Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

By Wolfinator12

142K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... More

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 20

2.3K 69 39
By Wolfinator12

Y/n: "My Mother told me, someday I would buy a galley with good oars, sail to distant shores. Stand up on the prow, noble bark I steer. Steady course to the haven, hew many foemen, hew many foemen." Y/n happily sang while working in his forge. He had missed working in the heat of a forge. The sounds of metal being hammered into shape was something he always found relaxing. "My mother told me, someday I would buy a galley with good oars, sail to distant shores. Stand up on the prow, noble bark I steer. Steady course to the haven. Hew many foemen, hew many foemen." It was the song his father used to help him get into the rythm for working the bellows. The blade he was working on was nearly done and soon only required the grind. A knock stopped Y/n. "Come in!" The door to his workshop opened and Renji came in.

Renji: "Mister Schwarz, a student would like to speak to you." The assistant said.

Y/n: "Send him in." Y/n answered not looking away from his work. A few seconds pass and the mentioned student came in. She was a rather beautiful looking girl, long blue hair with piercing saphire blue eyes. "Not to be rude, but I have to finish this so I hope you don't mind me not looking at you while we talk."

Girl: "No problem. I am Saffy Meer, a third year, a friend of mine told me a newby climbed the ranks in record time and I wanted to see said boy in person."

Y/n: "Well I hope I live up to the expectations. Can I help you with anything else?"

Saffy: "I want to challenge you to a duel."

Y/n: "Is this a fight for fun or?"

Saffy: "Nope, I want your ranking." She said sounding rather full of herself.

Y/n: "I am not sure if I can give it to you just like that." Came the answer as Y/n went to the grindstone.

Saffy: "Oh you can, when you beat someone with their rank on the line you will get their place in the ranking while they will be dropped down to the losers rank." Y/n hummed in acknowledgement.

Y/n: "And if I were to win, what would I get?" He could not see the girl but he heard her come closer and soon two pale arms wrapped around his chest and he could feel something soft pushing against his back. "Sorry but not interested." He quickly said.

Saffy: "You did not even have a taste yet but you already denied." She said in a teasing mannor.

Y/n: "Yep, now if you could please back off." She sighed but did what she was asked. "I could need someone to advertise my shop among the third and fourth years. Ok, If I win you will go around and tell everyone in your year about my store." Y/n said finally turning to look at the girl, holding his hand out to seal the deal.

Saffy: "Sure, not that you have any chance to win." Said the Beast Tamer. "See you tomorrow after school in Arena 3. And prepare to kiss my boots." She left and Y/n continued his work.

Fenrir: "Should we tell her that you have the king of Serpents and of Wolves as your summons?" Y/n only chuckled.

Y/n: "A Beast Tamer, how interesting..." Checking his work, Y/n was satisfied with the blades sharpness and so he went to the workbench were a prepared handle, pommel and guard already waited to be combined with the blade. "Now one last check." The runes around his empty eyesocket began to glow and the information of the Blade appeared.

Name: ...
Type: Broadsword
Rank: C

Y/n: "Still no level up for that skill." He sighed. "Ah whatever." Y/n put the sword with the other weapons he made, most of them were orders from other students, the rest he made to have some in stock if needed. "How about we go on a hunt Fen?" The shadow wolf appeared and wagged his tail happily. "Renji! I will be off for today, if someone comes for an order they are all marked with the name of the one that put down the order."

Renji: "Have a nice day Sir." The man said looking up from his carving. Y/n could not have asked for a better aid in Renji, the man is a Woodworker, a less specialised version of the Carpenter Class, but thanks to that lack of specialisation he was able to quickly pick up the needed skill for making great weapon or tool handles, something that took Y/n a year and a half. Y/n went and got changed and after that got onto Fenrirs back. The two entered the forest behind the guildhall.

