The Duet

By aworldwithoutaname

46K 1.9K 655

Kat is the reserved, introverted nerd. Austin is the popular, attractive "bad boy". They have nothing in co... More

The Duet
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Nine

963 44 13
By aworldwithoutaname

“Kat.” A low whispered dragged me out of sleep. “Wake up.”

Who was waking me up at this ungodly hour?

I groaned and rolled over to my side, pulling my blanket tighter around my frame. I had a difficult time falling asleep last night. Instead of resulting to Netflix or reading me books, like I usually did, I played around with my keyboard and music equipment. My creative juices were flowing and I just couldn’t stop. When I realized it was almost dawn, I stopped and stumbled into bed, falling asleep instantly when my head met my pillow.

I felt like I’ve just fallen asleep and now someone just had to wake me. My eyes felt like bricks. I couldn’t open them, they were too heavy. I just wanted to sleep.

“Kat.” The voice was no longer a whisper. “Get up or you’ll be late.”

“I don’t care let me sleep.” I muffled into my pillow.

Suddenly my whole body was exposed to the cool air that came through my open window. My eyes snapped open and I sat up, glaring at Evan who had a triumphant smirk and my maroon polyester blanket.

“Do you hate me?” I asked rolling out of bed. “The last time I saw you, we were best friends.”

“And as your best friend, I’m going to make sure you’re not late or skipping class.” He retorted.

“Hey, I was at school for the entire day yesterday!” I defended.

“Yeah but you skipped your fourth period class to go pig out on McDonalds and watch chick flicks in the janitors closet with Sophia!”

“Whatever.” I yawned.

It was 8:00 am. I had forty minutes to dress myself and make myself not look like a zombie or a hobo and to eat the most important meal of the day. Evan instructed that I had twenty minutes to dress myself and gather my things before I eat. He threw my blanket onto my bed and yelled 19 minutes as he walked out my door.

“I hate you.” I mumbled under my breath as I started rummaging through my closet, desperately searching for an outfit to wear.

A few moments later I was wearing my light pink skater shirt, a loose white tank top tucked into my skirt and my signature white converse. My ombre hair was wavy and pinned to the side neatly.

“Kat get your butt downstairs now!” Evan yelled.

Inhaling deeply and rolling my eyes, I shoved all of last night’s homework into my bag. I ran out my room and down the stairs as fast as I can. I tripped on my own two feet when I reached the last few steps. Luckily, Evan caught me before I bruised myself again.

“Awh look who’s all dolled up.” He cooed and pinched my cheeks. “Your pancakes are getting cold and someone took a bite of your pancake.”

I walked into the kitchen and sat on the kitchen island where my plate of one and half pancakes waited for me. I hopping onto the seat and devoured the chocolaty pancake. I moaned in delight. Evan wasn’t the best chef but his pancakes and cupcakes were detectible! I could spend the rest of my life eating his double chocolate chip pancakes.

After I popped the last piece into my mouth I took a swig of milk and quickly went upstairs to brush my teeth once more time. After ten minutes I was walking down the stairs with my denim jacket in my arms and my book bag over my shoulder. Evan was already waiting by the door, typing away on his phone. We had exactly 17 minutes before homeroom began.

“Ready to go?” he asked, looking up from his phone.

I nodded. “Yup, let’s go.”


It was five minutes before lunch. I spent the entire period lounging around and studying chemistry in the room where all the xylophone and marimbas were kept.  The room was really spacious even though it contained a total of the 7 mallet instruments. Austin wasn’t here again so we couldn’t practice during class. Since he wasn’t here I guess we’re no longer practicing after school.

I started feeling nervous and anxious. We have to perform out duet exactly one week from now and we haven’t practiced our duet since the whole break up.

“No Austin today?” I asked when I found Brad, Sophia and Chad.

Chad shook his head. “No I haven’t seen him since Wednesday.”

I frowned slightly. “We were supposed to practice for our duet…”

“Don’t worry. Both of you are extremely talented. I’m sure y’all can wing it.” She chirped.

