The shadow that protects the...

By NatsuDragneelx777

205K 3.1K 2.9K

So this is gonna be my first book so please bare with me. Now onto the actual description "Your kid is quirkl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Happy Thanksgiving
First Christmas With The Aizawa's
Happy Birthday Izuku
Merry Christmas Everyone
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


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By NatsuDragneelx777

As we look inside the Aizawa household we see Izuku sitting on the floor on his knees with two woman standing over him, both with angry looks on their faces. Aizawa was sitting on the couch watching the whole thing while eating popcorn.

Momo:"Do you realise how reckless that was. You could have gotten hurt or worse killed." She says with concern as she could only imagine how she would feel if he actually died.

Izuku:"But hey I'm alive and well, not to mention I was able to save Tsu's life. You dont have to worry about me, I'll be fine, I can take care of myself." He says trying to dig himself out of the hole he's in.

Emi:" True but if that villain was stronger than you what what will you do then? We just don't want to see you on the news as the kid who got killed trying to save someone." She says with worry and fear as the thought of seeing such an image would crush her.

Izuku just sighs before getting up and giving them both a hug which they return in kind. They stay like that for a minute before they release eachother from their hug. After that they just talked for a while until Momo had to leave for home. Before she left Izuku gave Momo one more hug. When they seperated Izuku started heading home but was stopped by Momo who was holding his sleeve. When he turned around Momo gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting in the car and her chauffeur driving off.

Izuku was just standing there looking dumbfounded with a hand on the cheek that Momo kissed. He shakes his head to push down the blush and head inside. When he gets inside the house he looks at Aizawa and gives him a serious look one that Aizawa knew all too well.

Izuku:"I have ten months before the entrance exam comes around. I need you to amp up my training so that i am ready." He says with a serious tone.

Aizawa:"Dont you think your ready enough as it is. Your more than ready for the written part of the test and you have the skill and the strength for the practical portion of it as well. Dont you want to take it easy for a while."He says narrowing his eyes seeing if he would take the bait.

Izuku:"As much as it pains me to say it, Mr. Yagi was right about one thing. My power as it is now would be nothing to him. I need to get stronger so that I can show them how much stronger I became without them. I also need it so that I can protect everyone and make them feel safe even if my abilities look scary to most." He says with a look of determination on his face.

Aizawa, who was about ready to beat Izuku into the ground if he gave the wrong answer,relaxes and gives off a small smile as he now knows that his kid will do great things in the future.

Aizawa:"Good answer kid. Alright I'll set something up for you. Actually,I know just the thing. We'll go out tomorrow morning, same time as usual." He says with a smile.

Come the next morning and we see both Izuku and Aizawa heading toward the training spot. When they arrive at their destination they see what looks to be a beach. The only problem is the large amounts of trash that litters it. From simple candy wrappers and old newspapers to full on trucks and refrigerators. What's worse was the smell that came from the illegal garbage dump. A bird was flying over the dump when it fell unconscious from the smell alone. It was that bad.

Izuku:"Ok so why are we here. I thought you said we would be training so i would be ready for the exam,not be put in a coma until the exam." He says covering his nose trying not to puke up his stomach.

Aizawa:"The word hero has lost its true meaning over time. A hero back then would mean someone who did good for others simply out of the kindness of their heart. Now all they care about is how flashy they are and the villains they take down. Im not gonna have you be put in the same category as them."He says not even looking at Izuku but staring at the trash heap in front of him.

Izuku took everything in as he realized he was right. All people cared about was the flashiness of their quirks and the style of their triumph over evil. He remembered the old heroes that used to do community service just for the hell of it. They were an inspiration to him. They were the second reason he wanted to be a hero growing up. Number one reason being the current number one hero All Might. But thanks to recent events All Might has pretty much sunk to the bottom of the barrel. He had a new role model to look up to and his name was Eraser head. It totally wasn't because that's his dad or anything. No absolutely not.

Izuku:"I see. So I'm guessing that you brought me here so that I can clean this up. While I'm totally up for cleaning this place up,how will this be training for me?" He asks with genuine confusion as he figured he would just be picking up a few papers maybe even a few bins. Nothing that would be considered a real workout.

