
By punkandsnacks

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Prisoner!Killer!Kylo/OC AU THIS IS A DARK FIC OK FOLKS- it starts DARK! Ends mushy. In which a sweet crime wr... More

Chapter 1 Lions & Lambs
Chapter 2 Doctors & Devils
Chapter 3 Writers & Rascals
Chapter 4 Lurkers & Liars
Chapter 5 Clauses & Favours
Chapter 6 Scars & Creeps
Chapter 7 Sweetness & Presents
Chapter 8 Lessons & Pursuit
Chapter 9 Dignity & Despair
Chapter 10 Morons & Twins
Chapter 11 Dates & Dreams
Chapter 12 Covet & Innocence
Chapter 13 Closure & Partings
Chapter 14 Freedoms & Attacks
Chapter 15 Dark & Menacing
Chapter 16 Ruined & Debauched
Chapter 17 Needs & Urges
Chapter 18 Off Limits & Comforts
Chapter 19 Confidence & Hopes
Chapter 20 Fetish for Love & Punishments
Chapter 21 Ordinary Fools & Ownership
Chapter 22 Exes & Dates
Chapter 23 Dates & Exhibitionism
Chapter 24 Chances & Tenacity
Chapter 25 Distance & Yearning
Chapter 26 Exploring & Reunions
Chapter 27 Safe & Sound
Chapter 28 Other Halfs & Clandestine Liasons
Chapter 29 Sweet Revenge & Rage
Chapter 30 Orders & Downtime
Chapter 31 Calm & Easiness
Chapter 32 Domesticity & Riches
Chapter 33 Gala's & Problems
Chapter 34 Pillow Talk & Falling
Chapter 35 Rest & Longevity
Chapter 36 Surrogates & Pledges
Chapter 37 Handymen & Possibilities
Chapter 38 Acceptance & Beginnings
Chapter 39 Selfishness & Sharp Things
Chapter 40 Birthdays & Friends
Chapter 41 Lost & Found
Chapter 42 Four Letter Feelings & Bliss
Chapter 43 Pasts & Family
Chapter 44 Falling & Losing Part I
Chapter 45 Falling & Losing Part II
Chapter 46 Hunts & Prey
Chapter 47 Finality & Sensibility
Chapter 48 No Way to Say Goodbye
Chapter 49 Late Holidays & Love
Chapter 50 Dinner Shows & Foursomes
Chapter 51 Wandering Romance & Lovers
Chapter 52 These Foolish Things
Chapter 53 Be Anything & Darling Be Mine
Chapter 55 By Your Side
Chapter 56 Planning & Forethought
Chapter 57 Missions & Matriarchs
Chapter 58 Suits & Best Men
Chapter 59 Bachelorettes & Brides
Chapter 60 Bachelors & Ceremonies
Chapter 61 Homes & Belonging

Chapter 54 P.S. - I Love You

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By punkandsnacks

Kylo's about as impenetrable with revealing his secrets as Fort Knox.

They have their last day in Milan, as he promised. When the next morning came, a energetic flurry of spring brought with it, butter splashes of sunshine up every building. Sky blazing high and bright and so cobalt blue it was as if it reached on forever. High up into the shimmering amber tipped nimbuses perched in the sky. Every tree seemed so green and fluffed full of buds ready to burst open.

Their luggage is whisked away by bell boys. They have one last rooftop Milan breakfast on their terrace. Overlooking the domes and towers of the gorgeous higgledy loud city. Hear the bells and the traffic and the messy din of it all, one last time.

Evie's almost feeling mournful as they head down to the lobby. Stepping out of the luxury glamour of their fine suite. They grace the golden and black marble foyer and Kylo settles up the room bill. Eduardo comes to bid them a goodbye - and sincerely hopes he'll see them again soon. Evie doubted they got many customers as moneyed up as Kylo in the calendar year. Staying in the most expensive suite in the city.

She feels very privileged by it all. Has a feeling that emotion isn't one that will fade away anytime soon. She's sure she'll be feeling that so long as she is by Kylo's side.