“I hope so. Well I have to go to my locker and get my math stuff.”

“Okay, we’ll see you later.”

Just as I walked away from our little circle, my phone vibrated in my jacket pocket. I pulled it out and drew in my pattern to get past the lock screen. My heart fluttered when I noticed that Austin texted me.

Austin: Sorry I just woke up :$ Had a pretty long night. I’m still up for practice after school. Are you?

Me: Sure. I’ll meet you in the music room.

Right after I sent my last text I shoved my phone back into my pocket. The lunch bell hasn’t ringed yet so I didn’t have to shove my way through students to reach my locker. When I had a clear view of my locker, I stopped in my tracks. Someone was leaning against my locker while playing on their phone. It seemed like they were waiting- waiting for me. I slowly approached my locker and when I realized who it was my breath hitched.

It was Miguel.

The last time I spoke to him was about two months ago after I found out how he used me for his own amusement while he was clear of my feelings for him. I slowly continued walking towards my locker, wondering why he was there.

“Miguel.” I said loud enough to only grab his attention. His head snapped up from his phone and his emerald green eyes met my hazel eyes. He shoved his phone into the pocket of his denim pants and sent me a small smile.

“Hi Kat.”

He stepped aside and let me spin the combination to my lock to retrieve my things for my afternoon classes. I felt his eyes on me as I exchanged the books and binders in my bag with the ones messily placed in my locker. I felt uncomfortable and squirmed under his stare. I zipped my bag up and closed my locker door. I turned around and we awkwardly stood in front of each other for a while. What was I supposed to say?

“So uhm, how are you?” he asked.

“I’m okay.” I answered. “Look Miguel, I don’t mean to sound rude but what do you want?”

I realized how harsh my tone sounded and I immediately regretted. I was about to apologize for my tone but he chuckled and told me not to worry about it.

“Come with me.” He wrapped his hand around my wrist and led me down the hall. The memories of me being a nervous and awkward around Miguel came to mind. I remember how sweaty my palms became, how my heart rate increased and how butterflies used to take over my stomach. But now, I feel nothing. I don’t feel nervous. My palms aren’t sweating buckets. My heart wasn’t racing. No butterflies were felt.

A few moments later, we were standing in the middle of the CatWalk. A small smile stretched across my face because this was where he asked me to the summer carnival. I knew he was dared to take me out on a date but I didn’t know it back when he asked me. I remember how nervous but excited I was.

The CatWalk was basically made entirely out of glass except for the floor. We had a great view of the back where most students ate their lunch. Miguel slowly slid down to the floor, his back leaning against the huge window. His head was down, resting on his two fists. I eyed carefully, watching his every move. Something wasn’t right. I sat on my knees, in front of him and asked him what was wrong.

He looked up with me, his eyes held pain and fright. “Kat… I have to tell you something.”

“Okay, tell me.” I said simply.

He ran a hand through his blonde hair and let out a shaky breath. “I’m dying.”

I swear my heart stopped for a few moments, after hearing what Miguel just said. I stared at him with wide eyes, shocked at him words. No, I refuse to believe what he’s saying.

“Miguel, you’re kidding right?” I questioned. My eyes began to water when he didn’t answer. Of course he wasn’t kidding. Who would joke about dying?

“Kat, I was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago.” He said quietly, looking down at his lap. “I was still strong enough to go to school but I’m getting weaker and more symptoms are beginning to show.

“W-Why are you telling me this?” I asked angrily. I wish I could rewind to 20 minutes ago and tell Miguel to go away. I was better off not knowing about this. My mind was racing with so many thoughts, I became lightheaded.

“I’m starting chemo next week. My family is moving White Valves because that’s where I’m getting my treatment. Today’s my last day.”

“I still don’t understand, why are you telling me this?”

“Because I want to apologize for what I did to you back in April. I was a douche and Sophia was right. I shouldn’t have asked you on those dates just because I was dared to. I don’t know how long I’m going to live but-“

“Don’t say that.” I interjected. “You are going to fucking live Miguel.”