Y/n: "Hey guys?" Y/n began summoning all of his summons. "Have you ever wished things went differently? I mean, for you, Fen and Jorm, did you ever wish to be treated not like a monster? Or the rest for example, you all are either created by the gods or directly born from them, yet you did not get the same treatment or respect as the other gods got."

Jormungandr: "Why asssk Massster?"

Y/n: "I always thought that Odin was wrong in casting his judgement on you and your sister Hel. Yes he foresaw the end of the worlds but in the end his doing is what makes you even want to destroy everything. He threw you, Jorm, into the sea, made your sister the one everyone curses for 'bad' deaths and lastly tricked and bound you Fen. I do not know how long it has been since you were punished for a crime you had yet to commit. Was it just because they feared you? Was it because they did not see a use for you guys? What ever reason there might have been, it was unfair. They allowed Sleipnir to stay with them, nothing against you Sleipnir."

Sleipnir: "No problem Master." The horse said quickly.

Y/n: "Sähr, Heid? Did one of the gods ever thank you for what you provided to them?" The two shook their heads making Y/n sigh. He turned and looked at his summons. "You guys, all of you, you are not my summons, not a tool for me to simply use for my own goals, you are my friends. If you have something you would like to do just tell me and I will help you." The summons look at eachother before Fenrir spoke for them.

Fenrir: "We wish to help you become the Hero you dreamed to be." The wolf said and Y/n smiled.

Y/n: "I will happily help you with that. But for now, let's have some fun. Make sure to be back at dusk. Oh and do not forget to take the coins with you." Y/n felt the happiness of his summons as they all split up to kill Grimm. He mainly came about some Canis, even a few Alpha Canis. It was almost funny to face the thing, that nearly killed him 5 months prior, again, this time not even betting them an eye while killing them. He was still getting used to his new speed and so Y/n decided to simply use these weak Grimm to train.

Hours passed and the sun was beginning to set. Y/n was on his way back, a heavy sack filled with coins on his back. He had met up with his summons a few minutes prior and collected their coins too. Y/n could already hear Weiss telling him that she would do the counting, seeing that the heiress quickly took over the role as the guilds treasure master. It was thanks to her help that Y/n was able to efficently budget his guilds funds. Many members of the Hunters Guild took over different roles. The Workers, Oscar and Velvet, took over the roles dedicated by their classes. Oscar was growing crops and herbs and the first harvest was getting closer. Velvet was the girl for everything, she cleaned, washed clothes and cooked, things Y/n always told her to just ask for help, but she always denied said offer saying that she feels like she is still not doing enough around the guild. Next came Nora and Ren, the two of them, thanks to their background of roaming the wilds of Mistral and Vale, were the guilds hunters, Ren even helps with cooking from time to time. Summer was the guilds mother in a way, she helped Velvet in as much as possible and makes sure that everyone is doing ok, always offering a shoulder to cry on if needed. The womans advises also are very useful. Blake gathered information from all around Beacon, things like possible searches for aids in quests, discounts in on of the shops, new interesting items at the auction house and so on.

Ruby helped Y/n keep the guildmembers weapons functional, her interest in weaponry really helping in that regard. Yang was responsible with gathering firewood, thanks to her high strength she also helps Phyrra repair the guildhall if needed. Said champion took other the task of repairing things around the still rather rundown guildhall and training the physically weaker members. Lastly was Y/n himself, who as the guildmaster already was responsible for dealing with the paperwork, he also is the one repairing their weapons and since the shop opened he was the one earning around half of the guilds total income.

Y/n: "Only a month till school break." Y/n said to noone in particular. "I think I will go visit my parents." He soon reached the guildhall and entered. The smell of something cooking filled his nose. "Weiss?!"

Weiss: "Yes?" The white haired girl asked from atop the stairs.

Y/n: "Could you do me a favor and count these coins?" He let the sack fall to the floor, resulting a loud thump and the jingle of coins hitting coins. "I got carried away while farming." He said sheepishly. The heiress sighed but still tried to pick up the back. Trying being the key word here seeing that the sack was too heavy for her. "Oh let me just bring this to my office and you can count them tomorrow after school. I also have a duel later tomorrow. Some strange girl challanged me for my spot in the ranking, I think she said that she was a third year."

