The shadow that protects the...

By NatsuDragneelx777

205K 3.1K 2.9K

So this is gonna be my first book so please bare with me. Now onto the actual description "Your kid is quirkl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Happy Thanksgiving
First Christmas With The Aizawa's
Happy Birthday Izuku
Merry Christmas Everyone
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


19.1K 268 390
By NatsuDragneelx777

Like i said in the last chapter this will be the start of my rise to greatness. So lets begin from my fourth birthday. I'll let the author do the talking from now on(A/N: it's about damn time).

One morning in Mustafu Japan we see two little kids waking up. Both of them still a little drowsy from just awakening from their slumber. But as soon as they look at their calender and noticing what day it is that feeling is immediately gone, being replaced by pure joy and excitement. They look at at eachother and both give one another a big smile both thinking the same thing. 'It's the day we find out what our quirks are!!!'

These two children are named Izuku Yagi and Izumi Yagi. Izuku is a small boy with dark green hair and shining emerald green eyes. Where as Izumi is a small girl with bright blonde hair and green eyes that are slightly duller than her brother's but still give off that blinding light whenever she smiles. The two rush out of their beds and make a mad dash for their parents room to wake them up for the day. Once they get to their parent's room they are about to open them when all of a sudden the door is opened up by their father who has a smile on his face as he already knew when they would get up and come to their room.

His name is Toshinori Yagi. He is a tall man with golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that just give off a feeling a sense of comfort and warmth. He expected to see both of them at the door about to open the door. What he didnt expect was for Izumi to still be slightly behind and still running to the door not noticing her dad already at the door waiting. To which she runs straight into him and Izuku knocking them both onto the floor.

They look at eachother for a second before laughing at what happened. Their laughter was enough to wake up the mother of the house. With forest green hair and eyes to match, this tall beauty is named Inko Yagi. She looks at her family and smiles lovingly knowing how much love is in this house (A/N: no lie I felt sad when I wrote this sentence due to what's going to happen later).

Inko:"Dont you know how early it is, you know you shouldn't be rough housing this early in the morning." She says in a scolding yet joking manner.

Toshi: "Sorry sweety i wasnt expecting Izumi to just blitz right into me like that."

Izumi: "Sorry mommy, sorry daddy. Me and Izu are just so excited to see the doctor and find out what our quirks are."

Izuku: "Yeah, we want a quirk so that we can be a hero like All Might. Saving people with a smile and making everyone feel safe." He says with immeasurable excitement.

Inko mearly sighs and just gives a small smile to everyone. She gets out of bed and heads to the pile of people she calls her family. She stands over all of them with her hands on her hips as she just shakes her head. No one is worried over this as they knew she isnt the type for violence,when she's not angered that is.

Inko:"Ok everyone I already made an appointment for the quirk doctor today. I want everyone to go freshen up and get dressed while i make breakfast, then you guys can go and see the doctor."

Toshi: "Dont worry about breakfast I'll make it. Also i know your more excited to know what their quirks are than I am, so you can go with them if you want."

Inko: "Are you sure Toshi? Didn't you want to see the doctor with them."

Toshi: "It's alright, besides i can get some cleaning done while I'm here, it is my day to clean anyway so it's the perfect opportunity to do so."

Inko: "Alright then, if you say so. Ok you two go get ready."

Izuku&Izumi:"Ok mommy"

The twins get up and go get dressed and ready for the doctor with a smile on their faces as they head to the bathroom to do their usual morning routine. As the two are doing that Inko and Toshinori have a small conversation.

Inko: "They sure are excited huh Toshi."

Toshi: "Yup, but thats to be expected from two 4 year olds when it comes to the possible quirk they'll possess."

Inko:"Yeah you think they will get my quirk or yours or maybe a combination of the two?"

Toshi: "Who knows? But what if one or both of them are quirkle-"

Inko: "Dont finish that sentence."
She says with a dark undertone

Toshinori just shrugs his shoulders and gets ready to start cooking breakfast. If something like that were to happen then they'll deal with it one way or another.

Once everyone was finished getting dressed they went to the dining room to eat breakfast so that they can leave for the doctor. The twins hastily eat their food and go to the door and put on their shoes with their mother right behind them.

