Force bound Feelings (Anakin...

By Arialternateendings

455K 11.2K 7.6K

A story that will follow the entire saga with its own individual twists and turns, please do give it a try yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chqpter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter ninteen
Chapter twenty
Chaoter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thiry nine
Chapter forty
Chapter fourty one
Chapter fourty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter fourty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty seven
Chaoter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one
Chaoter seventy two
Chapter seventy three
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter seventy six
Chapter seventy seven
Chapter seventy eight
Chapter seventy nine
Chapter eighty
Chapter eighty one
Chapter eighty two
Chapter eighty three
Ari's tibute
Chapter eighty four
Cbapter eighty five
Chapter eighty six
Chapter eighty seven
Chapter eighty eight
Chapter eighty nine
Chapter ninety
Chapter ninety one
Chapter ninety two
Chapter ninety three
Chapter ninety four
Chapter ninety five
Chapter ninety six
Chapter ninety seven
Chapter ninety eight
Chapter ninety nine
Chapter one hundred
Chapter one hundred and one
Chapter one hundred and two
Chapter one hundred and three
Chapter one hundred and four
Chapter one hundred and five
Chapter one hundred and six
Chapter one hundred and seven
Chapter one hundred and eight
Chapter one hundred and nine
Chapter one hundred and ten
Chapter one hundred and eleven
Chapter one hundred and twelve
Chapter one hundred and thirteen
Chapter one hundred and fourteen
Chapter one hundred and fifteen
Chapter one hundred and sixteen
Chapter one hundred and seventeen
Please read
Chapter one hundred and eighteen
Chapter one hundred and nineteen
Chapter one hundred and twenty
Chapter one hundred and twenty one
Chapter one hundred and twenty two
Chapter one bundred and twenty three
Chapter one hundred and twenty four
Chapter one hundred and twenty five
Final Chapter
A fhousand comments later

Chapter thirty

5.3K 109 69
By Arialternateendings

"Anakin I swear to the gods just put a shirt on!" I exclaimed while throwing a book square at his abs.

"Hey I-oh Kriff!" I heard him exclaimed back before there was some sort of thud as he caught the book. "Whoa! Be careful this things heavy." He replied with a pout as I picked up my belt from the side, waving the book around to make a point. What he was saying was fair, though for all his teasing the past five minutes he really deserved it.

"Yeah yeah, like you wouldn't have caught it," I responded while sitting on the edge of my bed to put my boots back on while Anakin chuckled and meandered back into the bathroom. God I hope he's getting his tunic...not that I really kind the view. Since I was done with my boots I ran my hands back through my hair to neaten it out before getting up again to collect my cloak. "So, I'll go visit Padmè for lunch, I assume you'll be training?" I hummed while glancing back over my shoulder as I went to slip my cloak on.

"Got that right, I've also got to visit the 501st," he replied while walking back out as he slipped his tabard back on and began to do his belt back up. "If you get a change pop down to the hanger and I'll introduce you, but there's no rush if you want to spent the day with Padmè." He said while walking over and helping me slip me cloak my on over my second arm.

"Alright I'll see what happens, please do tell your men I'm not being rude I just want to reassure everyone I'm alright." I said with looking back down her my shoulder and giving him a friendly smile.

"Oh don't worry, Captain Rex and the others don't think badly of you at all love, in fact they all just want you to get as much rest as you need after the run in with Dooku, so don't worry they'll wait for you." He said softly with his hands on my shoulders, leaning in and gently placing a kiss on my cheek before stepping back.

"Aww you guys are going to spoil me rotten," I coped with a small warm chuckle as I looked round and quickly captured his lips in a quick kiss. Meeting his beautiful blue eyes I smiled for a moment before stepping round towards the door. The room was pretty small so it took less than a couple of seconds to get to the door. "Okay so we'll meet for dinner later, oh wait where?" I asked with my hand on the panel to unlock the door, looking back at Anakin for an answer.

"It's a surprise, just meet me at the landing bay." He said while sweeping his her back with his hand as I unlocked the door and stepped out.

"I really should've expected that shouldn't I, so..." I chuckled before freezing up as my eyes meet with a darker shade of blue ahead.

'Uh oh...busted.'

"Master Starfallen! I thought you left for your mission already..." I said nervously as I felt Anakins presence move out behind me and the door close. An awkward silence fell after the hiss of the door lock, my master glancing between us both from where she was stood just outside her own door opposite.

"Skywalker..." Kaida said with a nod towards Anakin that only further free my anxiety.