Yang: "Ha, poor girl. What did you win?" Yang asked with a smirk, already knowing that Y/n will win.

Y/n: "Free advertisement among the third and fourth years for my shop." Y/n answered. "I will go and wash off before joining you for dinner." Y/n left to get a change of clothes and went to the bath. Later he joined his friends, chatting with them happily.

The guild has become something akin to a second family for the classless boy and like a family there are times two or more members have a bit of a fight. Like right now.

Ruby: "Y/ns class is something like a Summoner!"

Yang: "Sorry sis but I think that is not all there is to it. Summons do not have this much of a personality."

Summer: "That is true. Every Summoner I met said that while their summons do have a personality they do not have free will." The mother said.

Ruby: "Than what else would his class be?"

Y/n: "Is that really so important?" The boy in question asked, trying to end the fight.

Weiss: "It is kind of interesting to speculate."

Jaune: "Yeah, imagine if your class would be something like God, or how are they called in your belief?"

Y/n: "Depends, there are two kinds of gods mentioned in the sagas. The Aesir and the Vanir, the Aesir are gods of the more... human aspects of the realms while the Vanir are gods of nature. For example Odin is the god of Poetry, Battles and Death, while the Vanir god Njord is the god of the Sea and Storms. To be honest the gods and the things they are the gods of are confusing. Njord, who is the god of Storms, is not the god of lighting or thunder, which is Thor, although these are important parts of a storm." Y/n explained.

Phyrra: "So Thor and Zeus play the same role?" The mistralean girl asked.

Y/n: "Maybe... I have no idea what your gods are or do, maybe we should sit down and talk about that." The girl nodded before the two of them heard Ruby gasp, they turned and saw the Reaper point accusingly at Y/n.

Ruby: "You are trying to change the subject!" She said.

Oscar: "And he succeeded mostly." Oscar chuckled.

Y/n: "Listen Ruby, there is not point in thinking about what class I possibly have. It is locked and until the day it unlocks it could be everything. Let's just enjoy our food ok?" The girl pouted but relented nonetheless. The night soon came, Y/n and his friends went to bed.

Once again Y/n found himself in the ruins of Valhalla. It had been quite some time since the last time he was here and nothing had changed from what it had been the day he was last here. He could feel the throne once again calling for him and like previous times he sat down.

The moment his behind settled on the throne the earth began to shake as every single piece of rubble began to violently shake. It was not long after that thousands of shadowy hands broke free from the remains of the once prestigious hall. Last thing Y/n saw before waking up was shadowy figures rise from the ground.

The vision of last night stayed in Y/ns mind for the rest of day. All the way till the duel was about to begin. Y/n arrived on time and saw Saffy waiting there chatting to a bunch of other girls, a few cages standing around her. The seats were filled with other students already excited for the fight.

Saffy: "Ah I see you did not wuss out."

Y/n: "Let's get this other with I have a few weapons to finish back at the shop." Y/n said as he got in position.

Saffy: "Try to make it interesting." She said smirking. One of the girls gave them a countdown. The moment she said go the cages burst open and out came a pack of wolves. Y/n looked at them uninterested. "Oh already scared?" The girl asked teasingly.

Y/n: "Fen?" He could hear the wolf chuckle as it came out of his shadow. The moment Fenrir fully manifested the wolves that were about to charge stopped dead in their track and whimpered. "Did you even stop a moment to gather intel on me?" Y/n asked as he saw the confused and shocked face fo Saffy.

Saffy: "Dimia why the fuck did you not tell me he was a Summoner?!" She asked one of her friends angrily.

Dimia: "I only heard that he was strong!" She answered.