As they get in the car and make their way to the doctor, the two children are in the back acting like All Might, laugh and all. After a good 20 minute drive to the doctor and an annoyingly long test they are finally able to find out what their quirks are. The doctor comes in with a blank look on his which soon turns into one of sadness upon looking at the boy,something that Inko picks up almost instantly. The doctor takes a seat in his chair and looks at the family wishing he wasn't the one that had to tell the family the news, but he takes a deep breath and gets his words in order.

Doctor: "Ok im back with the results but i have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Inko: "I'll take the bad news first please"

Doctor: "As you wish. So I'll make this short, unfortunately your son is quirkless."

Izuku freezes up in shock and sadness. He wasn't expecting this. He wanted a cool quirk so that he can be a hero and yet here he is, just being told that he is quirkless. He looks at Izumi and she is in the same state as he is. While it wasn't her that was told they were quirkless, she was just as shocked and sad as he was. Meanwhile their mother had a different look on her face. It was much colder and one that screamed anger. That was a look that neither of them liked.

Inko: "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She says with visible anger. She looks at Izuku with disgust and anger

Doctor: "Your son is quirkless ma'am. Im sorry kid." He says with sincere sadness

Inko: "I see and what about the good news."

Doctor:"Right, the good news is your daughter does have a quirk and a pretty strong one at that." He says with a small bit of worry not for himself no,but for the child he unintentionally doomed to have a difficult life and hopefully not a short one. He has seen that look in many parents eyes and he knew what might happen once they are out of sight of the public eye.

Inko,not knowing the doctor's internal turmoil, perked up with happiness knowing that at least one of her children isn't a complete failure.

Inko: "So tell me, what kind of quirk my daughter has. We're both dying to know." She says with excitement which the daughter copies as well wanting to know her quitk as well.

Doctor: "Well to put it simply, she has a sort of telekinetic ability that's,no offence, far stronger than yours. Given time and training she would be able to lift up a building with a bit of struggle.
But the drawback is that if she uses it for too long or she lifts something beyond her weight limit it will cause a severe headache. Use it even further and it could cause some brain damage so its best to train her once she is able to use it."

Inko was happy that her little girl had a strong quirk, whats more, it was a stronger version of her quirk.Izumi was no better. She was ecstatic that she had such a strong quirk and knew she could be a hero. Which left only Izuku in the background almost completely forgotten. But he was happy for his sister none the less and knew she was going to be a great hero. He just wished that he could have a quirk along with Izumi but he had one question that he wanted to ask.

Izuku: "U-Um sir, i have a question"

The looked at the boy and immediately he knew what the question was when he looked into the little boys eyes. Eyes that had nearly given up hope and needed something to give some kind of hope, a hope that was not going to help him in the future. While the boy was too young to understand certain things especially about self harm, he knew that given a few years those dark thoughts will haunt him until someone gives him that spark of hope,which in this day and age is highy unlikely, or he succumbs to the thoughts and acts on them. His next dew words will possibly decide if this boy gives up on life or not. So he steeled his heart and got ready for the question.

Doctor: "yes how can i help you"

Izuku: "Can i possibly be a hero even without a quirk?" He asks with a voice that sounds so broken but with high amounts of desperation,which didnt go unnoticed by a certain green haired mother.

Doctor: "I will say it like this,heroes fight with their lives on the line to protect others. Some even lose their life trying to do so. Do I think you can be a hero, it's certainly possible if you work hard enough but do i think you will be a successful and long lasting hero,sorry I'm afraid not. But whether you become a hero or not is up to you." He says with a small smile at the end.

Izuku knew what he meant when he added that part of a long lasting hero,but in his mind he knew the doctor was trying to tell him not to be a hero in the nicest way possible while keeping his hopes up. He expected a flat no but got something a little bit better.

Izuku: "Ok thank you sir." He says with a bit more hope in his voice and gained a bit of light in his nearly dull eyes from before.

The doctor noticing the shift in his voice nodded his head and got up and went to the door along with the Yagi family. He looked at the boy one more time then at the mother and saw a blank look on her face. So he did what he thought was right, he filed down the family name on his personal notepad, wrote 'quirkless child' underneath in big letters, and called an old friend that could possibly help this sweet child.