"Starfallen..." Anakin replied from behind in an equally as emotionless tone from behind me while I was frantically trying to come up with an excuse.

"Um...Anakin was just helping me back to my room..." I tried to reason and in a very uncertain tone while nervously glancing back and forth. However that all stopped when the was a cough from my master room followed by footsteps and then...
"Master Acaina..?" I questioned allowed quietly with surprise and confusion, looking between the pair with puzzlement.

'Is this, normal?'
Anakin asked through the force while I stood there stunned.

I replied while the pair opposite shared an equally awkward look as though having a silent conversation. The rules of the temple were the a jedis room was a private place for them alone, we were allowed common areas but not to have others back to our quarters. Even medical attention required special permission from the council. The sound of my now ex master clearing her throat, at which point I looked back round.

"Well, goodbye."
She said simply after sharing a glance with me that seemed to state 'I won't tell if you don't' the woman the proceeding to swiftly turn on her heels and taking Nial's wrist in her hand as she walked away at a brisk pace.

"...well that was weird." Anakin hummed quietly from behind me once the pair had disappeared around the corner.

" master's the last person I'd expect to see socialising." I replied with actually astonishment. Though now I thought about it my master had seemed to spend a fair bit of time talking with master Acaina in the we're they really just socialising in there.

'No way, Kaida's reckless but not crazy...she wouldn't do, that, while still I. The Jedi temple.'

'Or would she?'

"Anakin stop it, my master wouldn't do such a thing." I countered while giving him a small frown and flick of his nose. He just chuckled sighed and looked to the side with a light shake of his head.

"Honestly (y/n), you have way to much faith in the woman, trust me she'd totally do it." He said while looking down at me with a teasing smirk as I blushed at the thought. Closing my eyes and trying to shake the picture out my mind I lightly hit at his chest.

"Nope no way, stop trying to tease me." I replied while shaking my head as he just chuckled and threw his hands up.

"Okay okay! My lips are sealed," He said jokingly as I stopped punching at his chest, though I'm pretty sure he just found my little attack amusing. Then an idea seemed to strike him and he smirked at me with a raise of his eyebrows. "Hey...we could report her to the council wha-

"Are you mad?" I asked with a blank expression honestly unsure wether he was kidding or not.

"What?" He asked with visible confusion that just caused me to roll my eyes and look to the side with a sigh.

"Anakin if we report her then she'll report us, we were breaking the rules to remember?" I pointed out to him in a hushed voice since I couldn't be to certain we were entirely alone with this being a dormitory area and all. At least we weren't near the youngling or padawan sections here, those young Jedi could really be over curious at times.

"Fair point I guess, but still it's an option." Anakins n replied with that same smirk, the mischievous glint in his eyes worrying me and this point. This boy will be the death of me I'm quite sure.

"...please don't do anything stupid Anakin." I shushed as we began to walk away down the hall.

"Me? Stupid? Are you kidding?" Anakin chuckled while looking down to the side at me and we stepped out into the main hall, his expression bright at cheery just like it had been back on Naboo. Gods that felt a long time ago now, before all this war and such. I miss those calm ocean waves, falling asleep in his arms, things seemed so different back then. "Hello? Coruscant to (y/n)? Anyone in there?"

I blinked a few times when I realised Anakin was talking to me, watching as his hand waved before my eyes. Giving an apologetic smile a urged him to continue with whatever he'd been saying.

"Back with me? You seemed completely lost there for a minute," he hummed while the corner of his lips flicked up into a soft smile. "Anyway, I should get going to the barracks, do want a lift over to Padmè's?" He offered with a look of care.

"Oh no don't worry I'll walk, the fresh air will do me some good. I wouldn't want to make you late." I replied with a light shake of my head to politely decline his kind offer.

"Really it wouldn't be-

As if to prove Anakin wrong his comlink began to flash to which he gave my an apologetic look before answering.

"Skywalker here."

'...if we ever get married could I give that answer to? Heh, that would be pretty cute...'

"General. Was it today you said you'd come over to discuss strategy? General Kenobi's come over so I was wondering if you'd become busy sir." A deep voice I recognised but couldn't place spoke down through the communicator.

"Ah yes. Sorry Rex got a little held up, I'm coming over now." Anakin replied with a guilty look as I just rolled my eyes and tried not to chuckle.

"Alright general,
I'll get the boys ready." The man I presumed to be called Rex replied before the line shut off.

