Love you, Hate you

By 557damon

18.5K 1.4K 770

Once he was in love... His love was selfless, endless, extreme and had no boundaries and so is his hate.... e... More

Spilled Coffee
Locked inside
Stolen moment
Evil witch
Stubborn assistant
Doom or blessing?
Rocky start
Bickering duo
Black Dahlia
Strangers from past -1
Strangers from past-2
Hooked up?
Extra: Memory or illusion
Damsel in Distress?
Sweet Torture
Bewitched by desire
Do you love me?
One step forward two steps back
Distance makes heart grow fonder
Worry and Agony
Like a Moth to a Flame
Author's Note
Chains of heart
Its all you!

Drunk boss

896 65 8
By 557damon

Dressed in a black charcoal tuxedo, a single diamond twinkling in his left ear, expensive watch worth more than thousands dollars adorning his wrist, shiny pointed black leather oxford shoes making sound as young master descends the stairs coming to stand beside his father aka our big boss Mr. Jake Suthalik.

" Daaddd!!! is it really necessary for me to dress up this much??? It is suffocating me", young master whines, his lips curving downwards as he gives  puppy eyes to his father.

Big boss just shaked his head in exasperation, used to our young master's antics," Kongpob!! It is not even an hour and you started complaining. You should learn from Arthit. He is only 2 years older than you but is the most responsible, hard working and honest boy, I have ever met in my life"

" Because he is perfect dad.", Kongpob walks around Mr. Suthalik and drapes his arm around my shoulder. My body immediately tensed when Kongpob puts his chin on my shoulder, his cologne rubbing against me overwhelming all my senses. My heart fills with palpitations, butterflies started singing sonnets of love as music plays around me ofcourse figuratively. I stepped away from the living breathing temptation or I would die of a heart attack.

" P!!!!!!" Kongpob pouts, his pouty lips turned downwards, lower one jutted out making him much more ridiculously adorable.

" Sir, you have a meeting with Mr. Shayatis in an hour. Shall we?",

Mr. Suthalik gives a nod to me and heads for his car which is waiting outside. As always I followed him when young master holds my wrist stopping my movement. Giving him my all famous glare, I tugged at my hand to get free but young master just tightens his grip on my wrist and calls out," Dad, Phi is coming with me. He can give me few pointers for the meeting"

" Okay, but don't get Arthit late. His presence is necessary there", Mr. Suthalik goes out leaving both of us alone. 

"Lets go", I shaked my hand violently freeing from the hold and practically runs off leaving Kongpob to follow me. 

" P!!! wait!!!"


"Is it true??? Tell me", Kongpob cries, holding hands of Arthit, eyes tearing. Desperate for the answer to be negative.

"What do you think, Kong?? Do you really think that I am capable of doing something like this??", After a full minute of stare down with his nong, the elder questioned instead of replying.

Kongpob shakes his head vehemently. He could never think likewise even in his dreams. Arthit gives a small smile at the reaction and brings his hand to the top of their already joined hand giving a squeeze," It is not true, Kong. I have not sold confidential information about your company to RSK . It is not me. I was with-

"Then who else it could be if not you?? huh?? ", Alec doesn't let the charity case speak and snaps his fingers at Arthit," then tell us where were you last night??? The guards have claimed that it was you who had visited the company at those ungodly hours when every normal human tends to sleep. If you can prove that you aren't at the company then we all will also believe that you aren't the reason for uncle's this critical situation"

A pin drop silence prevails in the mansion after Alec finishes off with his bullshitt. Arthit looks to Kongpob who is silent now. His eyes flees from person to person present in the house. He never wanted the thing to come out like this. But it looks like there is no other option except telling the truth. He turns to kongpob to seek permission when ......" P'Arthit, you were not at your apartment last night? But you had left before, ain't you?"

Arthit seems confuse with the blank expression Kongpob is giving him now but nodded anyways.

"Yeah! I was not at my apartment. but you know that beforehand Kongpob", Arthit feels a dread settling over him when kongpob drops their joined hands and takes a step back. He can taste the massive load of calamity running towards him with full speed. His sixth sense is telling him that something is definitely wrong. very very wrong. And for the first time he wishes for his gut feeling to be a mere faux. But neither, time, not luck was on his side as his prayers goes unanswered when Kongpob asks him," Where were you last night, P'Arthit?"

Arthit feels the ground moving beneath him as the air sucked out of his lungs. He barely managed to look up and meet Kongpob's eyes which is staring back at him suspicion and disbelief for the very first time


Two young man are standing in a corridor or more like one is back hugging the other while the later is busy jiggling with the lock. The corridor is well lit with industrial lights hanging upturned to the ceiling. 