He smiled sadly at me. “I’m not getting my hopes up Kat but thank you for your optimism. But we need to think realistically. Before I die, I want to make sure I’m on okay term with everyone. I want to forgive all who’ve wronged me and I want to apologize to who I’ve wronged.”

“But…”  Tears were falling down my face.

“Kat, don’t cry. Just please tell me that you forgive me.”

I gulped down a sob and nodded. “I forgive you Miguel.”

He smiled and put a hand on mine. “Thank you.”

He stood up from the cold tiles and then pulled me up. I immediately crashed into his arms and hugged him, allowing my tears to fall freely. He returned the embrace and kissed the top of my head. He pulled away.

“Take care Kat.”


After hearing Miguel’s new I immediately ran to Sophia, Brad, Chad and Evan and bawled my eyes out to them. I told them everything Miguel told me and they all turned somber. I was the only one who cried, probably because we were actually friends. I swear I spent the whole lunch hour crying into Evan’s shoulder.

When the bell rang for third period, I decided to skip. Again. I couldn’t be in class right now. I wasn’t mentally well to take in whatever information I had to take in. Luckily, Sophia and Evan didn’t force me to go to class. I grabbed my bag and waved good bye to them. I went out the double doors, located one the bottom floor. I walked to my usual ‘skipping’ place- the football field.

My legs were weak to climb up to the bleachers, so I collapsed onto the soft green grass. I inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the freshly cut grass and the light afternoon breeze. I couldn’t believe that Miguel could be dying. Cancer was so stupid. Why does it even exist? No one deserves to suffer through it! It pissed me off that millions of innocent people died from this stupid decease.

After I cried some more and calmed myself down, I was pulling out hand-full of grass and throwing them around while I was deep in thought. The light summer breeze was calming and felt nice nipping at my exposed skin. Suddenly, I heard my name being called. I silently prayed it wasn’t Mr. Rawry or any other teacher.

I looked straight ahead and saw Austin. He wore his fitted black denim pants and a white v-neck. His midnight black messy hair was bounced as he jogged towards me. As he got closer, I could see the worry in his eyes. Did something happen to him? I thought he wasn’t coming to school until our scheduled time to practice. I hope everything was okay.

“What happened? What’s wrong?” I asked immediately when he sat cross legged in front of me.

“What?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “Nothing happened. I’m here because of you.”

“We scheduled practice for after school didn’t we?”

“Not that. Brad texted me saying that you were crying because Miguel told you.”

I felt my eyes watering again. And I thought I was finished crying for today. My lips quiver and I let out a shaky breath. Austin instantly, pulled me into his arms. It’s only been a week since we broke up but I missed being in his arms so much. He fits me like my favourite sweater. A few tears fell but not much like earlier. My breath was just swallow and quick. Austin mumbled something that my ears did not catch. After I while and my breathing was regular again, I pulled away.

“Thank you.” I sent him a small smile. “You know you don’t have to be here.”

“But I want to.” He paused for a moment. “Because I love you.”

My heart fluttered in my chest. Austin still loves me? I was totally not expecting that.

“But why…”

“Because I was an idiot? I was running on two hours of sleep? I wasn’t in the right mental state? I don’t even know. I just know that his past week has been complete hell knowing you aren’t mine.”

“Austin, what are you trying to say?” I asked, even though I fully understood what he wanted.

“Will you be mine?”

A/N: I'm supposed to be studying but instead I decided to update. oOps

Not much happened in this chapter but it was a pretty sad one :(( awh Miguel.. #cancersucks. 

So I think we all know Kat's answer to Austin's question (; if you don't then you'll have to wait until after next week because I had exams *cries into study notes* 

Next chapter will be the last chapter. Austin and Kat will finally perform their duet at the Summer Serenade and I have a few other ideas up my sleeve. So please be patient for next week, okay? 

Thank you to all the people who've supported The Duet since I started writing it back in July. I've started writing another story that I will be working on after this, so I hope you guys will continue to support me there (: 

As usual, comment any thoughts/opinions/advice/critiques you may have and to vote vote vote!! (:


btw, thanks for the 11K reads

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