"Looks like we both have places to be, good luck and please tell everyone I'm looking forward to meeting them."
I said after a moment while leaning looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah I will don't worry, and you're right I probably should get going if I don't want Obi wan to chew me out even more than he already will." Anakin joked though there were hints of truth to his comment, master Kenobi likely wouldn't bear pleased at him being late u less he made up some spectacular excuse. "Have fun with Padmè today, I'll meet you later for that little surprise I told you about." He added while giving me a mischievous wink before turning and beginning to walk away. However just as he'd done a few paces down the hall to my surprise he stopped and looked back over his shoulder. "Heh...fresh air on Coruscant, you say the funniest things some days..." he chuckled to himself while looking at me like for that moment he couldn't see anything else.

"Alright sand man time to get going before you're late, go on, shop shop." I shooed jokingly while waving my hands at him to try and get him to move along down the corridor.

"Okay okay! I'm going!" He exclaimed while laughing, throwing f his hands up once more before continuing down the hall still laughing. I had a soft smile on my face as I watched him leave, it was nice to see Anakin smiling happy, and a real contrast to the scary looks he gave those bounty hunters during our mission.

"Now, Padmè." I hummed to myself before setting off on my own course towards the main entrance. I want kidding when I told Anakin I'd walk over, I'd just left out that I wanted to hit the shops while on my way. I wasn't really the shopping type, essentials had always been provided by the temple so other than some art supplies I went out for things very little. However I was aware that during my little holiday with Dooku I'd missed Anakin twentieth birthday, and although I knew he never made a fuss about such things I wanted to get him a present. Not just any present though, no I had something special in mind I was planning to make but I needed a few things. So heading out into the bustling streets I kept my head a little low to avoid attention for being a Jedi and headed across town towards one of the sellers I went to for supplies when needed.

The little bell above the door jingled as I stepped inside the small store with counters piled high, strewn with thread and cloth of many colours and patterns. From the back a twi'lek woman emerged from behind the heavy drape and greeted me with a soft smile.

"Loth-cat! so good to finally see you again, it's been quite a while, I was worried this war had torn you away from us." She greeted kindly while walking over and embracing me as n a quick hug.

"Not yet Leia, not yet..." I sighed with a small laugh to lighten the comment as I hugged her back. Leia was one of my oldest and dearest friends on Coruscant, she actually worked at the temple for a while when I was a little fact I'm pretty sure she still volunteered to care for the younglings, a well needed but of support for the Jedi during this current time. As we separated and nice again I looked over at her and began to speak again. "I was hoping you'd be able to help me, I'm looking to make a leather bound bracelet with a braid of hair preserved and sewn on the band." I spoke up, watching as she rose a brow and folded her green arms together before her chest.

"A bracelet with a braid...wait," she murmured before stepping closer and running a hand back through my hair around where my padawan braid used to be. "Oh my goodness, you were knighted?!" She exclaimed with her face lit up and her bright blue eyes flicked onto me. I nodded my head with a growing did still pretty amazing. "Wow that's incredible. Oh Loth-car I'm so proud of you, and so young to!" She squealed while leaning in and hugging me again, tighter this time. I'll explain now that Leia's called be Loth cat ever since I was a little kid, she said it was because my shy curious nature and inquisitive mind reminded me of the little creatures from the planet she was born on.

"I know it's pretty cool, me and Anakin both got knighted this morning and-

"Wait you and young Skywalker? The boy you e been crushing on since, oh I don't know like, forever? That Skywalker? Hm?" Leia replied with a teasing and inquisitive grin as she looked down into my eyes. I blushed slightly and looked to the side, glancing round to make sure no one else was around to over here all that.

"Hey Leia...keep it down..." I shivered quietly while still looking to the side with embarrassment.  Alongside Kaida Leia was Luke my second mother crossed with big sister, as a kid I'd told her everything, even the stuff I didn't want Kaida to know. Case and point all of my thoughts and feelings about Anakin.

"But for reals, you guys are back together again?"

Hence all the excited questioning.

"Yeah...we're both heading out into the war together in a couple of days." I replied quietly with a small smile as I glanced round and up to her eyes shyly.

"Aww that's great!-well not the war but but you know," she said with a bright smile, though being honest I swear she always looked that happy. "I heard he's quite the ladies man now, a real looker according to the girls in town."

'Yeah but he's mine.'

"Oh? Well I guess yeah..." I replied with a casual shrug as the woman before me filed through some cases of materials.

"Come on (y/n), you don't have to be shy around me. Is he or is he not hot?" The woman asked with a chuckle while glancing back at me from the container and giving me a wink.

