By riddikulus-

19.2K 643 258

The second wizarding war ended a few months ago. Emma Ashwood, hidden from the wizarding world for nearly 16... More

1. an unexpected guest
2. the truth
3. diagon alley
4. the blonde boy
5. slytherin
6. expect the unexpected
7. duels
8. firewhiskey
9. trust no one
10. surprise!
11. losing control
12. hogsmeade
13. the silver dagger
14. the resoration
15. secrets
16. halloween
17. captured
18. power trip
19. another trip to the hospital wing
20. astrid
21. poison
22. cold hands and tears
23. as time stands still
25. fist fight
26. bloody knuckles
27. visions
28. fights with the ferret
29. the letter
30. astoria greengrass
31. travels
32. new york city
33. serena snow
34. cruel games
35. potter and weaslebee
36. the magical congress
37. escape of the death eaters
38. umbrellas
39. room 323
40. Leo
41. sleep walking
42. the dress
43. a date with malfoy
44. caught off gaurd
45. the walking time-bomb
46. rage
47. trouble
48. broken glass
49. dittany
50. next time
51. the invisibility cloak
52. warehouse no. 100
53. burning sky
54. the weapon
55. lights out
56. what the darkness does
57. snowfall
58. jealousy, blood, and anger
59. hogsmeade
60. room invasion
61. meaningless
62. the slug club
63. the jealous games
64. dancing with an angel, and punching the devil

24. you were right

264 11 0
By riddikulus-

When we got back to Astrid's house, a concerned Minerva was sitting in the front room waiting for us to get back. I explained that we needed some air for just a bit. Between practically seeing my mom, and running after Malfoy, I had completely forgotten the main reason we came to Astrid's, so she could heal me.

It surprised me as I looked down at my stomach to find it completely clear, almost as if it hadn't looked horrific a few hours before. It turns out Rookwood's dagger was laced with some kind of slow-acting snake venom. All I know is it hurt like hell, and I was glad I finally was okay.

"Thank you so much," I say as I hug Astrid. "Anytime dear. Just try not to get poisoned again," she says. I laugh. "I'll try my best," I say before we part ways with her, and take the Floo network once more to return to Hogwarts.

Within the span of a few seconds, we were back in my Aunt's office, almost like it had never happened at all. But so much had happened since I left Hogwarts. The second I step out of her fireplace I turn to her, no longer able to keep this information from her.

"I have to tell you something," I say abruptly. She raises her brow quizzically. "Ok...?"

"Can we sit?" I ask. She nods, and we take a seat in the chairs near the fireplace, Malfoy as well. I begin to explain everything to her. I explain my dream. The dream that was almost too real to even be a dream. I explain my mother's warning. I tell her about my father. About the death eaters. About the threat of war. I explain everything from the moment I first saw my mother's familiar face, to the final warning she gave me.

She's left dumbstruck. Absolutely shocked. The look on her face says it all. "That's not - that's not possible. Fletcher he - he can't be," she says quietly.

I shake my head, "I can't believe it either. In fact, I don't even know that I do. But there's another thing..." I begin.

She focuses her gaze back on me, confusion covering her face. "Right before Rookwood stabbed me last night, he asked me where my father was. At the time I thought he was insane. I've been told my whole life he died when I was just a baby. But now I'm not so sure. So if he really is still out there, where is he and how do the Death Eaters know about all this?" I ask.

Minerva sighs deeply as she rubs her temples with her fingers, almost like this is too much information to take in. I know without a doubt it's a lot to process. Hell, I had a full panic attack in front of Malfoy after waking up. I try hard not to blush thinking about the fact that he saw me like that.

"The dark side, well they rely heavily on dark magic. At this point, they might have the upper hand. We don't know the first thing about how they work," She says.

Malfoy clears his throat, "Excuse me professor, but I think you're forgetting about my past," he says darkly. Her eyes grow wide for a second, as the realization hits her. "Oh my," she pauses. "That's right," she says thoughtfully as if she just realized the advantage of having Draco Malfoy on our side.

He doesn't wait for her to respond. "I know when they want something, they work around the clock till they have it in their grasps. They blend right in and attack when you're least expecting it. Voldemort relied heavily on Legilimency to read people's thoughts. As a result, the Death Eater's caught on eventually. They're ruthless and spiteful, which I'm sure you already knew. The difference is, this time they're angry. Potter killed their leader, and they want revenge on anyone associated with him, and anyone who doesn't stand with them," he says.

My mouth parts slightly and I stare at the boy sitting in front of me, wondering what exactly he's seen, and what he's been through that gives him so much knowledge of the dark side. I knew he didn't have much choice in the things he had to do, and I've heard a majority of the stories about Draco Malfoy. I've heard countless times that he's no good. That he's a former death eater, and I shouldn't trust him. But I had a feeling there was so much more behind that. Could it be because I had seen him be gentle or empathetic with me a couple of times? Most likely. But I wish for just one day that I could slip into his shoes, and see the world as Draco Malfoy does.