He leads her out through the revolving door and there, beyond the thick scarlet tread of the gold fringed carpet, lining the steps. There, sat on the road. Gleaming a wicked black. Sits a smug black convertible Ferrari, yellow badge glinting like a yellow cats eye in the sun. Kylo smirks down at her as the valet comes over and hands him a set of keys. He thanks them. Ciao Senori Ren.

"Couldn't resist it." He says to Evie slyly as he opens her door for her.

He's got a black shirt and wool blend Valentino suit trousers on. Cartier shades sat on his smirking face. Clean shaved face. Smiles and chins all creasing and heart poundingly handsome.

She's in her favourite blue indigo linen shift dress. Diane von furstenberg. With a big wedge of a tan clutch, in harmony with her short espadrille wedge heels. Big round tortoiseshell sunglasses on her face. She let her wavy hair loose. Save for little plaited braids behind her ears. Kylo can smell the lime basil and mandarin of her shampoo.

Kylo swears her rusty hair bleached a little tinge redder and more golden in the sun this week. Like a palette of autumn. Maple, copper-bronze and cinnamon. Like ruddy brown sugar splashed into amber tea.

He helps her climb into the expensive car. Trunk already loaded heavy with their Vuitton luggage. She eases into the seat. Scent of new leather churning fresh at her nose. Leather seats warmed from the merry sun. She watches him circle to his door and ease in the car next to her. Adjusting his seat to fit in the fancy Italian space.

"Still not telling me where we're going, huh?" She seeks.

"Nope." He dismisses. Popping the 'p' as he starts the seamless stallion of an engine to life. Playfully revs. Gets a sense of that monstrously fierce V8 Twin Turbocharged engine. Starts to ebb the car out of the hotel valet stand.

"Not even a tiny slither of a clue?" She urges him as she buckled her seatbelt. Tucks her clutch by her side. Wind whipping at her hair. Buffeting it away from her face. She's wearing her Chanel this morning. He can smell it. Jasmine sensual trail of it balmy in the car.

"No sale." He insists with a smirk. Sun glinting off the framework as he pulls his car into the traffic. Roaring along the Milan road.

She lets her questions die out. Let's the enquiries dry up on her tongue. She'll find out where they're headed eventually. Instead she enjoys watching the scenery.

Let's some warm soothing silence take over the car. Let's the cool wind scrape through her scalp like raking cold fingers. Hair tossing. Watching sunshine bake onto the rustic red buildings. Yellow brick the colour of dandelion in the sun. Evie takes in deep the smells. The sounds. The noises. Her last snatching glimpse of Milan.

She's assuming wherever Kylo's taking her, can't be so far away. She lets it all slip past her eyes. Until eventually the city thins out. Balding into countryside. A single track road leading through groves, under glades and over shimmering wheat fields.

Rows of grape vines grow in neat stripes across some plains. Like a perfect green regiment. The hem of the landscape flat, until a mountain rips up into the sky in the distance. Long arrows of cypress trees swipe up along the edges of those fields.

They pass crumbling villas from centuries past. Clay barrel roof-tiles roll with the colour of sun and shade. Kylo winds the car through little pink starfish and sand coloured brick houses in unfathomably small towns. Carving around hairpin bends in the slate grey road. Tiny chapels bells toll and Evie likes seeing the countryside this way. This calm hidden Tuscany. Tucked away in rolling hills studded with grape vines.

She was a quiet country girl down to her bones. Cities were fun to explore. But after too much time enclosed in concrete walls and suffocating heat of too many bodies scrabbling about to get and be everywhere at once, she prefers the quiet.

One thing she loves about her home. If it gets too much, she can go and sit in her study. Open her windows over her desk. And just let nature of the woods be her soundtrack for a while.

Listens to swallows chirp and dip. The rustling hiss of wind ruffling leaves on the big oaks. She loves it most of a summer evening. When the muggy heat just starts to leave and cool night spills in. She can't think of any place more glorious to be, than sat at her desk, on a cooling midsummers eve, with a vase of fresh cut wildflowers perfuming the muggy air. Fresh picked violets and sweet peas and bluebells.

