My Knight

By LillianneYoung

151K 7.1K 554

Editing 8/06/23 Hell's Reaper's Book #3 Dakota O'Kane, a name that's been around the world. Spending years do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Arctic Storm

Chapter 15

3.4K 158 12
By LillianneYoung

Finishing with my second horse for the morning I look over seeing Ryan and Digger talking. I can only shake my head, I'm not sure I want to know what trouble they are finding. Heaving a sigh, I wipe the sweat from the back of my neck. Damn Digger, he had enticed me with the offer of lunch today. Now my stomach has been making a big deal this whole time. Shaking my head, I turned Apache towards the barn, I finally gave up on letting Scotty try and work with him.

At this point he's just ruining a perfectly good horse. Dismounting, I bring him to the cross ties. He's had an eventful workout, even managed to throw me in the dirt. Shaking my head at that, I made him work for it the rest of the time. He paid for his error, next time I'm having Scotty get on and his ass is going to be taped to the freakin saddle. Pulling off his tack I look over the saddle, it really needs to be cleaned. That's a project for another time, brushing him off I clean out his hooves.

"I haven't seen you get tossed in awhile." Ryan comes up mocking just as I grab the hose turning it on. Rolling my eyes I watch Digger follow him in looking around.

"I don't know what Scotty has done with Apache, but we are having a nice long chat." Scotty and Apache are going to be working out their differences the hard way. He wanted to fix Apache, then by hell I'll let him fix Apache, he just won't like my methods. Checking the water I spray down Apache, giving him a bath.

"I didn't think you'd get back on." Looking over at Digger I give him a funny look, why wouldn't I?

"I didn't break anything." The only time I don't get back on, and it's still debatable, is if I get knocked out. Then again, I've gotten right back up a few times. I have a job to do, I hate losing. Besides I've had worse falls.

"You really are something else." He chuckles dropping down to sit on a bale of hay. Chuckling, I shake my head and continue to bathe Apache.

"I tried to warn you Cowboy." Shrugging I listen to his chuckle as Ryan interrupts our conversation with other matters.

"Dakota, we need to talk about the second team. I have them coming out tomorrow for a tour of the place. You'll be free to meet them and go over everything with them right?" I nod, yeah it's time to get those guys situated prepared and shipped out. I'm sure the first group is getting ready to pull in.

"Yeah, I'm here all day tomorrow. I need to check in with the others. You'll be leading them out when it's time." I remind him, pointing the plastic water wiper at him. Watching as he nods at me.

"I gotta go catch Tommy and Scotty, we got a delivery coming today." I nod at him, watching as he leaves.

"What are the team's for?" Digger asks, making me look over at him. Slicking off most of the water from Apache, I finish up with his bath.

"Just some security for the ranch. It's a lotta land to keep track of, I like to be able to call people on their shit when they try something with me." Brushing out his mane and tail I apply some hoof oil letting him stand for another minute or two.

"Do you guys get a lot of trouble out here?" I can only give a shrug in answer to that.

"It depends on what you call trouble I guess. Most locals know the borders for the property but we do get the occasional tourist that wonders past the signs. Poachers pop up every now and again. The main reason for the security is for the damn developers that just can't or won't take no for an answer. So far Mr. Calgarey has been my most persistent developer, I've refused ten different offers from him." I shake my head thinking about the old man. I don't know why he has yet to take a hint. Although the new chick ain't a pleasant development. Shit's gonna go down with her and soon.

Brad needs to get back to me and soon. "Wow, that's crazy. Why is he still making offers?" Digger asks me, making me give him a shrug, as I unclip Apache from the wash bay.

"Greed does shit to a man." At this point, I think there's more to the story. While I don't like Mr. Calgarey, he's always been a smart businessman. Chasing after a person who continues to reject his offers without a glance, has never been his style.

"What's the story between you and Axel?" The question comes out of nowhere making me look at him as he forces his hands into his pockets.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never seen Axel that pissed off at a person." I nod, I don't really understand why he's still pissed off at me. Sure we've been through some shit, seen and done some shit. At one point we were close, I can't say that I was a part of the guys group.

"I don't know how much of his past you know about Cowboy. There's some shit that went down between him and I that'll be taken to our graves." I've seen the guy when he was down in the dumps, life was keen on beating him into the dirt.

"Romantically?" I send a sharp glance at him, seeing emotions swirling in his eyes making me shake my head. I didn't take him for the jealous type, but damn is it hot.