"...alright, he's hot,"
I admitted though she just looked at me as if to say 'and'. "Like, really really hot, I mean, I don't know how he does it but he'd got abs of Okariun carved crystal, they're just perfection.

"You e seen his shirtless, oooo nice," Leia chuckled with an amused looked before climbing a small wooden ladder up to the higher shelves. "I wish I had a cute boyfriend like that." She added with another chuckle.

"Wait who said anything about him being my boyfriend?!" I coughed with wide eyed embarrassed panic. However then again this was Leia, she'd kept many of mine and other young jedis secrets over the years, so, I probably had nothing to worry about. "And wait last I checked you were dating that, chef? The one from down town?"
I added to try and change the subject, though I couldn't be certain. You see Leia seemed to change partner every few weeks, so it was entirely possible during my time away she'd switched again.

"Eh, broke up with him a week back, things were just getting really dull between us," she replied with a shrug before hopping down of the ladder, her lekku wavering around before settling once more at her back. "Besides the order has me coming in more often to watch the younglings these days so there's not really any time for dating, though there was this cute technician that made me coffee once I was thinking about asking out." She added with a soft smile as she headed back to her workbench and pick some bits out before sliding her goggles down and pulling across a small welding torch.

"Well you go for it Leia, you deserve all the happiness you can find." I said once she was done and walking back over. You see back when I was little Leia had actually been married to a politician, well a thallus a prince.the pair were perfect together, but also suffering a great sadness. At the time there was some kind of trade war going on with one of the more remote tribes on Ryloth, the one Leia's husband came from. This wasn't just some dispute, bounty hunters and assassins where sent after the couple and their baby, hence why Leia's involvement with the Jedi became so vital. From what I read they were constantly under threat since the trade federation knew without them no one could stand between them and the precious resources held in the tribes land. It pains me the the fade federation have never been made to pay for there crimes, what with this, Naboo, and the attempts on padmes life, some cha fe should have been made by now. Anyway one night there was an attack on the village directly, pirates tore the place apart...and they took Leia's daughter away along with many other children of the tribe. They tried everything to get her back but by then the war was lost, the was no one left willing to fight amongst the villagers and the tribe dispersed. Years later as though to finish the deal the trade federation had Leia's husband assassinated, though it was never proven they did it Leia did t doubt it for a moment. Yet to this day she always kept a smile on her face, she never let her past drag her back and that's what makes her such admirable. 

"Aww thanks sweetie, but I get all the joy I need from those adorable little younglings, I swear they get cuter by the day," she said with a smile, proving my point exactly. "Here this should make a good base, if you coat the braid in that serum I gave you last year it should protect it against wear and tear, and water actually,"
She said while reaching out and taking my hand, placing that brown leather band in my palm. "You just tell Anakin to try and keep it away from that fancy laser sword." She chuckled quietly while curling my fingers round the bracelet. I stared at her in confusion for a moment as to how she'd know it was for him, the. I just remembered Leia was practically psychic when it came to these things.

"...thanks Leia, I'll be sure to tell him." I replied softly while looking into her bright turquoise eyes. A smile spread across her lips in a thoughtful manner. Some days I wondered if Leia saw me as something of an adoptive daughter. She just always seemed so kind and caring I just had to wonder.

"That's my girl," she said quietly while reaching out and ruffling my hair like I was still a little kid before leaning back to stand tall and taking a look at her watch. "Now fo on I'm sure the council has you very busy, knight (y/n)." She added while walking me towards the door. I put the band in my pocket ready for later and chuckled slightly at being called a knight, it still felt pretty weird.

"Yeah guess they do, though I'm on rest for the next couple of days so no orders just yet." I replied as we reached the door.

"Well I'm glad to hear it." Leia said while patting my arms lightly as we stood to the side of the bustling street. "Now you run along, and when you do get out in that war you show those pesky federation droids who's boss for that?" She said with a bright smile while leaning down to look into my eyes.

"Sure thing Leis'." I replied with a light laugh and a smile.

"That's my little Loth cat," she hummed while ruffling my hair yet again and chuckling softly as she straightened up. "Now away with you, go on, enjoy your day off."

"Yes ma'am!" I called back jokingly before heading into the crowd towards the senatorial building.  Checking my watch I realised I'd spent a little to long at Leia's shop and needed to get a move on if I wanted to meet Padmè for lunch. Time for some running it seemed.

Apologies another slightly slow chapter-don't worry though the next one has a couple of major events in it I'm pretty sure you'll all like.

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