She remarks to herself how simple she is to please. How common her wishes and hopes and dreams were.

She's contented by much and asks for little in her small, valuable life.

She'll never be a woman who changes the world or stirs up tempests of revolution. She's ok with that. Because she can lead her cosy, pocket-sized life and be contented.

Never stressing for more. Or wishing she had better. She had a roof over her head. A soft wobbly body to rely on. The marvellous meat clockwork that made her up. Kept her healthy and ticking over. And a job she couldn't wait to get up and go to everyday-

Not to mention the love of a severely misunderstood man to look forward too, aswell.

She closes her eyes at night, excited to wake up and see Kylo slumbering on the pillow next to her own. The feel of his weight and his body-heat in the bedsheets next to her and she can never want for anything more- she's lucky. So lucky.

Tickled pink with it all, really.

She ruminates on all her luck as they continue their drive, burning white sun dead ahead in the centre of the cornflower sky. She closes her eyes. Feels nothing but the breeze ripping at her hair. The sun curling heat on her cheeks and brow. Feeling the glare of it seep into her skin. Smelling sun baked greenery of the grapes in the air.

Her hand warms up all the more, when Kylo leans a hand over the console and clutches hers. Content to rub his thumb over her knuckles. Almost as if he's acting the loving gesture without even thinking about it. Just likes to hold her hand. She always curls her palm into his. He seeks her touch. She'll never shrink from it.

"Are we heading north or south?" She asks politely.

She watches that impassive profile as he grins. Eyes all creased up and she wants to taste the sunshine and the shade in those unbearably handsome crows feet of his. The laugh lines she loves causing.

His eyes reveal nothing - he has shades on. Even if he hadn't, she's sure they'd still give nothing away. He's good at hiding his expressions. Masking them with indifference.

She can read some of them. Little snippets of truths. But ultimately he's very good at locking down the openness in his features. He's learnt how to do it the hard way - with the childhood he's suffered through.

"Nice try." He smarts lowly. Kissing the back of her hand. Gently letting go to turn the car around a tricky hair pin up a sloping grassy hill. The road ribboning sleekly over it.

She smiles at his candour. "It is in Italy? This mystery place where we're going..." She investigates.

"Yeah." He gives out. Steel vault well and truly locked.

"I think I'd have been more contented with no answer." She sarcs at him. He chuckles at her lousy attempt at being grouchy. She's so hopelessly bad at it.

He clutched her hand tighter for a second. "Simmer down Kitten. You'll see soon enough. Not far now." They'd been on the road for about three hours. He knew the road signs pointing them towards Cotorniano. They were deep into the heart of the province of Siena. It wasn't much further.

He couldn't believe his sheer luck when he'd stumbled across their destination. It was perfect for her.

From the first night he stormed his dark ungraceful way into her life, he'd seen the sun-aged postcards pinned above her desk. Ones of the Italian countryside. The pointed tips of long cypress trees. The Mediterranean hills that rolled, dipped and crested with bay trees. The smell of them and olives being ripened by the sunshine's ferocity. The biscuit-sandy green earth kissed by a great blooming cobalt sky. An old sandstone villa perched on a hill, or a lake, offering a Tuscan view that few in this world could parallel.

He'd known about her dreams since that night. But he never thought that he'd come to care about them as deeply as he does. As deeply as he is capable.

He thought he only wanted her for the night. To warm her bed, use for her body, soothe the itch, and then be gone in the morning. As it turns out- he'd underestimated just how much he'd get caught up in the wonderful tangled ache of a web that was his need for Evie.

He's never been that familiar with needs. He's never had to be patient. Everything he aches after, he gets. Simple as. The wealth. The power. Prestige. The house, the car, the job. He has it all in his crushing palm.

And he has Evie- doesn't know how, but he does.

