Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic...

By maricwrites

4.4K 142 40

Two years ago, Marie was ripped away from her universe, her home, and her family. Marie was then dropped into... More

Today's the Day!
Red Tornado Wannabee
I love monkeys!
Red Arrow?
That was Close!
Six Months?!
Most People In School Suck
We're Superheroes!
Ah, Freaky Clown!
Connor and M'gann Do It All The Time
I'm so sorry
Mhm, Interesting
Fun right?
He's Captain Marvel?
Yes, can do, Wonder Woman
What's VHS?
Let the Hunger Games begin.
I Named Him Rocky
Because I can Never Get it Back
Hey, Don't Call Us Kiddies!

What's Mr. Original Doing Here?

97 2 0
By maricwrites


December 5, 17:03 EST

"Recognized Spirit, B-0-5" Marie walked into the cave while eating an apple, when she saw the team she noticed that instead of Batman and Robin, Green Arrow and Red Arrow were there.

"What's Mr. Original doing here?" Marie questioned, pointing at Red Arrow with disgust written on her face.

Before they could answer her the zeta tube went on, "Recognize Artemis B-0-7" Artemis appeared in the zeta tube.

"Artemis. Just in time." Green Arrow address Artemis as Marie tosses the core of her apple away. "Look who's agreed to join the Team."

"Finally!" Wally cheered.

"Sure, Team's needed a real archer," Artemis says, Marie and Wally looked at weirdly.

"Now wait a minute," Marie stopped in her tracks. "What happened to, not wanting to join the Junior Justice League? We're finally cool enough for you? Why did we let him in, he didn't want us, why should we want him now?"

"Okay, people, listen up." Green Arrow said, ignoring what Artemis and Marie said. "The Dynamic Duo's on a case in Gotham, but Batman gave me a heads up. Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport."

"In Full costumes?" Zatanna asked. "Nervy."

"In street clothes." Green Arrow replies. "Facial recognition software picked up the ID. Find out what he's up to."

"All of us?" Connor questioned, pointed out.

"There's like ten million of us now. I think we will be all on top of each other when I can take out that loser, myself." Marie says pointing out herself with pride.

"Perhaps a small squad." Red Tornado suggests, "Ms. Martian's camouflage abilities seem ideal."

"Thought the sidekicks, sorry, ex-sidekicks could suit up on thi, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Spirit, and Red Arrow." Green Arrow told them.

"Urgh." Marie groaned, crossing her arms.

"Good. Stakeouts make me crazy." Connor says.

"We could use the night off," M'gann adds.

"I want in," Artemis tells him. "With M'gann and Robin out, no one's logged more hours piloting the Bio-ship."

"Artemis, are you sure?" Green Arrow asks her.

"Absolutely," Artemis assures.

"Wait, why isn't Artemis already on the mission?" Marie questioned. "She is a sidekick, is she not?"

Kid Flash, Spirit, and Artemis were in the front, while Aqualad and Red Arrow were everything set in the back. Kid Flash turned his chair to face Artemis.

"Uh, this could wind up being one of those things that sounds better in my head than out loud," Kid Flash started out nervously, "but... you are a real archer." Artemis gave him unimpressed look, Spirit turned her head away from their conversation as Kid Flash tries to save himself. "No, I mean, I'm jazzed about Red Arrow. Uh, we go way back, you know. But you. You've made your own place on The Team. You've nothing to prove. Not to me?

" Not to me either." Marie jumped in, turning back around. "Just wanted to put that out there."

"Okay?" Kid Flash asked Artemis.

"Okay," Artemis told him, The speedster turned back around in his chair to face the front."And Wally?" Artemis called out to him, and he turns to her. "It sounded fine out loud." Spirit held back her squeals at the cuteness that had just happened.


December 5; 21: 27 CST

The squad arrives in Orleans, Spirit was hiding in the trees, while Aqualad was in the water, Red Arrow was in the bushes, Artemis stayed in the bio-ship and Kid Flash was on the street on his cycle.

"Target's heading north." Arrow informed the squad. "Pursue, but maintain a discreet distance. And that goes double for you Artemis. Sportmaster's proven adept at spotting Martian camouflaging when in motion."

"Excuse me," Spirit spoke when flying behind the tree line as she follows Sportmaster, who was in a boat, from a distance. "When did Aqualad die and made you leader? You just joined five minutes ago. Who are you to be giving orders."

"Spirit." Kid Flash warned.

"What I'm just stating facts." Spirit crosses her arms.

Sportmaster stops and gets out of his boat into the shallow water that only reached to his ankles and walked onto land.

"He's stopped." Arrow informed them, "Hold your positions. I'm moving in for a closer look."

"Again with giving orders--"

"Spirit now is not the time." Kid Flash interrupted her. "And Aqualad can't really give orders now can he."

"Oh..." Spirit spoke with a slight blush. "Right. But still, he just joined. And I don't like it."

"Would you give Gale this much trouble?" Kid Flash asked her.