Aizawa:"Tell me,can you move a truck without any equipment?" He asks with a smirk already knowing the answer.

Izuku looks at him confused for a moment as he didnt see any trucks. When he walked over to where Aizawa was he got a better view of the dump and saw all of the trucks, tires,refrigerators etc. that has been illegally dumped here.

Izuku:"Ok,I take back what I just said. This could work. Well this place isn't gonna clean itself. Let's get to work." He said excitedly about to jump right into the training.

Aizawa:"Not so fast. Thats not all you'll be doing. I made a training plan for you to do everyday. I managed to map out your daily life to a degree and worked everything in accordingly. Your training wont just be here kid, in essence you will be training all day everyday. Even at school since I was able to infuse the training weights into your school uniform. To top it all off I want you to learn a few more moves from that book. We havent even gotten through half of what's in there yet. So be ready for hell on earth." He says as he gives Izuku his signature sadistic grin.

Izuku just gives him a challenging smirk as he was fully prepared for this.

Izuku:"I had to deal with your training for all these years, a bit more work added on isn't gonna make me back out now." He said with determination.


Ten months have passed and we see Aizawa waking up at an unholy hour of 2:30 in the morning. After he finishes his daily routine he goes to get Izuku for his last day of training. He opens up his door only to find it empty. With a look of confusion he checks the bathroom and finds it empty as well. He thinks for a minute before smiling and heading out the door.

Aizawa:"You wanted that much of a head start huh kid." He says with a bit of fatherly pride knowing how much effort he's putting into his workout.

He was just around the corner when he hears someone yelling into the heavens. When he got to the beach he was shocked beyond belief as the whole beach was completely clean. Free of any dirt and trash. The once dirty and filthy garbage dump has returned into the beautiful beach it once was. The sand was clear of any trash that was washed ashore or thrown in. Even the parts outside of where he was supposed to clean. The waters were even more breath taking as it was a beautiful crystal blue free of any trash. The site alone was enough to make Aizawa shed a tear.

Aizawa:"I-It's beautiful. This kid is amazing. I only wanted the specified part of the beach clean but he just goes ahead and cleans the whole damn thing."He says with astonishment.

All that was left was one giant pile just off the beach. He looked at the huge pile of trash that was left and saw Izuku on top of it shirtless yelling at the top of his lungs with a black aura shining around him. When the yelling stopped he started swaying before falling off the pile of trash. Aizawa noticing this rushes to catch him just in time before Izuku crashed into the ground and possibly getting pretty hurt. Izuku in his half unconscious mind just starts talking to Aizawa.

Izuku:"Hey there. You like the surprise?" He says with a small smile.

Aizawa:"Yeah you definitely surprised me kid. What time did you get here anyway." He asks.

Izuku:"I think it was around 12:00 in the morning." He says slowly becoming more aware of everything around him.

Aizawa:"Jeez kid you must be tired right now. Why don't you get some rest. I'll carry you home.

Izuku:" Yeah that would be nice." He chuckles a bit before he faints from exhaustion. Luckily Aizawa was right in front of him so he landed right on his back.

Aizawa:"I'm proud of you kid. Very proud."He says not thinking Izuku was listening.

Izuku:"Thanks Ai-. Thanks...Dad."And with that he lets sleep consume him.

Aizawa on the other hand was surprised to hear him say dad. Saying he was happy is an understatement. He was over the moon right now. He thought he would never hear Izuku call him dad yet here he was. His heart was pounding, his head was racing and he couldn't get the smile off his face the whole way back. He thought nothing could ruin this moment. Oh how wrong he was.

Toshi:"Is that you Aizawa?" He says in surprise.

Aizawa:'Oh God damn it. Why now?' he thought in annoyance as now he had to deal with this idiot.

Aizawa:"What are you doing out here so early?" He asks trying to get this over with.

Toshi:" I could ask you the same thing. Also why are you carrying him. Did he pass out from working too hard, how cute. Izumi is strong enough as it is so I didn't bother her with training. Besides I doubt he did anything that impressive."

Aizawa:"You done shit talking my son jackass. Also you remember that beach that became a illegal dump due to trash washing up and people littering?" He asks getting a confused look from Toshinori.