And that wanting her? he's learnt that will never simmer down. It's this perfect permanent gnawing in his stomach. Like he's swallowed acid that's clawing it's way out. The fret. The worry. Protecting her at every cost. Keeping her smile. Guarding her heart that she's so ably given, entrusted over to him.

He's almost envious that she's so free with her heart. He's devoid of one. He can't understand the candour with hers.

But he does know he's responsible for safeguarding it. That much he does conceive. And he will protect it as if his very reason for life depends on it.

He'd stumbled across heaven for her- this place he's whisking her off too all secret. He couldn't wait to see the smile that will take over her lips when she realises. He once said he'd do anything to see that cherry smile. And he never rescinds his promises. Not even his own secret-self vows.

They pull down one road. One that leads them down a bay tree glade. Suns speckled like yellow freckles over the car. He then slows to turn into a single track dirt road. One that sliced right through grape vine fields. Honey and fruit of growing wine bittersweet in the air.

Gravel dust crackles and spits out from under the tyres as he creeps the car slowly along the road. This was the very edge of the estate. It could be another ten minutes of driving before they reach the historic and homespun centre of it.

"This estate dates back to the 13th century. When one family used to farm this land with cattle." He explains.

She smiles at him. Shimmies up in her seat. Takes in the surrounding vine fields and the curving slope of the road that leads them up a hill. He's trying to hide his keen grin. Waiting til they get over the hill and into the valley beyond.

They eventually come through the last of the vine fields, mingled with dense thickets of orchards spread in them too. Not just a vineyard. But she can see bay and olive groves. Air spiced rife with bay leaves. Small nobbled, gnarled little trees twined up from the earth. Enclosed within crumbling old cosy clay walls.

Evie wonders what fruit is currently ripening into being on those trees. Figs? Lemons? Oranges? Whatever it is she can smell drifts of it gorgeous green and divine on the air. The sun is beating down so hard she wonders how anything can flourish here under its severity - but it's beams apparently makes all these lovely things blossom.

She doesn't pipe up with guesses. She waits quiet with her suspicions.

They soon come through the beautiful groomed groves and vines, up a cypress lined, beige pea shingle road. There's two gigantic beige limestone pillars, flanking a gated entryway. Two Bernini-esque marbles plinths, scarred and patched and gouged with moss in front of the manicured greenery that lines the road.

He shows the car right down to a stop. Let's her look. He needs no words for this.

Evie's eyes are instantly drawn through the frame of the big gateway. There, sat under the beautiful kiss of the lush blue sky, sits a house that couldn't look more precisely suited to its location. Her breath hitches in her throat at the old brick villa.

Beige stone with a slate grey aged roof of rumpled barrel tiles. Limed oak beams too. It's gardens are so ruler straight and neat. The grey-beige stone, the colour of oats, sits so well next to the bay-teal greenery. It's all so flawlessly composed.

There's a little circular copse of trees intersecting the road up ahead. Kylo drives up to it. Eases the car into a wide open gravel space. There's a walled garden hidden behind the end of the white gravel lot. She can see the trees beyond it spilling out beyond the crush of the walls. Curled leaves sat on branches, hissing with hitting wind and made bright with warming sunshine

"This is where we're staying?" She asks him. Still not taking her eyes off it.

Kylo's smirk is her entire answer. Dimples. Eye lines. Sunglasses hiding his flinty things from view. Proud grin on his lips. All of it. Her mouth is gaping like a cute little guppy fish.

"Are you serious?" She asks voice wobbly with excitement. Brows pulled up like this is some kind of macabre joke.

"I believe I've already said I don't do jokes, babe." He smarts. Opening the car door and getting out. She follows him. Legs numb as she too clambers out and takes in the villa.

It had to be atleast thirty rooms, if not more, this vast sprawling villa. Surrounded by gardens and groves and walled orchards.

Evie just stands there. Looking at it all.

This the view straight from the postcard on the wall by her desk. She knows so. She's been staring at it for ten years.

It makes her come undone. Such a beautiful place as this. She knows there's a lot of the world she hasn't seen, hidden away in her little corner of it. She knows kylo has seen what beauty is out there. He likes that he wants her to share in it. Starting with now.