"No, only bec-" Spirit interrupted herself when she heard fighting not far from her location. "Kid Flash hold please."

Spirit flew quietly to investigate the noise, and when she found the source of the noise, she was just in time she both Artemis and Red Arrow having their arrows aimed at Chesire. Chesire then launched at the two archers, taking down Artemis first, and then throws smoke bombs at Arrow.

Spirit jumped down, clearing the smoke with her powers, just as Chesire tackled Arrow to the ground. Spirit quickly create an airball from her hands, she pushed it forward towards Chesire, but the assassin rolls out of its way and throws an explosive at the young hero. Spirit ducks out the way, as Chesire gets back onto Arrow, pinning him to the ground. Spirit gets knocked to the side by the bomb.

Spirit recover, just as Kid Flash came in and knocked Chesire right off of Arrow. "And a sai is just a sai. And quite the souvenir by the way."

"Artemis, tracer arrow on Sportsmaster, now!" Red Arrow ordered, Artemis quickly pulled the arrow out of her quiver and aimed it, but failed to shot it.

"Ah! He's out of range." Artemis told them.

"Move." Red Arrow stepped beside her, pulling out his own arrow and shooting it. And the tracer lands on the boat. Arrow moves towards the jet ski.

"You're abandoning?" Artemis questions him.

"I'm prioritizing." Arrow corrects her, before hopping onto the jet ski and going after Sportmaster.

"Oh, that's gotta sting." Cheshire taunts. "He makes the shot you were afraid to even try."

Artemis fires an arrow at her, and she dodges it. Spirit jumps down with staff, swinging it at the assassin but Chesire kicks her away.

"Artemis, Kid, Spirit, listen." Aqualad radioed them in as Chesire was throwing ninja stars at Kid Flash.

Artemis grabbed Chesire's sword and swung at her as she said. "Leave him alone!"

Cheshire dodges under the sword, Artemis then moves the sword down, Cheshire moves right out of the way, causing the sword to hit the ground. Artemis then swings it again towards Chesire's face, Cheshire grabs the sword and merely kicks Artemis off of it.

"Artemis!" Kid Flash and Spirit speed right to her side.

"Forget me!" Artemis exclaims as Kid Flash helps her up. "What about..." The three of them look up to see that assassin was gone. "Cheshire?"

"Did you.."Kid Flash started, as they both got up.

"Tracers on her sword," Artemis tells them.

"Brilliant." Kid Flash told her. "I knew you could... Oh, hey, there's the guys." Kid Flash leaves her hanging and walks over to Aqualad and Red Arrow.

Spirit places her feet down on the floor, giving Artemis a wide smile. "You did awesomely." Spirit then walked away, towards the boys.

"So we threw the fight as ordered," Kid Flash said, as Spirit walked up to them, "after Artemis planted the tracer."

"Cheshire's heading north," Artemis tells them.

"Sportsmaster was headed south." Red Arrow said. "Kinda like this mission."

"Usually our missions go okay," Spirit tells him. " The only new thing here is... guess who you. It must be you who's messing this mission."

"Maybe he'll double back," Artemis suggests, as Red Arrow narrows his eyes at Spirit. "Maybe she will."

"Either way, they'll rendezvous, and we'll find them." Kid Flash said.

"We had better, Sportsmaster acquired an attache case," Aqualad told them. We need to learn what it contained--."

"Oh. Who wants to bet it's some type of sports trading card, Sportsmaster has been wanting since he was a little boy and just got enough money, or got someone to steal it for him." Spirit suggests with a grin.

"Artemis if you had stayed aboard the Bio-ship.." Aqualad continued bringing the convo back to the mission, not wanting to Spirit to further the mission elsewhere more.

"I saw Cheshire sneaking up on him," Artemis explains.

"Then you radio a warning," Arrow told her.

"And if she found you by hacking our frequency?" Artemis retorted, Spirit gave Artemis a look.

"It is true, we have come to rely on M'gann telepathy over our radios," Aqualad said.

"So let's stop looking to place blame and start looking for Cheshire." Kid Flash said.

"Here, since clearly I can't be trusted," Artemis threw the tacker at Red Arrow who catches it, "you track her."

Kid Flash takes it from Red Arrow with a glare and hands it back to Artemis. "Artemis.." 

"It's fine." Artemis sighs. "I'll follow in the Bio-Ship."

"Go, Kid, Spirit. Arrow and I will return to the river and we will all follow as originally planned." Aqualad told them all. Spirit nods before rushing off to catch up to Aremtis before she got back onto the Bio-ship.

"Artemis," Spirit called out to her. The older teen turned around to look at Spirit. "I didn't want to say this earlier, because I hate to take Arrow's side on anything... but when said that the reason who didn't radio Red Arrow was that Cheshire could have found him through hacking our comms, you contradicted yourself. You had said that Cheshire was sneaking up on him, which means that she had already found Red. Which cancels out your reasons for both things you did. Despite what everyone thinks I'm a very observant person. I notice things." Spirit looked down and then back at Artemis who looked at her with wide eyes. "I won't say anything to Aqualad or Kid, and especially not to Red Arrow. I understand secrets, I do. But not when they put my friends in danger, so if you do something else that winds up with either Kid or Kaldur hurt. I will slip everything, that you did today. Remember Artemis, you have nothing to prove to anyone."

