Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

8.7K 863 5K

This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 19

145 18 130
By yourgirl_draya

Hello Loves! Sorry to keep y'all waiting so long. College is kicking my butt with it being online. Nonetheless, you guys deserve another update and more.  I might even update Broken. I have plenty of ideas, I even know what's the ending is going to be like, but it might take me a little while to piece them together. Thank you for the support and the overflowing love!

All with Love,

Your Girl Draya

This was kind of hard to write you'll see why. 



" What you get dressed for?" 

Derek eyed Adrienne up and down admiring her physique. She was sporting a grey tight fitting halter tank top that had white, blue, and red stripes on the color and sleeves with a pair of jeans that hugged her new curves. Sex and birth control had really done her body justice. Growing up she was always the skinniest, no matter how much she ate she never gained weight. Playing sports did not help either but now her booty was fatter with solid toned thighs to match. And don't forget the calf muscles. At least playing sports all these years did something right.

" Umm no reason really. Just wanted to get cute for my man I guess" she semi- lied. 

" You were just fine without clothes, but I guess I like this too" Derek laughed as he slowly got out the bed for his turn in the shower. " I feel like you got something planned so I'm going to shower and get dressed too"

Derek is right, Adrienne did have something planned for them but she was not sure how he was going to take it so she made sure he was good and satisfied before hand.

There was a knock on the door so Adrienne quickly made her way out of the room to answer it. She was hoping that Derek took his time in the shower like he usually did so she could make sure everything was straight.

She opened the door to see it was Kevin, James, and some more of Derek's friends. They also brought their girlfriends with them. Emery being one of them. She was hugged up on James giggling at whatever James was telling her. It through Adrienne for a loop seeing Emery holding hands and flirting with her forever crush at school. It goes to show how much Adrienne missed while dealing with her own drama. 

" Brought Pizza" Kevin said as a greeting, he held up four boxes a pizza with a smile on his face. 

" Perfect. I already ordered the wings. Y'all come on in." She opened the door wider to let everyone in. She noticed some of Chloe goons with some of the football players. But it's whatever, she did say they could bring dates. As long as they did not cause any problems she was cool with it. This is for her man anyways.

Adrienne felt bad how things went down at lunch with Derek's friends. She couldn't help but feel  like she was to blame. Derek spends a hell of a lot of time with Adrienne. From speaking to lawyers on her behalf to comforting her at night for when she cries herself to sleep, everything revolved around her. Although, she appreciated his support and attention, she did not want to be selfish with his time. Which was brought to her attention by Emery which so happens to be her tutor.


 She was at the vending machine trying to grab a snack before her tutoring session started. Derek caught her bending over from down the hall. He had not seen her since lunch so he went over to her before he had to go to practice.

" Hey Gorgeous" he greeted while tapping her butt.

" What's with you and my butt these days sir" she laughed  grabbing my chips and honey bun before standing up straight.

" I don't know. You just so Fine, I can't keep my hands off of you." He shrugged his shoulders watching her put her snacks in her book bag. Derek looked around the hall to see if anyone was around .

" Give me a kiss."  Adrienne obliged. Derek squeezed on her bottom causing Adrienne to gasp giving Derek an opportunity to deepen the kiss. A soft moan escaped from her lips as Derek to suck on them. If  Adrienne wasn't so self conscious, she knew things would have gone further in this public hallway. 

" Wait, stop stop." As she breathlessly broke away from the kiss. It had been week since they last had sex. She had just started taking birth control and it through her body off causing her to start her period early, now that she was back on track she was contemplating on what Derek was initiating. 

Derek mischievously smiled down at her, knowing he had her.  He picked up her book bag and placed it on his shoulder. " You trust me right?" 

" You know I do, but..."  He cut her off by kissing her again while backing her up against the wall. He stopped kissing her for a second to open the door to the janitors closet  then guided her inside. 

By the time Derek and Adrienne were done fooling around , Adrienne was late for  tutoring. She quickly rushed into the schools library. She looked around looking for her tutor, but the only person around was Emery. She was sitting at a table alone with textbooks surrounding her, glasses adorned her face as she focused on her task.

" You're my tutor ?" Adrienne inquired as she plopped down in a chair  across from her.