She doesn't move. Her peripheral is gone and she's grinning like a fool. Kylo's feet sizzle and shift on the gravel and then he is there beside her. Sliding his hand into hers.

A vast obsidian pillar in this bright Italian sun. The long full plains of his muscle, broad back and even broader arms. He stands there under the sky like a walking, hulked out Rodin sculpture. Freshly chipped out the hunk of marble. Casting long cool shade beside her, stood where he belonged.

She's limp with distraction. Hand not gripping his back. She does after a few slow seconds.

Kylo walks her across to the front door. She seems to lag for staring. Gasping when she catches a glimpse of the pool. She points it out to him. The great narrow long infinity pool, tiled with that same bleached limestone, overlooking the entire jaw-dropping vista of the valley this villa is perched - king on its throne- on top of the world, so it seemed.

Kylo drops a kiss on her hand. Raises it to his lips. Walks them over to the reception desk. Inside this beauty, are exposed lime beams on a white ceiling. The walls are bare beige brick. Golden chandeliers hung from beams cascading overhead. Glowing soft. Dripping crystal on the new visitors. It's decor is quiet, soft and shabby-chic.

Thick grey couches sink into a woven pebble hemp carpet. Surrounding those couches are ornate ash concrete low tables. A bronze bowl heaped with mint green apples.

Against some of the walls are antique dressers and ivy garlands. Old tracery church windows now turned into mirrors. Porcelain wood candlesticks bear ivory tapers of apricot flames that lick scent perfuming into the air. Notes of green wild fig and cassis. Cloudy. Could taste it. Like plumes of icing sugar sat sweet on her tongue.

There's a woman with long ribbons of coiled silk for black hair opposite them. Sat at a grey French Louis style writing desk. She smiles when they walk in. Her soft accent greeting them is as pleasant as the gentle elegant grey room they're in.

"Bongiorno." She purrs nicely from dark scarlet lips. Her eyes were russet-bronze. She was eye-catching kind of beautiful, and wore a black blazer with a grey dress underneath. Girly fun heels on her shapely tan legs. Big great dove grey ribbon wrapped up her ankles. Tied in bows.

Kylo takes off his shades, and continues to hold her hand as they manoeuvre around the poured concrete table in the middle of the lobby. An army of tall towering stems of green lilies sit in a goldfish round glass vase in the centre. Thats infusing the sugared air with a spray of sticky nectar-pollen too.

Kylo greets her warmly. Rubbing this thumb across Evie's hand as they stand there. Other hand stuffing his car keys in his pocket. He gives the woman their names and she lights up even more.

"Ah. Bellisima. Pleasure to have you both here Mr. Ren." She rises to a stand and shakes it. "I'm Valentina. We spoke on the phone to arrange your booking." She introduces in a wonderful Mediterranean lilt. Her voice was so husky. Smoky, like grey gossamer. Throaty deep.

"Piacere." He says.

"This is my partner, Evie." He introduces. She leans across and clasps Valentina's warm manicured hand. She had such soft palms too.

"Ciao, Bella." She beams. Genuine. Not flattering up to them cause Kylo has money. "Welcome to Borgo Santo Pietro. Kylo told me this is your first time in Italy?" She chats.

"It is." Evie grins. "Milan was wonderful. But this villa is... phenomenal." She blushes. Heartfelt and choking up with Kylo's surprise. He's still smug about that. Damn him.

"Prego." Valentina says meaningfully. Smiling wide. Clasping her hands together at her thighs. "I hope you are enjoying your trip."

"Far too much. I won't want to leave." She promises.

Valentina smiles. "That's what we love to hear." She beams.

"I'll have your bags fetched from the car, Mr. Ren. In the meantime, why don't I show you to your room... our VIP Pool secluded pool house." She smiles brightly. Reaching back into her desk.

"Come this way..." She says to them both. Kylo watches Evie as they walk hand-in-hand after their pretty host. They are lead through more exposed brick, antique decorated halls.