Without another word and not letting Artemis speak, Spirit takes off into the sky.

Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Spirit made it to where the tracker had to lead them, a train... "You have to be kidding me," Spirit said as she picks up the tracer of the train car and showed it to Aqualad.

"All clear no sign of her, Cheshire probably found the tracer and ditched it." Kid Flash told them after he checked each train car for the shadow.

"Yeah probably." Spirit sighs, handing the tracker to Aqualad to hold. The young girl runs her fingers through her hair and whispers under her breath. "Artemis, what are you doing?"

"Arrow to Aqualad. Located Cheshire and Sportsmaster." Red Arrow radioed in the squad. "Rendezvous at my coordinates."

"Acknowledged," Aqualad replies. "Sending Kid and Spirit ahead."

She and Kid Flash then head in the direction of Red Arrow. "Why can't anything be easy."

Kid Flash sped ahead of her, making it to the location before her, Spirit arrived at the building where Kid Flash, Red Arrow, and Artemis were. She entered the battle to see that Cheshire was on top of Kid Flash.

Spirit cracked her finger with a smirk. "What's up with you and being on top of people."

Spirit sends a missile-shaped blast at the villain, Kid Flash gets back onto his feet just as she does, Kid Flash sends a punch towards her face. But when he hits her, Cheshire is all ice, and she crumbles into pieces at his feet.

"What on earth?" Spirit moves right next to her best friend and looks down at the ice pieces on the floor, she looks around the room. "Any ice villains here coming out to play, because... I'm still a little upset none of you guys came after me and Green Lantern on that day you attacked everyone but us. Call me a little salty."


December 6; 03:21 EST

"Let me be clear, we failed," Aqualad said to the rest of the team and Red Tornado, excluding Robin. "Though the Injustice League is in custody their allies still scheme. And we have learned nothing of their plans."

"Gee, I wonder why." Red Arrow spoke, turning towards the leader, crossing his arms at Artemis.

"Mhm, I was about to say the same thing.' Spirit crossed her arms mocking Arrow.

"Hey, who found out Sportsmaster was working for Brain, Klarion, and Ivo?" Artemis defends herself.

"Yeah, great intel. Except Ivo's been in Bel Reve the whole time." Red Arrow debunks her. "And the guards just checked. It's the real Ivo, not a robot."

"Yeah! Just checked." Spirit points out. "Do they know if it was the real Ivo the time we were on the mission? From what Artemis told us, Klarion used a spell to escape, right. Couldn't in theory Klarion have teleported Ivo back to Bel Reve in time for them to check his cell. Like, don't you people listen to yourself say things and try to prove people wrong. And come on people listen to the other loser speak as well they don't know half the stuff that's coming out of their mouths. And you guys say I don't say nonsense!"

"You know, I'm getting pretty tired of you dumping on her." Kid Flash also stands up for Artemis after Spirit's little rant. Red Arrow just holds up a tracer. "Her tracer, so? Cheshire ditched it."

"No, Artemis ditched that to send us on a wild-goose chase." Red Arrow corrects gesturing to the tracer in Aqualad's hand, Spirit looked down at the floor, as Arrow confirms her suspension of the tracer. "She put this one on Cheshire."

"Come on, Artemis." Spirit sighed with a frown.

"Artemis?" Kid Flash questioned. " Are you that freaked out about Arrow joining the team you had to prove yourself by bringing down the bad guys solo? Please, tell me I'm wrong."

Artemis goes to defend herself but she just sighs with defeat. Spirit looks up at her friend with a sadden expression.

"Well, nice going. What you proved is that you're insecure and selfish." Kid Flash throws the sai to her feet. " Keep the sai. This is the right souvenir for the mission." Kid Flash takes the tracer from Arrow and walks away.

"So how will you betray us next time?" Red Arrow questions her harshly.

Spirit stepped in between the two archers and shoved Arrow. "Hey, layoff! She already feels bad enough, she doesn't need you to make her feel worse."

"Enough." Aqualad places his hands on both Spirit and Red Arrow's shoulder. "If making a mistake was a betrayal we would all be traitors."

"You know what's a betrayal, leaving your mentor because you didn't make it into some club." Spirit spat with a glare.

"Marie," Aqualad warned. "I must report to Batman," Aqualad told the team. "The rest of you, get some sleep."

Spirit grudgingly walked away from the group and went to get changed to go back home. Today was not the day, not at all.

Is it bad that I love Red Arrow's and Spirit's dynamic? I just love how she just hates him!  

But look at this two updates in one day! Am I going back to my old ways? Who knows! But I love you all! Take care, be safe, wear masks! Love you <3

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