Y/n: "I am not just strong." In the blink of an eye he was right in front of Saffy. "I am also fast. Want to give up?" Y/n offered her. She shakingly denied the offer and after he sighed Y/n punched her in the face. She stumbled and crawled away from Y/n who aproached, grabbed the fur colar and began to lay punches into the poor girl. Behind him he could hear Fenrir deal with Saffys wolves. The crowds cheers soon turned into paniced screams as they saw the brutal onslaught of punches. "Had enough yet?" Y/n asked after stopping.

Saffy: "Y-yes, p-pleas mercy." She begged and Y/n got off of her.

Y/n: "That was boring." Y/n remarked.

?: "How about a real challanger then?" A male voice came from the crowd and out stepped an older boy in heavy looking armor. A Tank. "You are Y/n Schwarz right? 11th place?" The boy asked.

Y/n: "Yes I am and you are?"

Stahl: "Stahl Siber. Current rank 12. So what do you say, up for a challange?"

Y/n: "What would I be getting out of this?" Y/n asked uninterested as he watched the very beaten up looking wolves drag away their equally beaten up looking master.

Stahl: "Bragging rights about you having beaten one of Beacons best tanks."

Y/n: "Sure let's get this over with." The older boy chuckled and went to his seat to gather his equipment, consisting of a tower shield that covered most of his body and a flail. Once again as the two fighter were ready one of the spectators counted down beginning the fight. Y/n knew that he could not win with his strength alone, seeing that the armor would absorb most of the brunt of the attack and so he decided to use his speed to outmanuver his opponent.

The fight itself was not very interesting or thrilling. One boy slowly swinging his weapon while the other dodged and weaved past the slow attacks only to be reflected by the armor of the first got boring and many of the spectators began to murmur among themselves.

Boy: "JUST USE YOUR SUMMONS ALREADY!" One said. Y/n shrugged and called upon Hugin, Munin and Sleipnir. A plan had formed in the viking boys head. He could not win by knocking out his opponent seeing that the skills the boy had prevented the damage needed for said task from happening. So only two ways to win left. Making Stahl surrender or knocking him out of bounds.

Stahl: "You are one fast boy for your size." The older boy remarked.

Y/n: "And your armor is really fancy, could I have a closer look?" Not waiting for the answer Y/n rushed the boy and instead of evading the attack he chaught the spiked ball with one hand and grabbed the shield with the other. The two summoned birds began to peck at Stahls face while Sleipnir charged.

Later Stahl desribed the impact of Sleipnir feeling like being hit by a collapsing building. Y/n and Stahl quickly became friends after Y/n swooned over Stahls armor, which after a quick few uses of his observation skill turned out to be all B rank.

Stahl: "Say Y/n? What summons do you have? I saw that wolf, the two birds and that weird horse."

Y/n: "I have a goat that produces alcohol, a boar that is made out of cooked meat which regrows and a giant snake. Oh and an anvil but I can't summon it. They are not really summons and to be fair I have no clue what they really are." Y/n turned back to his work, Stahl asked him to fix some pieces of his armor. "How did my attacks not do anything?"

Stahl: "That would be my skills. I have one that makes my armor spread the damage across its entirety, additionally I can swap my dexterity and speed for resistance and I have a skill that makes it so the slower I move the more hits I can take." The boy explained while looking at the different weapons Y/n had in store.

Y/n: "Why use a flail then? They are not really made to be used for slow hits. I could whip something up if you want. It will take a bit seeing that I also have no idea what weapon would be best to use. I can talk about this with a guildmember of mine who is a weapons fanatic."

Stahl: "Please do, I only have my rank because most of my opponents got tired and I pushed them out of bounds." Y/n was soon finished with his work and after Stahl reequiped his armor the two shook hands. "I think I will come by from time to time. Have a nice day man."

Y/n: "Yeah you are always welcome. See you."

That is it for this chapter, I hope you liked it.

Please head to the Chapter 48 of The Weak and take part in the vote at the end. It is about what book will happen after The Weak is finished and I would like to have as many votes as possible.

That is all, stay healthy and have a nice week.

Wolfy out.

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