Toshi:"Yeah. it was such a dump. Hills upon hills of garbage. What about it." He asks getting curious.

Aizawa:"Why dont you take a look at it now and see if what he did was impressive or not." With that he walks past him and goes home.

Toshinori on the other hand decides to head to the beach and see what he was talking about. Upon arrival he was greated with the sight of a perfectly clean and beautiful beach. He was amazed at the beauty that was before him. He couldn't believe this was the same beach as the one he always saw as a huge wasteland. He looked at the name plate to confirm and saw a little shrine underneath it. It had flowers and cards taped to the floor so the wind wouldnt blow it away along with candles that weren't lit but definitely used. What got to him most of all was the writing just under the name plate.



Aizawa and Izuku just making it home. Aizawa carries Izuku to his room and puts him to bed. When he exits Izuku's room he sees Emi with her arms crossed looking at him with a soft glare. He sweatdrops knowing what she's probably going to say.

Emi:"Just what the hell did you do to him to make him pass out." She whispers staring him straight in the eyes.

Aizawa:"Now listen I know this may look bad but I can assure you two things. One,he is perfectly fine. And two,this was not my fault." He says trying to calm down his annoyed wife.

Emi looks at him for a second before she just sighs and puts her hands on her hips.

Emi:"Tomorrow's the big day. Do you honestly think he's ready?" She asks with concern.

Aizawa:"Most definitely. He has improved by leaps and bounds. His progress is astounding. With only 10 months he was able to clean a whole beach and add 7 more techniques into his arsenal. All while staying at the top of his class in school. He's not just ready, he's gonna crush everyone there. I couldn't be any more proud of him." He says with absolute certainty in his voice.

Emi:"Ok but did you tell him about the surprises you have for him about the test?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

Aizawa:"Nope. He's gonna have to deal with it when he becomes a pro, and even if he knew he couldn't do anything about it so there's no point in telling him." He says with a smile on his face.

Emi just smiles at him and walks away heading back to bed with Aizawa in tow. After a few minutes everyone was back to sleep. Aizawa had to admit,this was probably the best amount of sleep he's had in a long time.

Izuku was asleep the rest of the day and soon enough it's the next morning. Aizawa and Izuku slept in for once since they didn't need to be there until 8:00. When they woke up it was about 6:00 so they,begrudgingly,got up and did their morning routine. When they went downstairs they saw Emi making breakfast for them. It was a quiet affair but comfortable nonetheless.

Eventually the time to leave has come and both boys are heading out. Emi also had hero duties today so she had to leave as well. So everyone went to get dressed. Aizawa and Emi dressed up in their usual hero costumes. While Izuku decided not to dress up in his school uniform. Instead he wore some black sweatpants that hug his ankles, a black muscle shirt with white circles on the shoulders which show off all his muscles and black high tops. Then to perfect the badass look he also puts on a black trenchcoat that has a yinyang symbol on the back.

When they got outside they see a black limo in front of their house. They looked at eachother and then back at the limo. When the window came down they saw Momo and Tsu sitting inside waiting for them. When they see Izuku they gain a blush making them look like tomatoes.

Izuku:"Hey ladies what are you two doing here?" He asks happy yet confused.

Momo:"W-We came to get you silly." She said in a cute manner and trying to fight down her blush.

Izuku just looks at his parents silently asking if he could go. They just nod their heads with a smile on their faces. Izuku hugs them both for a second, before realizing what he's doing and quickly lets go and rushes to the limo.

As the kids head off to U.A they make some small talk about the exam among other things. Before they knew it the limi was in front of U.A. Izuku gets out the car and holds the door for the two girls gaining compliments from them both. They stand in front of the entrance way to the school admiring what will soon be the very school they will attend.

???:"Move out of the way you damn extras. Make way for the real heroes."

Sure enough Katsuki Bakugou decided to make his presence known. Of course followed by the rest of his group.

Izuku just turns around casually like nothing was wrong. He looks at each of them with unimpressed looks.

Izuku:"Oh great it's you four. Didn't you get in through recommendation?" He asks in annoyance.

Katsumi:"We came to see the stepping stones and maybe even find a worthy challenge. After all, no one can beat us." He says with arrogance in each word.