"oww!! shitt!! STOP BITING ME!!!", the man dressed in a plain white shirt, dress pants and dark flats, glares back over his shoulder to other who is wearing a round collared open turmeric yellow jacket over a white tee with rainbow drawn on it, a black levi fitting his long legs, and a pair of white flats. 

Instead of getting upset over the angry tone, the bombed one pulls other's cheeks earning another painful yelp and grins,"cuute!!"

In first glance no one would say that these two were at each other's throats few hours ago with the way one is gripping the other tightly not leaving a space between their bodies while another has his arms secured around other, protectively.


Kongpob breathed as the door finally unlocked, giving way inside the apartment. Closing the door behind him, the assistant held the actor against the wall and toed off his shoes. Bracing his arms against other's torso who is busy making wierd faces while telling some story, Kongpob lowers himself on the ground and helps Arthit from getting out of his shoes. Standing up, he enclasped the other around his shoulder to guide him. He nearly falls face first into the floor if not for holding the wall with one hand while other is wrapped around his very drunk as hell boss who had taken the liberty to draped himself over him. Who is currently ...sniffing him??

Solidifying his hold, the assistant gets back his footing and attempts to shake away  his boss who was two sheets to wind. Attempt being the key word here as it only prompted the other to glued himself fully to Kongpob like a koala bear, making the young man grunt at sudden weight. 

"Boss, you are home now. Let me go", Kongpob says for the nth time and when except humming of a song which seems familar, gets no other reply, he ends up closing his eyes in frustration. He is beyond furious. He is tired, sleepy, working for straight 50 hours only on coffee and is god damn hungry. He wants to eat and sleep. It is way past his working hours then why he had to bear this bullshit??? 

It has been more than a week since they got locked up in Arthit's rest room and ended up sleeping in each others arms which is mind you not Kongpob's fault at all. Somehow the assistant dozed off with his Boss clutching him like his personal lobster and got awake with a very female screeching only to find themselves hugging each other, limbs tangled. As soon as their minds registered their close proximity, both of them sprang apart with Arthit falling off the couch on his butt. Arthit's manager started cackling instead of helping her boss who still seemed in sleep. Leaving the actor to explain the locking part on its own Kongpob high tailed from the scene and he is not a bit remorseful for that.

If Kongpob had thought that the incident would bring any kind of change in filmstars's behaviour, he could not be any more wrong. While the assistant turned every shade of red hearing Prae, Arthit has not even moved a single muscle, his face stoic and blank. If anything, his employer become even more rude and an A grade jerk, scolding him, humilating for any or every miniscule mistakes. But it was fine with Kongpob. He don't want or expect any kind of caring gesture from later. He is bearing all these tactics of other for the monthly cheque he had received last day which had more than 4 zeroes in it. 

Prae has left two days ago to spend a week with her girlfriend out of Thailand and that left Kongpob to not only perform his duty as an assistant but also Prae's which means he had to be in the same vicinity as the actor practically the whole day. And man was it exhausting!!! Kongpob is praying to all the forces out there to send back Prae as soon as possible. He is this close to punching the day light out of his shitty boss who don't even know when to stop.

Arthit has been invited to an after hours drink party by his co actors and Kongpob had to tag along as Prae's instruction. She had specifically ordered him to not let the actor have more than 2 shots as Arthit has an early shoot next morning. But this fool of a person had to go and accept the binge drinking challenge.....why are you soooo stupid!!!! Kongpob knows how light weight the other is.

Grunting, when he felt a pinching in the crook of his neck, the assistant pulls away and rolls his eyes at the flushed cheeks and unfocused eyes staring back at him, lips pulled in a wide grin. 

"why are you grinning??? It's not funny okay???", Kongpob sighs out when all Arthit did is let out another giggle before hiding his face back in his neckside.

Kongpob eyes roams around the apartment which not his P'Arthit...whoa!! Wait Wait!! He is not anybody's phi..period.

The apartment has a very exotic interior with walls a perfect mix of warm brown and golden. He is currently in the hallway with wall filled with pics after pics of the actor from various events accepting awards, celebrating birthdays, christmas parties with friends, co actors and many more. The doorway leads to an open kitchen, a round dinner table with two chairs on the side.

Shuffling or more like dragging the dead weight, Kongpob pushed open the first door which come out to be study room. He shifted his snoring boss to other side and jiggled the second doorknob to find it locked. Giving up, he heads to the last room on the corner praying it to be open. He is a step away from dumping Arthit then and there on the floor. Fortunately, the third room turns out to be a bedroom. The assistant goes straight to the bed with every intention of  dropping Arthit on the bed like a sack of potato.

Call it bad luck or his punishment for cursing his boss all the way, in his haste Kongpob failed to notice the skateboard near the foot of the bed and stepped on it. Next he knows he is falling on the bed with Arthit on top of him.  