"I knew they were angry, but I hardly knew it would result in this. I thought our troubles ended with the war," Minerva says. He shakes his head solemnly. "It won't really ever be over until every one of those Death Eaters are locked up or dead," he says. A chill runs up my spine. I never knew the severity of this. I always had known I was sheltered living back in California, but this was just next level. And for it to seem completely normal to Malfoy and my Aunt was nearly bewildering.

I let out a loud yawn suddenly and Minerva looks to the clock on the wall. "Oh dear! You two must be exhausted. Thank you for telling me Emma, and thank you, Mr. Malfoy, but you two better be off to the dorms," she says to the two of us. I look to the large clock, and my eyes grow wide as I read 1:24 AM. These past two days it felt like I was stuck in a time warp. I felt groggy and confused by it all.

I stretch my legs as I stand up and face Minerva. "If my father really is still out there, how will we find him?" I ask her. She smiles softly. "If what your mother said was true, it sounds like it's up to you to figure out where he is," she says, a twinkle in her eyes.

"But I can't do that. I can hardly do magic!" I say. She scowls. "In case you forgot dear, you happen to be a Seer, and now that I - er - we know that, we have quite the advantage," she smirks.

"I - But -" She cuts me off. "Enough of that! It's late and time for you to go to bed. We will talk later!" She snaps as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. I step into the stairwell that leads up to her office, but before she lets go of my hand she gives it a tiny squeeze and smiles warmly at me. "Goodnight darling," she says.

"Goodnight aunt Minerva," I say sleepily.

* * * * *

"Are you okay now?" I ask Malfoy as we walk through the dark and empty hallways. He throws me a curious sideways glance, the dim candlelight illuminating our surroundings. "I could ask you the same," he says.

"Well I asked first."

He doesn't respond for a second, nothing but the sound of our footsteps filling the air. "I just don't want another war," he says so quietly it's nearly a whisper. I stop walking for a second. He turns around and throws me a questioning look. "What happened?" I ask stupidly.


"You said you lost people who were important to you. Who?" I wonder aloud, ignoring the fact that I could be completely overstepping. His mouth parts slightly and his eyes grow distant. "Probably the only person that ever cared about me," he says, his voice hollow and empty and it pains me to hear these words leave his mouth. It pains me because I know he believes it, but he couldn't be further from the truth, because here I stand, in front of Draco Malfoy, a boy that I have realized I care about more than I've let on.

"That's not true."

"How would you know?" He snaps. "People care about you Malfoy," I frown. "Like who?" He snarls. I pause and inhale a sharp breath of air. "I care," I mutter suddenly.

"You hate me," He says instantly, like he's correcting a mistake I've made, or like he can't allow himself to believe it. "Only sometimes," I smile slightly, looking at the ground. He lets out a short humorless laugh that sounds like a scoff. I look up at him, returning to his silver gaze made of storm clouds and thunder. "But I do care about you. And I know you care about me," I say.

He looks taken aback, like he wasn't expecting me to say that. He opens and closes his mouth several times like he's trying to figure out what to say. But it really seems to come as a surprise to him when I take several short steps to close the empty space between us and wrap my arms around his tall frame. I slide my arms around his torso and pull him into my embrace and feel as his whole body goes rigid at my touch. He freezes and feels incredibly stuck, but a small smile plays on my lips as he finally relaxes. Slowly but surely, his strong arms wrap around me, and he pulls me tighter into him.

"I'm sorry," I whisper into his chest. "Why?" He mumbles back. "For your loss," I say as I slowly pull away. A light blush rests on his cheeks, and I can barely see it in the glow of the candlelit hallway. "Thank you," he says as he looks away, "Maybe one day I'll tell you about her," he says. Curiosity spikes inside me but I ignore it. "Ok," I smile lightly.

It only takes about a minute or so to get back to the common room. We enter inside, being extra quiet. The whole room is nearly dead silent besides the crackling fire in the corner. I walk towards the stairs leading to the girl's dorm and turn back around to say goodnight. Malfoy stands a few feet away, in front of the fire. "I'm just going to stay down here for a bit," he says, staring into the flames endlessly. Was he ok? He seemed upset this whole night.

"Is everything alright?" I ask. He nods, avoiding my gaze. "I just need some time alone," he says simply. "Oh. Ok," I pause. "Well goodnight then," I mutter.

"Ashwood?" He says as I turn to walk up the stairs. I stop on the steps and turn towards him to find him staring at me intently, deeply, completely rid of his empty stare that had taken over his face only minutes before.

I feel caught in his gaze suddenly. "Thank you. For running after me tonight, and you know - everything else," he says, pausing as he looks to the ground. "You were right," he begins as his eyes flick back up. He stares at me beneath his suffocating stare. "I do care about you," he says, a small smile twitching at his lips.

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