Katsuki:"What about you. Why would you be here." He points at Izuku. "Your quirkless." Points at Tsu. "You have a useless quirk for combat." Points at Momo. "And your in through recommendation."

Izuku:"Me and Tsu are obviously here for the exam and hopefully shut you up for good." He says with an annoyed look on his face.

Momo:"I'm here to watch and cheer them on." She says in her top tier rich girl tone. This just annoys all of them but they know that they can't do anything on school grounds less they risk getting their recommendations revoked.

Izuku senses something and his eyes widen slightly before they go back to normal.

Izuku:"Tsu, tongue grab, 8:00." He says without even looking at Tsu.

Tsu, who undersrands what's going on, turns around and shoots her tongue in that direction. When everyone else looks they see Tsu's tongue wrapped around a girl with chestnut hair wearing a tan overcoat who looks like she was about to fall on her face, if not for Tsu's tongue wrapping around her.

Girl:"Thanks for the save. That could have ended badly." She says with a smile before heading inside.

Izuku:"Anyway as much as we would love to sit here and chat we have places to be so let's leave it at that. Bye piss-ants."He says with annoyance "Later Sora." He says with happiness while walking away with Tsu and Momo in tow.

Sora:"See you later Izuku." She says with a smile on her face.

The Bakugou group was left shocked since none of them even noticed that she was going to fall, and they were facing that direction. Meanwhile Izuku was able to notice it, with his back turned to the situation, and act accordingly. This left all of them just staring at Izuku wondering how he did that.

With the Izusquad, once they got to the school they had to part ways from one another. Momo going to the recommendation booth to watch the practical portion of the test,and Izuku and Tsu going to where the written test was held.

An hour and a half later the test was complete with little problems from the green duo. Now they are in the auditorium waiting on the announcer for the practical exam.

A few minutes later and the announcer happens to be the pro hero Present Mic. When he gets ti the center of the stage he takes the mic and moves it to the side. He then starts his announcement.

P.M:"HEY ALL YOU LISTENERS, CAN I GET A YEAH?!" He yells using his quirk getting a silent crowd. With that awkward cough.

Izuku who felt bad decided to throw him a bone.

Izuku:"YEAH!!!" He shouts as he felt bad for the guy.

P.M:"Thank you kind listener. Now let us get on with explaining the test."

He then goes on to explain how the test plays out followed by the rules and the three types of robots that we will have to face. Then all of a sudden a stiff boy with blue hair stands up at complete attention and raises his hand and speaks.

Boy:"Excuse me sir you pointed out three robots when on the pamphlet it has four. If this is a mistake then this school should be ashamed as we are here to learn and be heroes not be given false information."

He then spoke to Izuku and pointed at him.

Boy:"And you with the green hair. You had that same bored look on your face this entire time. If your not gonna take this seriously then please leave." He says strictly.

This is where Izuku got annoyed and decided to make it known.

Izuku:"Ok first off why were you paying so much attention to me instead of the hero telling you about the exam. Get your priorities straight. Second no one was caring about how i look this entire time. And third if your gonna make questions make sure that the person is done talking because you obviously cut him off before he could finish." He says with a small amount of anger coming out.

The blue haired boy had nothing to say. He just stood there looking angry at him. Before he could say anything though Present Mic spoke up.

P.M:"He is right you know. I never got to finish since you cut me off. But let's not worry about that now. I still need to finish my speech. So settle down you two." He said trying to defuse the situation.

The two just glares at eachother for a second before Izuku just rolls his eyes and sits down, with the blue haired boy sitting down afterwards. When Present Mic sees this he continues the speech talking about the zero pointer and wraps it up.

Present Mic:" Now that that's done, everyone please report to the buses for your exam." He says as everyone starts heading out.

Everyone starts heading out to the buses to get to their exam sites. Before Izuku got on his bus Tsu comes over and wishes him luck to which he does the same before the two go to their separate buses. Seeing this he remembers one of the reasons he has to pass this exam and get into U.A. He has to prove himself that he is strong enough to be with her and Momo and that was enough motivation to sant to pass. With newfound motivation he gets in the bus and heads to the site.

