My Knight

By LillianneYoung

151K 7.1K 552

Editing 8/06/23 Hell's Reaper's Book #3 Dakota O'Kane, a name that's been around the world. Spending years do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Arctic Storm

Chapter 17

3.1K 152 6
By LillianneYoung

"You'll need to sign some papers, I already have all of his papers and info." Jerking my head I drop my hands, walking away from my father and the prying eyes.

"Do you really think that you can save him?" Nodding without looking at her I head for my office above the barn.

"I do, believe it or not what you saw was more than a crazy horse trying to get me killed. Is he dangerous? Yes, but he hasn't always been dangerous. He's stopped trying to bite me and run me over. These are all good signs, it's just going to take time." It's probably going to take more time then she's willing to pay for. The longer I work with horses, especially for breaking them. Or the dangerous ones, it tends to be more expensive.

"Kenneth says he should die." Walking up the steps, I roll my eyes.

"Well he might be dealing with little man syndrome. I'm crazy, I take on horses who are one step away from kill pens." He's probably pissed off that I managed to make more progress than he did. Not many guys like to be shown up by a girl, it does something to their ego.

"Do you think that I can continue to come and visit him?" Pushing open my office door I let her walk in first.

"Sure, you're more than welcome to come and see his progress." Now I'm going to need to start using his name. I hate trying to save a horse only to fail. It breaks my heart having their name seared into my head as a failed attempt to save a life. I'd rather keep it general than know their name as a fail.

"Thank you Dakota." I nod opening up the filing cabinet I hunt for the right papers. Finding the right documents, I head for my desk, filling in what I need to. It only takes a moment to get it signed on my end. Slipping the documents towards I start to peel off the vest, tired of it. The once light grey tank is soaked with sweat, I need a shower and badly. Pulling off my chaps and other protection gear, I'm glad. I'm not sure if Digger and them want to go riding or not. I'll just pull my chaps on anyways. Holstering my weapon, phone, pager and two way radio.

"Is that all I needed to sign?" I nod, clearing my throat as I look over the paperwork.

"Yeah you're all set, I'll send you a copy, unless you want to wait another minute or two?" She nods, pushing her hands into her pockets.

"I can wait." Figures, starting my computer and printer, I copy the document into the computer before running off another. "Thank you Dakota, it's really been nice working with you." I give a smile before nodding. Shutting down the computers and printers before making our way out of the office.

"Of course, I'm happy that we could come to this agreement." I didn't want to see Oakley shipped off to a kill pen. That's just a disgusting way to go. There's no pride in going out that way. Kassie walks towards her car, listening to a bickering Kenneth, that man's an idiot.

"I don't know if I want to ride a horse now." I look over towards Digger and the gang as he calls them.

"Why?" Digger lets out a laugh wrapping an arm around my shoulder and giving me a kiss.

"Don't worry Red, Dakota won't put you up on a horse like that. She likes the wild rides." It takes me a moment to connect the dots.

"Oh Oakley, no he's a project horse of mine. The horses I put y'all up on will be dead broke, something you guys won't have to worry about riding." The horses I have out here for personal use are heavily trained. When I train a horse I want them bomb proof, any rider can get on and not have to worry about dying.

"What was that about with the lady?" Digger asks, making me adjust the straps on my chaps.

"She sent him here for a week, wanting to see if there was any hope of keeping him from a kill pen. I made some major headway with him when she wanted to pull the cord and ship him off. So I bought him instead." I'm sure there will be days where I'll want to throw in the towel, but I see a bright future ahead of Oakley.

"You really are crazy." Axel snorts, making me shrug at the pissy man. I've never hidden that fact, I'm too crazy to do something like that.

"I ain't keeping that a secret from anyone." I can say that I'm happy I'm one crazy heifer, I got one broad that's gunning for me. Brad really needs to get back with me soon, I can't see her being the patient type of person. There's one big ass storm heading for me and the ranch. Angel clears her throat making me look towards her.

"Excuse Axel, he's in the dog house and pissy at everyone." Builder and Digger chuckle at her joke, and I offer her a smile with a shrug. I know that ain't true, Axel is still holding a grudge against me. For what I don't know, but I'm not gonna worry about a man being upset over a history that happened over a decade ago.

"I got thick skin, ain't nothing to worry about Angel." Papa walks over looking over the group before resting his steady gaze on Axel. Axel straightens as he looks at Papa. Papa's only response is to spit on the ground holding eye contact. Papa still hasn't forgiven him, either. Men and their damn grudges.

"Kota, we need to talk for a minute." Nodding I slip from Digger's arms, not liking the sound of this. I feel like I'm about to get in trouble with him. He didn't care that I was helping him out with Axel's issue at first. Not until it got me hurt, then shit went down hill.