Kongpob felt the wind knocked out of him with the sudden impact and it took him few minutes to collect his bearing. And then his eyes widens feeling something moist agaisnt his neck....did he drooled on me??? ew!.. The assistant attempts to sit up but ended up being pushed more into the mattress. Surprised, Kongpob glances up and meets the dark eyes ogling him, making him conscious of their situation. 


shhh!!!", Arthit shushed him placing his index finger over the rosy lips, instantly shutting up Kongpob who is looking back at him with his large, puppy dog eyes with such an innocence that Arthit felt like messing him up just for the sake of it. It has been so long since Arthit has seen him in his dreams. He miss his Kong. The soft smiles, mischief filled eyes, his carefree giggling whenever he finds something amusing. His sexy smirks, confident no his bedroom much he craves to pull out those low, husky, needy moans from the younger one once again....The actor's eyes roams to the freely falling dark bangs, nearly poking the other in eyes, as he maps the thick dark frame of eyelashes fanning against the caramel cheeks, sharp nose, chubby cheeks giving a slight round edge to the jawline, and the last but the best trait of his dream Kongpob - his pouty, full shaped, crimson lips which always seems to invite him to get drunk on them. And thats what Arthit is intending to do. He inched his head closer, eyes glued to the rosy pair which parted a little.

Kongpob mouth gaped open when he felt his boss touching his face with his finger tip. He tried to move away but only managed to get himself sink more. His eyes poped open as the elder started to lean into him. The smell of alcohal mixed with actor's woodsy scent is making Kongpob dizzy...but surprisingly in a good way. He is feeling... disturbingly calm, his frazzled senses getting soothed out making him recall how in the past also, he used to seek comfort in elder's embrace. Whenever he was upset, or sad or in any kind of conflict, his go to person was his phi. There was something very....he don't have exact word to describe that feeling. He only knows that he love-

Kongpob was so lost in thinking about past that he didn't realised when Arthit got so closed and  brushed pink lips against his. A blurred vision flashes before Kongpob eyes with first touch of tender lips....The assistant snapped open his eyes which he don't remember closing and pushed Arthit away, getting out from beneath him and gulps....what was that???? that voice????...Kongpob touched his lips which are still tingling, a wierd sensation running through his body....he kissed me??...HOLY SHITTT!!!! P'ARTHIT KIS-

Kongpob stops in mid way realisation as Arthit runs towards a closed door which Kongpob assumed is the bathroom and followed his boss to find him hunched over the white toilet bowl and emptying his stomach goes my beauty sleep!!...Shaking his head, Kongpob casts an exasperated look to the ceiling before making his way to the figure still crouched and gagging. Kneeling on the bathroom floor, Kongpob strokes the other on the back with one hand while other pushsed away the raven hair away from the pale face," It will be okay boss. You are doing great". 

Few more minutes passed as Arthit vomited out all the alcohal from his system, Kongpob helped him in standing and removed the jacket off other's body to give him some breathing space. He gave mouth wash to the other who accepts it quietly. Infact too quietly. 

"do you want to shower??", Kongpob asks, tipping his chin to the glass wall shower, completly oblivious to the way other person who has gone stiff. A cold rage eminating from Arthit who is staring back at Kongpob's reflection in the mirror with unadultered hate.

"Get out"

"What?? I didn't catch that??", Kongpob who was busy studying the bathroom which is almost twice of his tiny hole apartment, demands as his boss said something inaudibe as he turns, fully facing his boss.

"get out"

"Huh??", Kongpob makes a noise, dumbfounded. Thinking he might have misheard and keeps on standing before his boss.

Arthit turned to his assistant, his dark eyes no longer hazy, as he pins the other with one of the his menacing look and step towards him.


Kongpob is frozen at the harsh tone. His brain is sending him signals to say something or protest but it was like his senses have stopped working. It took him a minute to understand that his boss has pushed him out of the bathroom. Too stunned, confused and heaven forbid, hurt by other's total 360, the assistant didn't bother to wait and left.

On the other side, Arthit is standing under the warm spray, letting the water run over his procelain skin gradually turning red as he rest his forehead agaisnt the glass wall and closes his eyes only to open again as the vision of Kongpob beneath him from earlier plays.  He runs his hand against the wet locks, swiping them back and curses....dammitt!!! what the fuck was I thinking!!!!...yes I was not thinking at all...



a short update, nothing much of substance but I think I have given away spoliers🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

Other  ongoing fics need a bit detailed work so just wrote this instead. Not very satisfying chapter and there is a slight chance for me delete this chapter later on. Do comment, vote and share IF  you read and LIKE it😉😉

29th Oct. 2020

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