Valentina steps out onto a sunny terrace, studded with grey furniture and ice white cushions. That goes merrily along with the terracotta red of the tiles on the patio. The view, however, is something else than the fine furnishings of this place.

Kylo suspects Evie would've fainted had he not scooped an arm around the back of her hip. She places a hand in the centre of his chest. He watches her eyes light up. Like a sunrise was echoed in them.

It's just green. So green. It's all the green and gold in the world.

Rolls and rolls if it. Like yards of escaped drapers rolls of emerald satin. Grapevines which pinstripe up the distant peaks. From inbetween the cutting spilling slant of hills, sit happily perched long streaks of cypress trees, and a tiny rust red brick village sat not too far off on one of those distant ridges. A model village from this distance.

Valentina lets their eyes run away with the view. "We have a huge vineyard here on the estate. Two acres of it. Almost six variety's of grape and counting." She gestures in a sweep to their current horizon. "

"Here we have. Sangiovese, Montepulciano and Catarratto Blanco. And we have many more. Beyond those hills. Primitivo. Nebbiolo and Barbera." She explains. Pointing at each distant mound in turn. Counting them off. Evie's still stuck on the view to be perfectly candid.

"We have a spa. And a restaurant here on site. As well as our excellent gourmet vineyard restaurant just fifteen minutes away. It's a lovely walk this time of year." She suggests. "We also have a lot of gardens for you to explore if you wish."

"I'd like to book dinner one night, at the vineyard, during our stay - if possible." Kylo pipes up.

"Of course. Let me get you to your room. And I'll phone the day and time right on through." She smiles dutifully. Re-encouraging them on down the terrace and into another beautiful part of this exquisite hotel.

"It's so quiet. Are we the only guests?" Evie smiles in asking. Hand tugging on Kylo's as they pick their way down some outside Tuscan terracotta steps.

Valentina turns back with a smile. "Yes. As a matter of fact. We're having a very quiet spring. You're our only guests, up until next week." She smiles politely.

She leads them around the outer edge of the terrace and down some more sandstone steps into a walled garden. Evie smiles as she unlocks the warped cream wooden door. Above the door, mothering the entire wall, Wisteria arcs in perfumed arrowhead drips. Raining mauve down the brick wall.

She opens the creaking door - Evie loves how it creaks. Old cosy doors should creak. And she takes them on through. The arch is old and Kylo ducks a little to pass safely under it.

Through here there is another infinity pool overlooking the end of valley and some walled olive groves. Here the patio is leading into a private villa.

Separate from the rest of the hotel. Walled off. It has a secluded courtyard to the side terrace. Out front was a grass and shrubbery garden, with a powder-white curtained day bed on the lawn. Dripping fringe. Very Moroccan style with braids rope. The front of the villa led through into a walled olive grove. There's an outside fire pit surrounded by white cast iron, sage cushioned sofas. Trimmed nature on all sides.

The patio they walk into now, bore two white dark wood sun loungers stretching out. Modern and cutting under the shade of a white umbrella by the aquafina diamond pool.

She walks them directly through terrace doors and right into the bedroom. The walls and floor are creamy stone.

Pebble-ash, dirty white and biscuit-sand touches make up the room.

The bed is draped in silken smoky mink velvet. Grey woven rugs stretch out the tiles. Their luggage is neatly tucked at the end of the bed already. Eerily efficient staff.

There's sleek gold gilded and cream French louis style chairs and settees around the limestone fireplace opposite the bed. Silver-grey and bronze relaxed French country decor swarms this place. It's bright and spacious. And though it isn't Kylo's cutthroat taste like their suite in Milan had been -

It isn't modern. But it is Evie's taste down to a tee. That's what he wanted.

She now peeks through to the bath room. Literally. There was entire room dedicated just to the bath. It looked out over the pool from a walk of terrace windows shielded with gauzy curtains. Grey gilded settees with slate velvet pillows are stuffed in that room too. Moody dark and shuttered with Venetian blinds if they wanted more privacy.