" See anybody else around here? You're late" She mumbled, not caring to look up at Adrienne.  

" Just a few minutes late" Adrienne scuffed.

" 5 minutes is a few minutes late Adrienne not 30 minutes "  Emery snapped as she closed the textbook she was studying from. 

" I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I just been going through.."

" If you call having sex in a janitor's closet going through something then maybe you are more dickmatized than I thought." Emery stood to her feet finally looking up at Adrienne. Emery did not know how much stuff she had bottled in until she looked at her once best friend. She was really worried about her. It had been way too long for her not to speak to her. Tears began to fill her eyes as she thought about all the time that passed. 

Adrienne was taken aback by the sudden emotion.  

" I've been calling you. Almost everyday trying to check up on you, to make sure you are okay. I don't see you in school hardly, and when I do you ignore me. That hurts Adrienne. I mean I get you got some stuff going on with your mother, but what does that have to do with me?" Emery cried as she looked away from Adrienne to stuff her textbooks in her book bag. 

" look I'm sorry. Derek got me a new phone with a different number , so I can avoid my mother. I thought you would give my number to her if I gave it to you. And I'm promise you I am not ignoring you on purpose. Every time I see you go the opposite direction. I thought you didn't want to talk to me after that fight we had"  Adrienne said apologetically. 

Emery rolled her eyes before slamming her book bag onto the table. " You sound mad dumb right now and you damn right I would given that number to your mother. This has gone on long enough and you know it."

Adrienne got up out of her chair getting frustrated. " I'm happy Em... I'm happy being on my own. I can never get along with my mom."

" So you have to isolate yourself to be happy? you have to push away the people who care about you most to be happy? If that's the case, we were never really friends Adrienne. You just wanted somebody to yes to you all the time and I am not the one. I am not that type of friend." 

Emery wiped away the tears that adorned her face and began to gather her stuff to leave once again. 

Adrienne saw James peep around the corner where the entrance of the library was. By his face, you can tell he heard a lot of the conversation. 

" Umm... Football practice was cancelled. Kevin and Derek got into it" he explained before walking over to us. He grabbed Emery's bag and kissed her on the forehead to comfort her. This shocked Adrienne. She had no idea they talked.

" Get your shit together and Fast before you lose everything. see you later" Emery spoke before turning around to leave with James.

End of Flashback

Adrienne took the time to think about what Emery said. Derek and Adrienne both have neglected their friends and it's unfair. She was not sure how she could make it up to Emery but she was willing to try her hardest. This is why she contacted her and Kevin so they could have a get together. It was definitely last minute and probably not a good idea to have it the same day Derek had a disagreement with Kevin, but Adrienne thought it could not get any worse.

" More people might be coming. If not it's just us " Kevin confessed as he placed the pizza on a nearby table. So far it was 3 couples; Emery and James, Ashley (one of Chloe's goons) and Tyler, Inez ( another goon) and Chad. Kevin, Josh and Rj were by themselves.

" That's cool. Let me go get him." Once everyone was situated she went upstairs to Derek's bedroom to find him still not dressed. He was looking through his closet to find something to put on. He still didn't know what Adrienne planned but he wanted to take a effort to look nice. 

" Sorry for taken so long. The shower  was feeling too good on my joints especially after having to run up and down those bleachers because Kevin ass wanted to argue with me. The showers at the school don't do me any good." He complained. 

" It's okay baby. I can rub you down with icy hot later if you want." I said nervously as I walked further into the room and sat on the bed. 

" Who was at the door? You order food or something?" he turned around towards her waiting for an answer. He had a shirt in his hand looking it over to see if he wanted to wear it. 

" Um yeah" Adrienne dragged out. Derek looked at her confused. " Come sit babe." she said tapping on the spot next to her.

" Okay you love me right?" 

Get a grip Adrienne it's not that serious.

" of coarse beautiful. What's up?"

" Okay Good. Remember that because I sorta kinda invited Kevin over so you guys can talk." She rushed out.

" Say what?" Derek said standing up to look at Adrienne to get a better understanding because clearly he must heard wrong. " Kevin is downstairs in my house"

" and James, Emery, Josh, chad, Ty..." Adrienne began naming names but Derek interrupted her.

" You seriously did not invite my teammates over here." He said pinching the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache.

