh of relief as I saw there was no major damage according to initial scans. To say I was relieved would be an understatement. That crash had been intense, he was literally shot out the skies before me and yet obtained no broken bones...maybe a few features but no brakes.

"..,well aren't you a lucky one, no brakes just bruising, which I can give you something for right now." I sighed in relief while helping him sit up with the one hand while using the other to retrieve a medical packet from my bag with the other.

"General Skywalker wasn't wrong, you really do work fast." The clone trooper named Fives chuckled while rubbing the back of his head as I offer him the small strip of pills.

"Anakin spoke about me?" I questioned while watching as he took the packet and began to readjust his amour while no to far away a few of the squads fighters began to touch down under the cover of some buildings. If probably need to move mine to a similarly safe location but right now I was more curious to here what Anakin had been saying about me in my absence.

"Ha all the time ma'am, he was always saying how he wished you were with us, that you'd know what to do," Fives comments made me a little embarrassed and I had to fight a blush from appearing on my cheeks as I gently nodded along with his words. "He also mentioned how you were a medical enthusiast and well, after just now I can see he was right to call you skilled, that was some quick thinking general."

"Thank you, Fives, but honestly don't believe everything general Skywalker says." I commented while getting up and holding a hand out to held him up from the floor to.

"About you ma'am?" He questioned as I took a step towards the gathering group of clones in the clearing across from us.

"Especially about me." I called back over my shoulder with a lighthearted smile before continuing ahead towards captain Dice.

"General, glad to see you made it down with Fives in one piece, any injuries to report?" The trooper asked with his helmet now held under her right arm as he turned to face me. I shook my head lightly while briefly taking note of the clones dashing back and forth.

"Nothing major, Fives suffered some bruising but no major damage." I reported honestly, still relieved by the luck of it all.

"Down to your quick thinking I'm sure." The clone captain spoke while easing a dark brow my way as his lips momentarily tightened into a smirk. Moving from Fives to Dice I could clearly see how these guys were clones, especially this pair. All these identical faces were going to wreck havoc on my memory, thank the gods they seemed to have tattoos-not to mention I was starting to see different personality traits across the teams.

"Beginners luck I guess." I shrugged while returning his smile as I scratched the back of my neck, cursing my hair for her again falling in my eyes.

'My kingdom for a hair tie'

"Well anyway, the men are prepping a makeshift base,  we should get to a vantage point and keep watch for general Skywalker." Captain Dice went on to say to me, nodding his head towards a tallish building on our left. I nodded with a hum and looked across the area.

"Yes of course, lead the way." I responded while indicating towards the building.

Following him up we passed several of the troopers rushing around, some alert of look out while others set up cannons we'd managed to bring down in pieces. It was a pretty inspiring sight to see. I could understand why Anakin spoke so highly of these men now.

Getting to the top of the building I placed my hands on the railing and looked out over the deserted city below, watching as my fiancé and his the members of his squad still in the air pushed back the separatist droids. Watching the battle below my eyes caught in a few straggling groups of droids Anakin wouldn't be able to reach through the buildings.

"Dice, get the men to fire a round from the cannons towards sector...ah, just there." I spoke, not having the technical detail to give them a readout but instead pointing towards the hidden group.

"Right away ma'am," he spoke before raising his wrist and pressing the com. "Fire three rounds towards sector 32217." He commanded, a second later rounds of heavy laser fire booming through the air, destroying the separatist holding. I smiled to myself and folded my arms across my chest, impressed with the small win.

"Thanks for the assist, we'll be landing now to start the ground assault." Anakin voice came through both our comms, my eyes catching his ship whiz round back towards us and lower itself towards we're the others had previously landed.

"Ranger that on my way," I responded before turning away from the railing and stopping for a second to look to my captain as he lifted his helmet and placed it back over his head. "Dice keep our team working on those cannons, so I wan should be down with more men soon, we'll need somewhere secure for them to land."

"Yes general." He responded with a saluted.

I returned him a nod before dashing back down towards where Anakin would be landing so I could here his plan. With rushed steps I practically ran down the stairs, relieved when I saw him talking to Rex in the landing area. Our eyes met and I gave him a smile before running over, twisting my urge to hug him in greeting since it wasn't the time. Rex still had his helmet on which told me we'd be heading right in.

"(Y/n), good to see you're not freaking out." Anakin chuckled slightly while shifting to look my way as he folded his arms much like I had.

"Freak out? You think that lowly of me?" I responded while lifting a brow, keeping my tone ambiguous so Anakin wouldn't know I was just teasing. Anakins expression seemed to flash with some kind of adorable panic as the notion probably hit him I may be offended. His posture shifted and he moved forward on the balls of his feet, reaching a hand out and moving his eyes away for a moment.

"That's not, that not what I meant, I just meant that-

"Anakin I'm just messing with you, relax and let's show these separatists what the republics made of."I spoke, reaching out and patting his shoulder with a sweet smile. Anakins gaze met mine again and he returned my smile with some relief. "Besides, I have a droid count to start up, I imagine you e already knocked out quite the number."

"Oh you want to make this a condition? It's on." Anakin responded with confidence and a smug grin.

"...should I be concerned by this?" I heard Rex ask from beside us both, but my gaze remained locked on Anakins.

"Loser has to do whatever the winner says for a day, that's twenty four hours." I spoke lower my while holding my hand out to him.

"Deal," Anakin responded immediately while reaching out and taking my hand, giving it a shake before stepping back to look at poor concerned Rex.  "Don't worry Rex, this is pretty normal." He responded while patting the clones shoulder before turning to walk back with me.

"That's not reassuring sir." I heard the captain murmur as we began to walk away.

As we moved out of earshot I couldn't help but laugh our loud. Things for the 501st really were about to get chaotic, and poor master Kenobi. Whoever decided it would be good idea to pair us together surely hadn't read over our history.

Beside me Anakin had started laughing, shaking his head as he ducked it down.

"Wow...a few hours and we're already turning this war into a game." He chuckled with a sigh while glancing over my way again.

"Did you expect anything else?" I chuckled back while raising my brow his way. Anakin smiled and lightly shook his head.

"Nope, would t dream of having it any other way." He spoke with that loving look to his eyes that made me forget about the war.

Whatever the next few months, maybe even years bought, me and Anakin would stay strong and survive.


Alright, who's excited to see Ahsoka on Sunday, because I'm excited to write it. That's right we're entering the clone wars!

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