Upon arrival he starts up some music to get him going. He closes his eyes and channels his power throughout his whole body. He then sent his senses throughout the whole crowd and a good portion of the exam site. He sees the same girl from before looking nervous so he decided to go and calm her down. Sadly, there was someone else here as well. He feels someone put their hand on his shoulder.

Blue haired boy:"If your going over there to distract her then you have no business being here." He says in an affirmative manner.

Izuku just brushes his hand off of him and continues his way over to the girl. When he gets there he puts a hand on her shoulder to calm her down and get her attention.

Izuku:"Hey take it easy. Your gonna be fine." He says in a calming tone.

Chestnut girl:"Thanks. I feel a little better now. Wait aren't you the boy that helped me earlier?" She asks now remembering who he is.

Izuku:"Well i didn't really do anything just had someone else help you." He says bashfully.

Chestnut girl:"None the less thanks for that. Oh by the way I'm Ochako Uraraka nice to meet you."She says with a smile.

Izuku:"Izuku Aizawa pleasure to make your acquaintance."He says while outstretching his hand.

The two shake hands for a moment before Izuku realizes that Present Mic ,who was in a watch tower,was tapping his feet with his arms crossed like he was waiting on something. He then notices the doors open and everyone waiting anxiously for the ok. That's when he realizes that the exam has already started.

Izuku:"Come on let's go pass this test."He says with confidence.

Uraraka:"But we weren't told to start yet."She says in confusion

Izuku:"When has there ever been someone calling start to a villain attack?" He asks a retorical question as he rushes in with Uraraka running behind him.

When he gets inside he can hear the other participants calling them idiots for going in without a start signal. But he doesn't care so he decides to start destroying some robots.


We see some other heroes in the observation room along with the recommendation students watching the exam. Among them being his dad Aizawa.

Aizawa:"Glad to see those two noticed what was going on. There is never a starting signal when a villain starts attacking. So when the opportunity arises a hero has to step up."He says with a hidden smile on his face thanks to the sleeping bag he is in.

Everyone else nods in agreement as his analysis was pretty spot on. Then an animal of unknown species chimes in to shed a small light on the subject. This animal is Nezu, the principal of this school.

Nezu:"It would seem that the boy encouraged the girl to join him in starting the exam. That's actually a good trait in a hero. One who inspires others to act. He already has a good sense of social skills. Even better than his own father. Wouldn't you say so,Aizawa. He is your son after all right." He says with a smile that never leaves his face.

This fact leaves all but two the other teachers/heroes surprised as they never heard that Aizawa had a son. Everyone then looks to Aizawa for confirmation to which he just nods his head. The two that weren't surprised were the #1 and #9 heroes All Might and Esper. They just had disinterested looks as they kept looking at the monitors to see just what the 'disgrace'can do. Not expecting much they just looked at the girl as she runs up to one of the faux villains. She just taps it and keeps running before moving on tonthe next one and repeats the process over and over again before there's like ten of them floating in the air. Then she just presses her finger tips together and all of the robots just fall to the ground getting destroyed in the process.

All the teachers could see potential in her as that is a good quirk. When they see Izuku everyone is just surprised by his athletic abilities. They can also see the destruction left in his wake. He already scored 30 points and it hasn't even been 2 minutes.


Izuku is having the time of his life right now as he can finally let loose on something without worrying about killing someone. He can finally let out all his anger and agression he kept inside all these years due to all his problems. He finally felt free.

As he's running around collecting points he runs into a group of robots. One 3-pointer,3three 2-pointers,and five 1-pointers. He also spots some more beyond the group and is about to get started so he puts on some music and gets ready to have some fun.

The robots notice him and get ready to engage. Izuku noticing this smirks before a dark aura surro

unds him before he dissapears. When he reappears he is behind them with the head of the 3-pointer. The 3-pointer then explodes taking out 3 one pointers and 1 2-pointer. He then turns around with his hands in the form of him holding a bow and arrow.

Izuku:"DARK ART:BLACK ARROW STORM" He says as a black bow and a few black arrows form before he releases the arrows destroying the rest of the robots. He then turns back around and fires more arrows as he moves toward the rest pf the hoard. He jumps in the air above the robots on the buildings and makes the bow dissapear before he makes a dark orb appear in his left hand before throwing it in the middle of the group of 3-pointer robots.