" And their girlfriends" She announced with a small smile trying to lighten the mood. She knew he wouldn't be to happy about it, but she felt like he could get over it with a little fun. They both heard the doorbell ring and music started playing. Derek turned his head to look at Adrienne who was still smiling.

" It'll be fun I promise." She quickly pecked his lips then left the room.

Eventually, Derek came out of the room. He was trying his best to make do with the situation by just being there, but of course Adrienne made him mingle. To make Adrienne happy he also talked to Kevin, they apologized to each other and promised to hit each other up more. As time went on he tried to loosen up a bit by getting involved in the games they were playing and chopping it up with his friends. On the real he was enjoying everyone's company

Adrienne was off in the other side of the living room talking to Emery and some of the other girls it seemed to be going well as they laughed at something Rj said.

" Having fun?" Derek asked Adrienne as she came over to him. 

" Definitely." Adrienne might have had a couple cups of punch that Chad had made. She didn't get to crazy with it, Emery and Derek wouldn't let her.

" Who's going to clean all this up when they leave?" he asked seeing some of the cups and plates that some people had left on the tables.

" I will. I'm sure some of them will help. Stop being a grumpy pants and loosen up." There honestly was not that many people. It was just a small get together with the people that came. The people who did show up had to be the ones that mattered, because everyone was super nice and fun to be around. Even Chloe's goons were chill.

" Here eat some more chicken." she suggested while handing him a plate of food. " The spicy garlic parm is fire"

Derek got up to get himself another beer taking the food with him. He set the food down on the counter and grabbed a beer out the refrigerator. He took a swig from it  watching Adrienne talk to one of the guys. To be honest, he was still a little ticked off that Adrienne invited everyone here without telling him first but he must admit he misses hanging out with his boys. He just didn't realize it until now.

Adrienne's laugh caught his attention as he continued watching her. He licked his lips before taking another swallow of his beer. He noticed that the guy she was talking to was getting a little too happy to be talking to her. Adrienne is a little innocent, she wouldn't know when a guy is getting to flirtatious. Derek wasn't to bothered by it, he knew she wouldn't do anything too crazy. What they had was real. Besides Adrienne was the type to tell on herself rather quickly.

Adrienne caught Derek staring at her then smiled. He motioned for her to come to him. She politely excused herself and went to see what he wanted.

Derek didn't say anything to her instead he took her by the hand and led her up stairs. 

Once they reached his room and shut the door, he did not hesitate to be clear on what he wanted.

" Strip and get on all fours."

" what?" 

" You heard what I said. Strip" He said. She slightly turned on by his forwardness but also wondered where it was coming from. Once the necessary clothes were off Derek  dropped his pants and didn't waste any time to get inside of her. He got to work immediately. He chuckled at the fact that Adrienne was already ready for him.

He became sloppy and rough, something that Adrienne was not used to but thoroughly enjoyed as her knees became weak. She tried muffling the loud uncontrollable moans into a pillow. Derek took it away from her and threw it far away from her. 

" Let me hear you beautiful. You love me right?" he asked as he slowed down his pace and flipped her over onto her back. He pulled her closer to the edge of the bed so she could feel all of him.  Adrienne screamed as she rode out her orgasm. 

" I can't hear you" As he slid out before ramming into her again. Hands gripped firmly around her waist, he loosen his grip not trying to hold on to her too tight. He leaned down into Adrienne's neck and began sucking and biting leaving his mark.

" I love you" she moaned as she came for the the second time. He soon after came after her with a grunt.

"Thought so" He slowly pulled up his pants watching her breathless. " I'll be back"

He grabbed his beer and left out of his room and went downstairs like nothing happened. The people that were closest to the stairs looked like they heard everything that transpired, including the guy that caught himself flirting with Adrienne. 

" Wassup, Yall good?" he smiled at them. They nodded their head and looked away.

Emery walked up to him all smiles with James right behind her. " Hey where's Adrienne? we are about to head out."

" oh, she went up to get ready for bed. I'll have her call you." He told her.

" Okay well, Thanks for having us over " James said giving him a head nod.


Hope you enjoyed. There was more I wanted to write but you guys will have to wait until next chapter. I promise I won't take a million years.

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