Doctor: 'I serously hope he can help.'

As the Yagi family was heading home Izuku could feel something or someone was staring at them with malicious intent. He looked around until he saw his mother's eyes in the rear view mirror. He didnt know what he did wrong but he knew that when she's angry to just not say anything and just see what happens. Although this feeling was very much new to him. He has never this type of anger from her before and it really scared him. Izumi was none the wiser as she was in her own little world drwaming about her being the next number one hero with her friends right by her side.

They finally get to the house and Izumi runs to the house so she can tell her father that she got a super strong quirk. Izuku on the other hand just got lut the car was slowly making his way to the house. All the while still feeling his mother's hard glare on his back. They walk inside and see their father watching tv in the living room with everything looking much cleaner than when they left.

Toshinori notices that thet are back and gets off the couch and walks towards them. Right when he's about to say something he feels an ominous tension in the air around them and asked his original question while keeping his guard up for anything.

Toshi: "Sooooo how did it go?"

Izumi: "The doctor said i have a super strong quirk. It's like mommy's quirk but much much much stronger." The amount of energy and excitement she is giving off can be felt with every word.

Toshi: "Thats great sweety you'll be a very strong hero, i know you will. Now what about you Izuku."

Izuku started fidgeting in place and looking at anything that wasn't his father. Toshinori picked up on this and knew something was wrong. He took hold of Izuku's shoulder firmly but gently and looked at his boy with a smile that said everything was going to be ok and Izuku smiled when he looked at his father. He took a breath and got ready to break the news to his father.

Izuku: "U-Um, I'm actually q-quirkless."

Now that was something he wasnt expecting. He expected a weak or useless quirk at least, but quirkless, this was something he and Inko had to talk about. Speaking of whom,he looked at her and found a blank stare on her face showing 1 of 2 things, either she didnt care about him being quirkless which he highly doubted,or she didnt care about him. One thing was for sure they were gonna have to talk about this later.So he decided to have the kids go play so that they can talk.

Toshi: "Ok kids go play while i go make you guys a snack. How does apple slices sound?"

Izumi: " Booooooooo" she denies crossing her arms into an x.

Toshi: "With chocolate" He says with a smirk.

Izumi: "Yaaaay" she yells as she gives him a thumbs up.

Izuku: "Thank you" he says quietly almost no one could hear him.

No one acknowledged his response as he was slowly being pushed to the back of everyone's mind. After the kids left Toshinori looked at his wife as she just gives off an aggravated sigh. It was obvious what she was so annoyed about, and honestly he couldnt blame her. The whole world deems quirkless people as the bottom of the popularity chain. They are nothing more than a waste of life and should be snuffed out so that the evolution of the human race can continue. Inko was one of those devout believers and while he wasn't as devoted to that belief as most are,he still believed it to be true. Toshinori just walks up to her and gives her a warm and tender hug. She reciprocates the hug and they stay like that for a couple more seconds before they split.

Toshi: "So what are you thinking of doing." He says in a slightly dark undertone. Not towards her no but mainly due to the topic of their talk.

Inko: "I-I really dont know what to do. We cant exactly just keep him, he would ruin our reputation with the neighbours and especially as heroes."

Only a select few know this but her and Toshinori are actual heroes. Inko is the number 9 hero Esper. With Toshinori being the number 1 hero All Might. They try to keep it a secret as best as possible but it got out. Luckily it was their closest friends and family so they knew their secret was safe they still had their doubts at first but when they didn't see any news reporters and paparazzi outside their house they knew their secret was safe.

Toshi: "So what exactly do you have in mind? Are you suggesting we just throw him out?" He asks a little wary of his wife's possible idea.

The backlash of this action, if brought to light, could be bad. But with him being quirkless not many would care enough to put up much of a fight. Regardless this was for the best in his eyes if that was her plan.

Inko: "Its for the best. The public could come after us if the word is spread that he is quirkless. Plus i just cant stand to look at him anymore." She answers back looking at the floor and gripping her hands to the point of the knuckles turning white.

Toshinori: "Understood when do you want to do this?" He asks while heading to the kitchen to start making the apple slices for the kids.