"The amenities are a private garden to the north. And to the west facing. There is a private pool and jacuzzi exclusively for your use." Valentina explains. Kylo eyes up with gladness the sheer enormity of the crinkled linen bed. Sheets a gentle ivory crush from out the velvet throw.

"There's the bath, separate to the main shower room. This is the master bedroom of course. And through these doors..." She walks the length of the long airy bedroom. Opens double doors through to a sitting room with a chowder stone fireplace. The gilded cream door rasps the tile floor.

"There's a small kitchenette through here should you want to use it. There's also another sitting room with a flat screen. Where you can find the complimentary mini bar and phone should you need me at the front desk. Which is where I live most days." Valentina jokes.

Kylo stands by the terrace doors. Hands in his pockets. Evie walks up where their host is stood by the double doors. Showing her the muted grey and sand colours of the sitting room. Fresh flowers on every surface and the air is jasmine from the clematis outside the window.

"I hope you like it. I'm not supposed to have favourites of course, but this room really is our most stunning." She winks at them.

"It deserves the title and more." Evie grins. "It's absolutely wonderful." She gushed.

Kylo's happy his predictions paid off. Valentina walks to the door to head out.

"If theres anything I can get you, please ring. I'm always available." She offers splendidly. Evie smiles at her.

"Actually there is. Could we dine privately here tonight, on the restaurant terrace?"

"Of course. I'll tell the kitchens and get right on that." She pledges. "And book the vineyard restaurant for you, Mr. Ren. As we're not busy, I don't exactly anticipate a rush for tables this week." She predicts.

He smiles.

Kylo's steps across and slips a 100€ tip into her manicured hand. "Thankyou. For everything." He says meaningfully to their host. Very meaningfully.

"It is a pleasure, Mr. Ren." She awards with a glad smile. Stepping out the terrace doors. Her grey heels clack the sunny tiles and she pulls the doors too after her. Walks away the way they came.

They're not alone for even a second and she's on him. All over him. He staggers back from the sudden pounce.

Peppering that face in kisses and hugging the damn stuffing out of him. Nestling in his neck and gushing her limitless Thankyou's onto his skin. Arms clutching tight at his back over his crisp onyx shirt. Creased up from where he's been driving.

He clutched her tight and strokes down her blue linen back. Feeling her singular shape. "I saw this place. And it just looked like you." He offers up, all simple.

"I know it's not your thing-" She frets.

"My thing? Is whatever gets me that smile of yours, Kitten." He swoops right down to kiss at the tip of her nose.

"Just be you." Shrugs. She answers openly. Face like honesty and adorable vulnerable love. Hands resting around both his hips in a hug.

Because it's truth.

Even under all the grandeur and money. She'd still be smiling like a lunatic at him. Even if they were in the seediest, dirtiest motel with scratchy stained sheets and a mouldy shower. He's starting to see that he just has to be in the same room in order to earn her happiness.

That earns her a crook of a brow. "Just be my usual charming, courteous, nice, self?" He teases. When as a matter of fact. He considers that all he is - is the polar opposites of all those words.

Nasty. Arrogant. Cold. Calculative. Cruel.

However, he believes that a little less when she smiles at him so sweet like she always does. The darkness and violence that first scared her was merely an endearment to her now.

She strokes at his scarred tattooed skin. She curls into the wide plain of his chest without hesitation. She'd stopped seeing the facade he sold everyone. He didn't sell it to her anymore. Evie was the only person to ever get a glimpse of the true-Kylo underneath.

He was bruised and sore and uncertain. Just a man who just deserved some goodness in his life- and some love.

And now he gets it in spades everyday. How insane is that? So insane he would have to do something about it. And maybe he would - soon.

"I think I might go wallow in the pool for a little while. Cool off." She decides. Spring was sticky hot here. She kisses the side of his handsome angular jaw. Slipping away to go for her massive trunk of a suitcase. Unlatching it to search its contents.

They laze away the rest of the day. Sleepy from the sunny drive up here. Well. He was anyway. They'd been driving for close to four hours. His back was stiff as.