The ball makes it's way to the robots. When it's right in the center Izuku clenches his hand into a fist and the ball explodes destroying all the robots.

A one pointer tries to come up from behind but is swiftly put down by what looks to be a dark blade being stabbed through it's head.


Izuku:"That's already thirty points. This is fun." He says with a smirk before moving on to the next group.

He jumps down from the building and lands on top of a one pointer crushing it. He then looks behind him to see the others still at the entrance way. His left eye twitches before he jumps up to the top of the building closest to the entrance so they could all see him. He takes a deep breath before yelling at everyone.



The teachers were surprised to see a participant go out of his way to have the others join him and indirectly give himself less robots to destroy. This puts a smile on Aizawa's face. Same could be said for the rest of the teachers. All Might and Esper are shocked at the power he has. The same boy that was deemed quirkless. The same boy they despised.

The same boy they ignored had this much power. They looked at eachother in shock,same could be said for the bakusquad except for Sora. They couldn't believe that he was so strong and skilled. The use and execution of his abilities along with the power behind it left them speechless. They looked at Sora as she could be heard snickering at them. The same could be said for Momo as they were just enjoying the sight of their shocked faces.

Bakugou twins:"You knew didn't you?" They said more statement than question.

Momo:"Of course i would know since i was his friend since we were little. Same could be said for Sora." She said with a smile on her face trying not to flat out laugh in their face but was failing.

Sora:"Yup, i always tried to treat his wounds after you always hurt him. We kept in touch and he told me about it." She looks at the monitors at Izuku who is smiling at the other participants doing their best. "But i didn't think it would this powerful. You must be proud of him huh." He says that last part to Aizawa without even looking at him.

Aizawa:"Damn straight. He has proven to me how much he wants to be a hero and this is the results of his hard work. But i should let you know though, he is still holding back a good amount of his power. How much exactly that's up to you to figure out." He says also looking at Izuku.

Meanwhile there is one person who is silent in all this. She has straight blonde hair going to her neck and silver eyes. She has an impressive body that would put most girls to shame. She was watching the monitors with narrowed eyes wayching Izuku with extreme interest.

???:'Is it possible he has it to. I thought i was the only one.' She gives a smirk to the screen watching Izuku using DARK ARROWS again. 'Things just got more interesting.' She thought regaining a serious look on her face.

Nezu:"I see. He definitely has the strength,skill,and,going by his test scores,intellect to join us. So how about we see if he has the mindset to be a true hero shall we?" He says about to press a red button but Aizawa stops him.

Aizawa:"While i have no problem sending that out, I want you to send him out." He says getting all of the teachers to look at him in surprise.

All the teachers:"Are you trying to get them killed?!" They yell in unison.

Nezu:"I honestly have to agree with them Aizawa. Doing that would be like sending a baby to fight a full grown lion." He says sending Aizawa a questioning look.

Izumi:"Could someone please explain whats going on." She says looking confused at what they were talking about.

All Might:" My sensei used to be a teacher here. He knew about how strong i was and knew that the original 0-pointer would be nothing to me. So he decided to have the ultimate faux villain made just for me." He says in all seriousness.

Aizawa:"Everyone here has seen what it could do and knew that even All Might wouldn't be able to beat it without a good amount of trouble. Granted that was before his prime.They called that monstrosity, Absolute zero."He said in seriousness. The name itself was enough to send shivers down the spines of all the teachers in the room.

Nezu:"Yes we kept it under literal lock and key because we knew that no one could defeat it. The only person that i know could defeat it is my daughter Kiara." The mystery girl just waves her hand and looks back at the monitors. "It's just too strong for anyone else to fight." He says with all seriousness.

Aizawa:"Maybe for the other contestants but not Izuku. He can take it down in one move if he so chooses." He says seriously.

Nezu just looks at him for a minute with a slight glare,one that Aizawa reciprocates. Nezu sighs before he nods and turns three keys which brings up a dark red switch. He looks at Aizawa one more time before he pushes the red button.

Nezu:"You sure as hell better be right about this." He says in a serious tone not befitting his usual always happy face.