Inko thinks on this for a moment before giving him an asnwer.

Inko: "One year. I will give him one year before he has to go and not a day later." She says with a hard gaze that leaves no room for negotiations.

Toshinori just sighs but nods. He wasnt expecting anything else but this so this he just accepts it and moves on.

Later on in the day the twins decide to go outside and play with their friends. After saying bye to their mom and dad they set off to the playground close to their house. Upon arrival they see four kids playing together in the sand box. They are Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugou along with Shoto and Sora Todoroki. Katsuki and Katsumi are both 4 years old with ash blonde hair with Katsumi's hair being straight instead of spiky like her brother. They both also have ruby red eyes that can just pierce your soul and put anyone(within their age range) into submission with a hard glare.

Shoto and Sora are also 4 years old with dual colored hair with red on their right side and white on the other. Though Sora has little bits of white on her red side. The main thing that separates the two from eachother is the scar over Shoto's left eye.

The four look over and see Izuku and Izumi running to them. When they meet up the four start singing happy birthday to Izuku and Izumi, which makes them both smile. When they are done singing happy birthday Katsuki asks the big question.

Katsuki: " So what kind of quirk did you get? I bet it's not as cool as mine." He says while making small explosions in his hands.

Izumi: "Well i can move things with my mind. The doctor says that if i practice more i can even move houses." She says with a smile. Everyone was surprised at that and knew that she would become a great hero. Now they looked at Izuku expecting him to just start telling them his quirk, but he was just standing there looking at the ground.

Izuku: "Um Izumi can you tell them for me p-please?" He says with a slight stutter, something he normally doesn't do around them. So they all look to Izumi and she had a sad expression on her face.

Izumi: "Sure thing. You see he's quirkless." She says with her expression getting even sadder as the dream her brother had was crushed.

Katsuki: "I see so he's just a useless nobody like usual. I expected you to have some type of usable quirk but you dont even have a quirk to begin with. Ha what a loser." He says in a mocking tone.

Izuku was looking even sadder than before. He wasn't expecting his best friend to start making fun of him. He was wondering where his sister was since she would always stop him from making fun of him but when he looked at his sister, she was just looking away from him not even paying attention to them and was more or less just letting it happen. This made him feel even worse and he felt something dark inside trying to tell him something, but he couldnt make it out.

Then came Katsumi, who decided to join and Shoto jumped in as well. They started calling him names like failure,useless,worthless,and the now newest nickname for him, Deku. All of this was making that dark feeling stronger and stronger. The only one that didn't join in was Sora. She didnt like bullying and they were doing exactly that. She went up to him and gave him a hug to make him feel better,which he wasn't expecting, and started to get a small blush on his face. This was enough to send that dark feeling away.

Sora: "Thats not nice stop being mean to him. Its not his fault this happened!!" She says with anger.

Everyone didn't care enough to actually pay her any mind and just kept talking about him any way. After a while of playing and nearly nonstop insults to Izuku everyone went home. When they got home their mom had already made dinner.

After they finished washing their hands ,as instructed by their mom, they went to the dinning room to eat. But there were only three plates out to be used. They didn't think too much on this and just thought that mommy forgot or she didnt have enough clean dishes but that was not the case as their mother came into the dining room soon after and started talking to Izumi leaving Izuku confused as to why she is talking to Izumi like he's not even there.

Then Toshinori comes down to eat as well and says hi to Izumi then goes straight to the table ignoring Izuku as well. He felt a little sad and those dark thoughts were starting to come back but not as much as before. Then Izumi noticing that he wasnt at the table called him over but when he got there he noticed his chair was missing. He didnt know what was going but one thing was for sure, this was not an accident. So he simply just went to his mom and dad asking what was wrong. Only for them to completely ignore him and just continue their conversation with eachother.

He felt even sadder and the dark thoughts were getting clearer and clearer by the second. He realized he wasnt going to get anywhere trying to talk to them, so he just went to the fridge and got two apples and went to his room.He stayed in there for a while before he decided to go to sleep since he had school in the morning. Before he fully went to sleep he heard one sentence from those dark thoughts more clearly than the rest.





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