"Nah, nothing like that. To keep it simple, I helped him handle an issue of his." I got back from my first tour, he came to me to help him solve that issue. It's a story I promised that I'd take to the dirt with me. A family member of his was causing all sorts of hell, he wanted me to help put an end to that said issue. I'll admit at first I wasn't on board, then I learned what he did. It was a rough fight, down and dirty. It's a skeleton that'll never be found that's for fucking sure.

"What issue?" I look at him, seeing the questions in his eyes.

"You'll need to ask him Cowboy. It ain't my story to tell, I'm sorry." Axel might be pissed off at me, gunning for my throat, but I made a promise, I don't break those.

"I can respect that little lady. As long as you two weren't an item." I chuckle, shaking my head at that.

"Nah, he ain't my type. I like them a bit rougher around the edges." Digger, chuckles wrapping an arm around me.

"Ah, I think I fit that description perfectly then." Chuckling I slip my arm around his waist, walking with him.

"You know, I think that you do Cowboy." Just when I think he can't get more enticing he does something that garners my attention, peaking my interest. This roughneck biker is my type, one I hope hangs around for a while. I know we haven't known each other for all that long of a time, but hell when something feels right, why fight it?

"Come on little lady, we need to get to lunch before the others start to blow up my phone. They can be needy as hell sometimes." Chuckling I shake my head at him, they can be needy, last time I hung out with them all they did was bitch and moan, or congratulate one another on their conquests. So typical guy shit really. They've grown up, so maybe that's changed some, probably not, but maybe.

"It's part of their charm Cowboy. They like to keep things interesting." Some days I have to wonder if they're children, it's what they do best.

"That's true. They're something else. Do you want to get changed before we go?" I look down at my dirt covered outfit.

"Nope, I'll just waste clean clothes." I don't like doing laundry, and when I can avoid wasting all of my clothes I try to.

"Alright, let's get going then little lady." He chuckles, releasing Apache in his stall. Turning we walk out of the barn heading towards his bike. I can't wait to ride it, maybe one day I'll talk him into letting me drive it. The thought makes me grin, that'll be one hell of a day. He tosses his leg over and I follow suit, I'm not ashamed to sit close and cop a few feels. The bikes started to purr between our legs, the only thing better than this, is a man who knows his rhythm. Shaking my head at the thought. "Hold on tight, I want to throw some rocks."

"Alright Cowboy, toss up some dirt!" I call out over the engine of the bike, feeling when he throttles it. His tires sit and spin for a moment, tossing rocks, before getting the traction to rocket off. Grinning, I rest my head on his shoulders, closing my eyes to enjoy the ride. While riding a bike and riding a horse are two completely different things, I can't get enough of either. Riding is in my blood, plain and simple. We get some looks on our way to the diner, I'm sure most of them are more than ready to start some more gossip under my name.

Nothing out of the ordinary if I'm being honest. "I think we've caught some attention, little lady." I chuckle as I swing my leg over the bike, releasing his shoulder for support.

"They're just jealous Cowboy. Let's go get some food." Digger stuffs his hand into my back pocket as we walk into the diner already spotting the table of biker's and their girls. Sitting down next to Angel, Digger slides in on the end of the booth, keeping his arm around me.

"What have we missed?" Builder grins launching into an explanation.

"You've been slacking out of work since I've been back. What's up with that asshole?" Digger lets out a chuckle shaking his head.

"I've earned a day off piss head, you took damn near three months of vacation. Sue me." Chuckling at Digger's eloquent response, I couldn't have expected much else with him.

"Dakota, you own horses?" Hearing the feminine voice I turn to look at Red seeing her head tilted. She has a softer look about, one that hasn't seen the dark edges of the world. We haven't talked all that much, I don't think she's from around here.

"I do, I own O'Kane's Ranch. Are you interested in one?" She blushes, shrugging her shoulders.

"I've never been close to one, they're majestic creatures." I nod giving her a smile.

"Come out to the ranch one day, I'll give you a tour of the place, maybe even get you up on one." Angel laughs, making me look at her.

"We are going to have to all go out and take a tour. I'd love to ride a horse at least once in my life. Are there things I need to worry about, since I gave birth and all?" I have to look at their child in Axel's arms, he shoots me a sharp glare before his wife prods at him under the table.

"As long as it's been over six weeks since he was born, most tend to wait more just in case. I'd recommend working on some core exercises just for security sake." Riding after giving birth isn't an exact science.

"I'm coming up on thirteen weeks. Axel this'll be so fun we can go on a trail ride with everyone." The man gives out a grunt, shaking his head at his wife.

"I don't want to ride a damn horse." Rolling my eyes, I turn towards the waitress Digger and I give her our order. 

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