"What's up Papa?"

"I got a notice of eminent domain, someone wants to condemn the ranch." Inhaling I grab the folded papers, staring at them. You have to be fucking with me. Growling I flip open the phone dialing Brad's number.

"Kode I'm not-"

"I need you to run my name, my father's name and the ranch. Has someone filed anything against us?" I'm greeted with a cough.

"Woah, slow your roll, what kind of thing am I hunting for." Shaking my head at this, is this has to be some fucking joke. Papa lights a cigarette passing it to me, I steal a drag.

"Eminent domain, that shit would be public record." I know the land has already been declared protected because of conservation agreement. This shit can't be real.

"I'm not seeing anything. Where did you get the papers?" Blowing smoke out of my nose I look at my father.

"Where'd you find them?"

"They were in the mailbox, I just checked it." I shake my head cussing, yeah this was a ploy to see how quick we'd bend over.

"Are you close to getting answers?" I growl out, this shit ain't gonna fly.

"I'm pulling an extensive deep dive. It's taking longer than I thought, but I'm getting closer to what I need." Realizing the cigarette is done, I use my thumb, snubbing the damn thing. I've done this action too many times to even flinch at the pain.

"Get it done." Hanging up I pass the papers to him, stuffing the butt into my pocket. "They're fake, Brad checked it out, nothing came up." He nods, looking at the papers.

"Go hang out with them. I'm giving you the day off, have fun." Papa walks away and I have to take a deep breath. This was a dirty play, by what opponent? Mr. Callgarey, or crazy chicka? Sighing I turn and walk back to the group, walking into their conversation in thought.

"Another secret? You smoke?" Axel asks, forcing me to look at him, before arching a brow.

"I'm not the only one who keeps a few secrets to themselves. I bet you haven't told Angel you know how to ride." I decide to be petty, just a little bit. Throwing his ass under the bus in an innocent way makes my day.

"Wait a minute, you can ride? Why haven't you shared this with me?" Angel looks at her husband with a grin, clearly happy with the news that I had slipped her way. Digger throws his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"You good?" I nod at him, offering a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why don't we go collect some horses and go on a trail ride?" He chuckles giving a nod as we look over the rest. I've been teaching him how to ride a horse and damn is he lucky. He's a natural born rider and that makes me jealous.

"I'm not sure about a ride." I chuckle shaking my head at Red, she needs to open up and live some more.

"Don't worry, we'll go slow. I'll start you in the arena, you'll get the hang of it I promise." Angel looks over at Red grinning.

"Come on, it'll be fun. I think it'll be funny watching Digger and Snake-" Angel stops mid sentence paling at her own words. Almost everyone freezes making me snort.

"Give it the fuck up, I know his name, I grew up with them and played on the same team." I don't know how stupid they think the people in town are. It's once again none of my business.

"Dakota, it's important-" I shake my head at Digger.

"Cowboy, I understand keeping shit clandestine. It's need to know. I did recon for years, I'm used to operating in the dark." I chuckle at them, this was a part of my job. "Now come on, we need to get horses, and your asses in the saddle." Digger laughs following me as I start walking.

"You're something else, you know that right little lady?" Chuckling I send him a wink, deciding to be cheeky.

"Only for you Cowboy." It doesn't take long to have the horses out gone over with everyone who needs a tutorial of grooming, before helping almost everyone tack up. Harley and his horse Cash, a larger stout quarter horse. Since Red is the most nervous about riding I've given her Fortune, I know and trust her with beginners. Axel is up on Trigger, he's ridden the guy before, so that's a plus. Angel is up on Trigger's Mom, Bonnie. And for Snake I have given him Alfie, a lazy as all hell horse, he's a nose to butt kind of horse and loves it.

"Are you sure?" Red asks, and I chuckle nodding looking at Fortune. I give her a soft pat. Getting up on her, I show Red the reins literally.

"Fortune is a good girl, I know she'll treat you right." I even go through the motion of tugging on her mouth, moving around on her and just confusing the daylights out of her. "She's bomb proof, you'll like riding her." Getting down I help Red up watching as she holds the reins stiffly. Not everyone's a natural rider. Helping everyone else up onto their horses I look over the selection of people. Stepping in the stirrup I mount Harley, enjoying the feeling of being in the saddle. I'm happy I broke him of his crazy.

"Everyone is gonna have to do me, and your horses a favor. Take a deep breath and relax, you aren't about to be riding into battle." Shaking my head I have to break down how to ride and not fall off. Standing in the center I watch as I get them all walking in a circle. I like for people to have the basics down.

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