Everything was going fine for Izuku. He managed to rack up another 40 points since there wasn't as many robots due to the other contestants taking them out. He was fine with that as he was glad that the others finally started moving. He did have to help a few people so they didn't get hurt by just holding the robots in place using their shadows so they could get destroyed.

He was going to help out some more when the ground started to rumble. Some of the buildings started to topple over as the ground started to split apart. Out of the ground came a giant robot bigger than all the buildings. It was crimson red all over with holes on it's chest,shoulders and hands. There were also lights on it's head. What made it worse was that it wasn't bulky. Which meant that it would be able to move its limbs without much restriction.

Present Mic who was still in the watch tower looked on in horror at the behemoth of a machine he knew all too well as 'Absolute Zero". He just stood there wondering two things. One, how are the kids gonna deal with that, and two, how could they release that walking doomsday device. He gets his walkey talkey and yells into the device.


Nezu:"If anyone will be to blame for this it will be Aizawa as he was the one who sugested it." He says not caring about the insults just said to him.

Everyone was in shock at what the machine of destruction that was on the screen in front of them. The kids look at All Might and see him looking at it with shock written on his face. There wasn't even the famous All Might smile on his face. So they knew that if he's worried about that thing then those kids were utterly fucked.

Aizawa was just watching with popcorn in his hands as he looks at the expressions on their faces. There was one person that had a compossed face still looking at the monitors. She stayed fixated on the monitor that had Izuku on it woth narrowed eyes. He remained silent but kept the thought in his mind.

Kiara:'If Im right on this then you should be able to atleast stop it like i did. So you better not dissapoint.' She narrows her eyes while thinking this.


Izuku was speechless as he could see the thing crushing buildings without any thought. He had to run away and maybe find some points when he sensed someone stuck in the rubble where the machine was headed. He also sensed someone in need in a different area as well. He knew no one would willingly put themselves in danger for a test so he did what everyone thought was crazy and ran towards the machine.

While running he put his right hand up with his index and middle fingers up,his ring and pinky fingers down and his thumb on top of them.

Izuku:"Dark Arts:Shadow clone"

Two clones came out of his shadow and ran with him. He sent one to the location where the other person needed help while the second clone stayed to help him rescue any other people in danger. When he got to the where the person was in trouble he saw Uraraka with her leg trapped under some rubble. He uses his SHADOW LIMBS to pick up the rubble and gave her to the clone to get her to safety. While he stays to confront the thing.


All the teachers are looking at the boy in absolute horror as he just stands there looking like he's about to fight that thing.

Esper:"Maybe you should stop him before he does something completely reckless." She says looking in fear for the rest of the students.

All Might:"There is literally nothing he could do to make this situation worse. Save blowing up the site but there's no way he could do that." He says with visible sweat running down his face.

When the clone is gone Izuku jumps to the top of a building and takes a deep breath,widens his stance a bit and puts his hands to each side of him then charges up immense energy while shouting.

Nezu:"He might blow up the site." He says eyes widened at the power Izuku is giving off.

All Might:"But we need that site." He says debating whether he should step in or not

After Izuku feels there is enough power charged he brings his hands together wrists touching with the energy compressed into his hands as electricity shoots off towards the ground around him.

Nezu:"All Might you need to go down there and stop him." He says as he can feel the power.

???&???:"No let him continue" two people say simultaneously

Aizawa wasn't one of the voices so when they looked at the source it happened to be Kiara and Momo just looking at the monitors with straight faces.

Izuku now with his power at maximum output shouts the name of his attack.


The attack fires off towards the machine getting ready to destroy it. The machine who noticed the energy building up charges up an attack of it's own. The mechanical monster fires off it's blast and the two beams collide. But the power struggle was short lived as Izuku's attack was far stronger and overpowered the robot. By the time the blast is done all thats left is the lower half of the robot and a panting Izuku slowly floating down to the ground.

Izuku:"Take....that you....pathetic....hunk of.....metal."He says between breaths before passing out.


Everyone was silent as they just witnessed what seemed to be the impossible. They just saw the destruction of the strongest robot they had. The only ones who weren't shocked were Aizawa,Momo,Sora,and Kiara. Aizawa,Momo,and Sora had smiles on their faces. Kiara on the other hand had a smirk on hers.

Present Mic:T-TIMES UP

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