He follows her lead - lounges on a double bed of a lounger, under the vines wrapped around the gazebo it was under. In nothing but his Cartier sunglasses and his Versace Medusa black bathing shorts. Soaking up the Italian rays of sun into his legs. His torso in the shade. His tatted pale skin had missed this vitamin drenched heat bleeding into his system. It's a great tonic.

He watches the pool. Where she is. Sapphire-diamond water carve and lap as she swims. Watches her body dip and plunge as she dives under. Wearing a completely modest blue one piece that he was already eyeing up how best to undo. Peering over his shades at the ties that secured the cornflower halter thing around her neck. So blue she almost blended into one with the pool tiles.

She surfaces at the other end. Water spitting and patting as she broke the rippled surface. Hair pasted back dark rust to her neck. Dripping on her shoulders. She left her battered book on the big fluffy folded towel. By the edge.

She heaves out and the creamy tiles spattered beige-dark with water dripping from her body. He smiles as she ruffles her hair and dries herself in the big warm reach of the towel. Wraps up it and and pads across to him with her book in hand.

Leaves wet footprints across the sun baked tiles. Gives him a wet-chlorine stained kiss as she sinks down on the big bed next to him. He hungrily sucks the water off her lips.

Curls on her right hip. Knees clasped together. Turning into him. Wavy damp hair hanging limp down her neck. He brushes one sticky bit of it back from her cheek. Cups her cheek and melts her into a kiss he initiates into something more languid. A melting kiss is what she'd call it.

One that has the power to curl her whole body into him for more. To just turn her limbs to warm toffee. She gasps when he runs his hand between her legs. Gently thumbing over her clit. Glossy wet slit. He can feel it.

He doesn't do much but just feel her. Stroke her wet softness under his fingers. Twirl and tease her pussy til she makes that sweet little mewling sound into his mouth. He's almost tempted to slot his fingers right in her. Stretch her out on this bed for a long afternoon of pleasure and blissful fucking.

"You make a fucking one piece look too damn sexy, Kitten." He grumbles into her shoulder. Kissing droplets of water off her neck. Tasting it where it snuck down to live in the cradle of her collarbone.

Her neck tilts back, head resting on the porcelain sun lounger cushion. She lets him undo the halter bow and drag the thing down her ribs. Lowers his lips to her satiny-wet nipples. Tastes those coral peaks he loves so much. Loves on them with his teeth. Sucks them to glossy red points. Like peach candies on his tongue.

She's got her fingers tangled in his hair. Pale through the dark locks twining her fingers. Silky soft and cool where they're now lounging in a shady spot where the sun has passed them by. Eventually the lazy kissing and petting drifts away. She lays into his body and drifts off to the soothing lull of his fingers tracing patterns between her thighs. Fluffy towel tangled between her calves. Half stripped out her bathing suit.

He's never one for being lulled to sleep in the middle of the day. Yet it's cosy here, under a cloudless blue sky. And they're in this beautiful sunny oasis. In each other's arms.

All is calm and he takes the chance to let himself slumber for once. Snoozing lightly. Tangled up hot and sticky with a damp Evie in his hold.

They wake up somewhere close to the evening. Refreshed from their nap. Sun is low in the sky. Cool blazing orange evening bleeding in. They wake up, and then rub each other up all soapy in the shower with thick bar of pink botanical rose soap.

They dress up fancy for dinner and head to the gourmet restaurant. They eat on a private terrace and drink too much wine as the sun goes down.

Stumble back to their hotel room and have tender tipsy sex on the still made bed. The terrace doors spill open onto their private terrace - stained blue with the night and a sky bursting and crammed with stars.

He's thrusting into her, fucking slow and languid and gathering up every moan. Elbows braced by her head. Her eyes more blue than that pool just outside. He drinks the kisses and mewls and gasps from her red wine, velvet lips.

Evie can't stop telling him how perfect this all is.

Kylo won't stop thinking how she's the one responsible for making it that way.


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